poe.trade is cheating
As said poe.trade is cheating. I knew that GGG acepts this but it is cheating.
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It and other third party definitely takes trade well beyond what is offered in game, which does suggest to some extent it's not intended by GGG.
I've often wondered how they feel about that, like if ideally they wished trade could be more primitive and pure like back in beta. |
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" If they accept it why would it be cheating? If it weren't for poe.trade alot of people would've stopped playing. |
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" Then add it in-game and allow EVERYONE to access it. Allowing it to exist in a official-unofficial status creates a major imbalance between the players who know about the 3rd party auction house and players who don't. IGN: Wrathmar * Paulie * Client
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How many threads will you make before you quit? I'm just asking cuz you know you're suppose to be gone but you still linger here. Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn Sahl djahs afah Mah morn narr |
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Cheating is the wrong phrase/term to use.
But to rely on a 3rd party website is incredibly flawed in my book. Very, very flawed, considering how important it is for PoE as a whole. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1552460 - my drop solution
Specs: CPU - i5 9600k, geforce 2060, 32 gb ram, ssd, 2133/2333 mz.----- EXILES EVERYWHERE, PLEASE?!?!?! |
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Its not cheating, no matter how you look at it, you can literally do the same thing, without the use of the 3rd party site or programs, both of which GGG have previously vouched for. Cheating would be purchasing items with real money or botting, trading or things that improve the QoL for trade isn't cheating.
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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" Following that logic, using third party programs that log you out automatically whenever your HP goes to 20% is also not cheating, because you can manually log out at 20% HP as well. Same with the auto-potion stuff. You can't do it as fast, and not automatically, but you also cannot do what poe.trade does as fast or as well by hand. Additionally, people are now using bots and automated scripts to index and automatically, continuously scan poe.trade for under-priced offers. That is, in essence, botting, and goes way beyond what can be done without these tools. I think there are various valid ways to look at this and conclude that it is in fact cheating. | |
" GGG defines whats cheating, not you or I. Its against the ToS to use those programs that interpret and manipulate the game for your advantage. Stuff that interacts with the game and does things that you can't humanly do is obviously cheating. You cant say a program that interacts with the client and always works flawlessly is anywhere near the same level as utilizing an indexer or a program that formats a shop on the official forums. In terms of "well poe.trade and acquision give you an advantage", well ok so does using the wiki, better ban that too. Get the fuck off your high horse and stop acting like a child. Its not the same and you don't get to make the rules to define it is. As for the bots for trading, I think that it could be pulled back and controlled a bit, I personally won't use them because I do view it as something GGG wouldn't like us to use, but GGG has been on record saying poe.trade and acquisition are fine, they even have API improvements slated to help with that. Do they have API improvements to help with auto pot? https://youtu.be/T9kygXtkh10?t=285
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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" Your claim was that it wasn't cheating no matter how you look at it. I pointed out ways to look at it that make it cheating. Sure, ultimately GGG decide what's against the TOS, but we were discussing what cheating is, not what GGG deem punishable. I don't disagree that using poe.trade and those automated scripts and bots related to it are not against the TOS, but that doesn't really alter my take on these activities, because, as stated, they follow the exactly same principle that activities do that GGG do prohibit. Using scripts and bots at poe.trade to automatically find under-priced offers, and really, the use of poe.trade itself, provides a critical advantage in a game that is centered around trading. It is sanctioned and nobody gets in trouble for it, but GGG do not get to define the meaning of words and actions, only their consequences. |