Q&A with the Developers!

Will you actually read all the pages?
Some questions:
Have you ever consider creating 7 other characters (reverse gender of the current ones) as an MTX? I would like to play with as a fat women Marauder or a Scion that is not like sailor moon.

Will be any other master added to the game? The ones I can think at this moment is one for Jewels (although it might be a little overpower), and a Master with a bench to invoke Rigwald (this would be just an idea to transfer talismans to standard).

Is there any reason why Labyrinth is being added to Sarn and not to other city? Sarn already has the arena and the map device.
Is there any plan to have a gateway in far east Asia like Seoul or Tokyo?

I really like the way you changed the 'lightning strike' in the recent update, especially the increased number of bolts. I like enhancing the skill with support gems like 'increased physical projectile damage' or 'iron grip' and passive skills that affects projectiles. Are you guys plan on adding additional statistics in the character screen for projectiles? Things like projectile damage, damage type values (i.e. x-y physical, x-y lightning), speed, range etc. This would make planning easier for projectile based builds. Thank you.
I love Golem's.. In every RPG!! Are you planning adding more variations of them in the game? like different sizes, COLORS, etc? If you do not.. please do!!! xD

Ps. Food for thought: Lay on the couch, close the lights and imagine a nice landscape with hills and grasslands and whatever you please... then suddenly a HUGE PINK Golem appears!! Perhaps with an aura attach to it...o wait it can be a UNIQUE GOLEM!!! See? its too cool! you cant possible resist making one!! Cheers xDD
Last edited by EveFury#0732 on Dec 29, 2015, 5:40:54 AM
Do you keep track of how many Divines have been used on Ventor's Gamble?
Some rebalance of eleprolif utility?
Context : As far as i'm concerned the PoE system works through hype. You launch a new league or a new event which raises the amount of concurrent players when it starts, gradually falling down the longer the league lasts.
As a player I like new stuff, and you're doing great at it. I still felt a bit disappointed playing Talisman by just looking at what's forward: Ascendancy.

Question : What factors do you take into account to release teasers/spoilers for future content in terms of timeline ?
Around the closed beta time for the awakening you guys mentioned that some warcry passive nods where coming, any word on that?
What are your plans with elemental proliferation in the future? Are you planning to increase the base radius now that you nerfed % AoE in the tree?
Prolif radius buff? Pls?

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