Q&A with the Developers!
" O M G :)) soo SAD! :) There is so much work still to do with the menu of the game litle touch and this is general question matching all leagues, there is someone competent to see that or just one person doing some rework again and again and when the boss come he answer: "Yes its all setup and ready for update!" then the boss answer "Ok, then lets update" so there is no Quality Team Check or person at least because i can start seeing alot of litle fails that no one has butter to question like developers or players and no one pay's me to do that, im just a player and not a free one i support like i can and when i can. My first question is, more updates more bugs along with the old ones? And when i like a game i question and wait answers before i quit playing for complete. My second question is when it will be setup a fair PVP system and playable servers without loosing their logs and with that your time played the items you gain because i have lost alot of rare and good items because of the servers, and 1 stupid exalted at lvl 85 the verry first one in all the game played in the Talisman league from level 1 when others have allready like 20-30 exalted and you know what im talking about because you can see all inventory of a player im 37 years old and have been in alot of games and supported have alot of experience i know what im saying. Last question legacy items makes totally difference between new players and old players never get best items ingame without paying with real money for items on ilegal external sites so prepare for batle or begin to preocupate for your game, "...the rest is silence" P.S.: aaa with all the respect Chris the thread title "Q&A with the Developers!" is a "troll face" like you can see there is alot of variety of question and problems you should reconsider our questions that are not only about the Ascendancy its about the game generally hope you reconsider some stuff here needs real attention. Repetitive game may fail hard without proper support. 🅰🅻🅸🅽 ::: ! ♥ PoE ツ 👌 ::: Last edited by 4lin#7510 on Dec 29, 2015, 7:46:11 AM
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Are you gonna do something about maps drop? There are tons of posts about that and you guys seems to ignore it completely. At least please consider bottom-cap - no lower map drop than -3 from current one or something similar. Please.
May God have mercy upon my enemies; they will need it.
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I really like High level PVP in this game and I would like to know how ascendancy classes will affect PVP? Because without knowing the balance changes, many of them seem overpowered for PVP.
IGN: Márkusz
My builds: thread/1600072 ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) |
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will you make the map have more details and graphics ?? will you make the shadow section passive tree have a little bit more HP ? will you make it an OPTION to reset the skill tree after the release of every major patch ?? can you please increase the number of quests in the acts 1 and 2 ?? with more rewards like currency/orbs/gems or 2 passive tree points per 5 quests ?? the number of Mirror of Kalandra in market have significantly decreased after the release of 2.0 , do something about it please .. make a micro-transaction for HUD's with many many styles and details , i want my ladies back , not this skull and a lion :( will you make the mini map have more details ? and more reworked frame and stuff ?? thank you :) witcher9611 |
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Will you improve the trade system like you havet talked about? Maybe trade from the website forum
hack and slash , all the day :)
Proud beta member since patch 0.9.5! |
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Why did you decide to change the Blasphemy support gem from 25% reservation to 35% without telling anyone?
How and why do you decide to nerf an item? How many future leagues are already planned? What are your thoughts about a selffound league? |
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Will the talisman league mechanic make it into the permanent leagues? The grind to a good tier 4 talisman is very time consuming and I doubt I'll be able to get more than a single rare t4 by the end of the league.
Side events like corrupted areas and Talismans opening encounters with bosses are something I personally enjoy. Once a player reaches maps they can expect to never see a corrupted zone unless they stop mapping to specifically go looking for them. Any plans for adding corrupted zones to end game content? Where there's one they're bound to divide it right in two.
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will you ever let me choose the stash tabs i want to buy instead of the random system that is currently in place?
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Will you finally nerf discharge, so no more ultra laggers in this game?
(i asking this way, cos it seems to me like u of course already know its clearly op and unbalanced, but u keeping it same and laggy, because now only someone wants to play it, otherwise all will be playing it) |
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Why does is this league weighed so heavily toward failure of solo/casual/unlucky/low RnG players by requiring so many unique items to complete? By my count, the list has 53, 54 if you count the chance of getting the #1 divination card as a unique chance encounter which I am sure it probably is.
The vendor recipes? The Retch = 2 uniques, Kingmaker = 2 uniques,one of which is a Soultaker, Viktars Square = 4 uniques, Seriously GGG? You make some challenges look doable, but "it is an illusion exile". Last league I made it to level 89 and never saw a tier 12+ map and I seriously doubt most of the player base will either. I keep trying though and still think the game is a fun waste of my time. |
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