Q&A with the Developers!
I think supporter uniques are a really awesome part of the game; it's a very interesting venue for new gear types and game mechanics to come to fruition in part from dedicated players of the community.
Thus far what are one of your guys' favorite game mechanics to be developed as part of a supporter unique? Brief development story welcome =) |
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Currently there isn't much opportunity for skills to interact with each other. This results in builds being basically just a single skill being used over and over and a bunch of buffs/auras.
Are there any plans for future changes to make interactions between skills more explicit? Just like how Contagion and Essence drain compliment each other, made gameplay much more interesting. IMO theres very small overlap between META builds and builds that are fun to play and upon creating a character I feel like I'm stuck between choosing a fun character and a successful one. IGN: Exgaves
"Uses poeex.info for exchange rates when trading." |
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How do you guys deal with the translation of the game? Is there an in-house team?
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Are there any plans to increase the number of decorations you can put in your hideout?
"We're unattractive ferocious creatures. I've got master degree burns after a heatstroke of genius." - Possessed, Rhyme Asylum
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I, several guild members, and followers on stream have noticed ascendency by far has been the hardest to progress gear wise. We used to have max resists from gear alone upon entering merciless. Now we are lucky to be in the 60's while running purity.
Was the gear progression changed in Talisman and are there plans to smoothen the progression next league ? echo "The world is full of smart people" |sed -e 's/smart people/sheep/'
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Why does GGG implicitly act to help scammers by deleting negative reviews of players, creating an unfair and uneven reputation system among the official forums?
Can you react to the issues raised here: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/3yhzvh/ggg_should_not_be_allowed_to_remove_negative/ It's worth noting that +2 maps are a dangerous thing. They can cause players to get out of their depth - playing maps that are too hard for the items they currently have. Herp Derp. Last edited by RickyDMMontoya#7961 on Dec 29, 2015, 7:07:48 AM
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The game feels like only CRIT builds are good. This is mainly because crit automatically adds elemental statuses. Can we get some love for non crit builds?
Talking about elemental statuses can we get the nerf on Elemental Equilibrium reversed? I can understand the nerf on block (with WoE in mind) but block in general (shields) required a lot of moving around the passive tree to gain max block. Was it really a good idea to basically kill shield block builds? In terms of general defenses the game feels too much about "get 5k+ hp or die" 2handed melee feels really bad. Will monster damage ever be nerfed or does it only go up from here? Now with that we have an NPC that can shapeshift will we be also getting a shapeshift skill? Last edited by Riathy#7536 on Dec 29, 2015, 12:03:58 PM
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Hello GGG,
What are ur Plans for Ice Spear ? U keep buffing Freezing Pulse and let Ice Spear left behind. Is it his Fate to die as main skill and only be usefull as a CoC Spell ? kind regards, Kerze123 |
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Hello, there is already 44 pages of questions, so i am not sure if there are questions i'd like to ask, so here we go:
1. Is the interaction, or lack of it - null's Inclination with new treshold jewel allowing to summon ranged weapons, is a bug, or it is like it should be? 2. Are you considering making a new unique item allowin to control all the golems at once? |
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Any thoughts on reworking/buffing fireball, since after removing the shotgunning effect in a previous patch it has become unviable.
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