Recent Ascendancy Class Announcements

Thanks Bex! Much appreciated for those of us that have issues with some of the sites that hosted these. It's nice to finally get to see them. :)
Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.

SSF since ~OB
Drakkon1 wrote:

Some of those ideas are quite good (at least in concept) others way too op, which again shows how difficult it is to create diverse trees that are different yet 'balanced'.

I don't doubt it, and I don't know which you are thinking of as being way OP, but most of them are easily tuneable with a cooldown or a chance-to-happen or some other number. For example, perhaps the most radical idea was "(Witch/Blood mage) Your intelligence gives life but not mana. Your max life is not increased by life nodes.". But I didn't say how much life Int gives; that could be tuned.

"Melee hits for more than 100% of your life after mitigation set your life to 10% of maximum" could be on a cooldown (even a long cooldown), as could the blink arrow and smoke mine ideas. "Projectiles that don't piece have knockback" would not be a guaranteed knockback, but your pierce chance - but it could be half your pierce chance instead if it's OP. etc. etc.

Anyway, I'm not expecting GGG to simply take up my ideas. I just wanted to illustrate how you could have gameplay-style affecting skills instead of just bigger numbers. Some of GGG ideas are really good; as I said, I think Sanctify/Pious Path is a great idea, for example.

Drakkon1 wrote:

Still, I hope they spruce up some of the blander trees in ways that make them more creative/innovative!

Potenz0 wrote:

* (Elementalist) Gain an endurance charge when burning. Gain a power charge when shocked. Gain a frenzy charge when chilled.
* (Elementalist) Your maximum fire resistance is increased by 5% for burning damage only. OR You cannot be shocked. OR you cannot be frozen but will be chilled instead. These options are mutually exclusive.
* (Necromancer) Your minions have conduit. Minion conduit also shares fortify and onslaught.
* (Saboteur) Your traps and mines also generate blinding smoke when triggered. Teleport to a random smoke cloud each time one triggers.
* (Raider) You have 10% change to cast either "mirror arrow" or "blink arrow" on crit
* (Deadeye) Projectiles that don't piece have knockback
* (Witch/Blood mage) Your intelligence gives life but not mana. Your max life is not increased by life nodes.
* (Witch/Blood mage) Your body armour has blood magic.
* (Witch/Bloodmage) You have corrupting blood. You can detonate corrupting blood debuffs on monsters to deal 1% of your max life as chaos damage per debuff. The bleed effect does not give life leech but the detonation does. The corrupting blood effect does not apply when you have energy shield.

Other ideas:
* (Marauder/Guardian) You can use two shields.
* (Marauder/Guardian) Your block chance also protects nearby allies.
* (Juggernaut? Marauder/Guardian?) Melee hits for more than 100% of your life after mitigation set your life to 10% of maximum
* (Beserker or Raider) You have Rampage.
* All damage is taken as chaos damage and cannot be converted. You cannot have chaos innoculation.
* (Deadeye) Your pierce chance gives a chance to chain one more time
* (Saboteur) You can place one more trap. You can place one more mine. Your spells and attacks do no damage. (This is extra to Bomb Specialist).

I dislike 95% of what you said, not just because some of it seems somewhat overpowered, but because a lot of it does not fit the game.
*mirror and blink arrow are not spells derp. Nor would i want to see them spawning since a Raider is themed nicely as it is (ontop of not being a bow focus?), or even spawn a clone of myself.
*Pierce allowing chain...... You do realize if you pierce every time there is no chain.
*Elementalist gain charges, witches don't WANT to take damage. Ontop of the fact theres a belt that reflects your shock to you, among other self reflect methods for ele condi's and we don't need more dischargers thankyou.
*Conduit minions, they can't even share charges properly let alone gain them many methods, IE animate guardian with Conduit gloves doesn't share any charges he gains through any method at all since hes technically not an ally, just a minion.
*Theres already other methods to generate smoke clouds and you damnwell don't wanna teleport a player into the bloody ass mob every time you activate something on them, let alone move the player that much i mean they are just putting desync to death, we don't need to give them more grief.
*More traps and mines for no direct damage, yea just plain no.
*Bloodmage discharge (if its even bloodmage subclass) would give the character a skill from the passive tree, ontop of an already incredibly powerful stacking debuff thats monster only. "Attacker receives one charge of Corrupted Blood per hit, which is a bleeding effect (physical damage over time) that stacks up to 20 charges." What the wiki doesnt include, is that its based off of the monsters life (if i remember correctly) so that would just mean, stack life armor to hell, let things hit you, they die from DOT insanity, yea no

This is why players don't design stuff. Players give small concepts to be used and tweaked. For example taking your idea for mirror blink arrow and fixing it.
*Trickster spawns his double (or A double, implying multiple can be spawned at once) when (insert method and rate here) for short duration.

I used trickster because that sounds like something they might do. The double spawn concept was the 5% I liked.
State of Beyond Mechanic:

State of Blight Mechanic:

State of Harbinger Mechanic:
xMustard wrote:
legacy elemental unique flasks like taste of hate (10% max resistances)

No such thing; there won't be any Legacy Flasks made from the changes, so any old [Unique] Resistance Flasks will all be retconned/retroactively made to be 6%. RIP
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Raghin wrote:

*mirror and blink arrow are not spells derp. Nor would i want to see them spawning since a Raider is themed nicely as it is (ontop of not being a bow focus?), or even spawn a clone of myself.

I only meant a clone that was either in the original place (blink) or the new one (mirror). Wasn't meant to be taken so literally as to assume bow.

Raghin wrote:

*Pierce allowing chain...... You do realize if you pierce every time there is no chain.

I do. I think inviting people to balance the chance is interesting; you don't have to agree.
"Free" chaining seems powerful enough to choose to give up some pierce.

Raghin wrote:

*Elementalist gain charges, witches don't WANT to take damage. Ontop of the fact theres a belt that reflects your shock to you, among other self reflect methods for ele condi's and we don't need more dischargers thankyou.

No, witches don't want to take damage. That's not specifically a reason not to give them something when they do. And I happen to think it's a shame that it's basically impossible for witches to access endurance charges, when they have so little mitigation. You don't have to agree. I don't agree with your discharger hate; people only rag on it because of the animation, and the way it causes desync, which is mostly fixed now anyway.

Raghin wrote:

*Conduit minions, they can't even share charges properly let alone gain them many methods, IE animate guardian with Conduit gloves doesn't share any charges he gains through any method at all since hes technically not an ally, just a minion.

No, minions cannot share charges properly. My proposal was an ascendency class skill that would mean they did. That's the whole idea I was trying to get across: to change up how things work a bit. I kinda think that's GGG's idea too.
If minions can't generate charges from themselves with supports, well let them, but I think they can (endurance charge on melee stun, power charge on crit anyway, certainly fortify; not sure where they'd get frenzy).

Sorry you don't like my ideas. But they aren't going to happen, so don't worry, be happy. I'd just like to reduce bare "bigger numbers" that'll only lead to a renormalisation anyway, and do something that changes how you play. All told, the message I'm taking from what you said is "Don't do anything that messes much with how the game works". I don't agree with that message. The message I want to send to GGG is "Feel free to cut loose with your creativity; we want Ascendancy to be much more than just bigger numbers".
Langhun wrote:
silumit wrote:
No, because first, new players will think about it as "100% more damage" while it is not; and second, because of it conditional nature. Which wasn't mentioned in the OP at all, by the way.

Addictive and multiplicative bonuses work together you know... 100% damage increase is worth of 1-2 damage clusters including path to get there. Also it is not restricted to specific weapon or damage type! In example it works for Facebraker. ;)
Bad example. With facebreakers these 100% increased will equal to roughly 10-15% more damage, you know :)
SaiyanZ wrote:
Well most builds finish off with around 300% increased damage from all sources. So this is still around 30% more damage which is useful. The difference will be felt.
But this will be nowhere near as cool as it sounds. Except in the beginning of the game when you don't have much %inc.dmg on tree... oh wait we can't get it in the beginning...
And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.
Sheriff_K wrote:
xMustard wrote:
legacy elemental unique flasks like taste of hate (10% max resistances)

No such thing; there won't be any Legacy Flasks made from the changes, so any old [Unique] Resistance Flasks will all be retconned/retroactively made to be 6%. RIP

sure there will be. here is the quote:
Other than changes to Unique Flasks, these changes affect existing Utility Flasks that your characters have (no legacy versions are created).

other than changes to unique flasks. so unique flasks will not be included in the changes to utility flasks unless its specifically changed in a separate event
Last edited by xMustard#3403 on Feb 9, 2016, 11:57:35 PM
Will patch destroy flexibility of classes? I think classic builds is dead no more mara-necromancer,mara or scion- srs, no more witch with swords and etc.
maddannik wrote:
Will patch destroy flexibility of classes? I think classic builds is dead no more mara-necromancer,mara or scion- srs, no more witch with swords and etc.

You can still make every build you would like to create but there are always builds which are more effective than others.
Almost every existing build can profit from new ascendancy classes in some way but most of the people are just looking for common OP builds ... thats all.

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