[2.2] "Duallant" DW Slayer by fiqst

BoCantRap wrote:
BoCantRap wrote:
Hi fiqst, thank you very much for this amazing guide. I am excited to try it out and see how it works. But before that I just have one question: what is the specific reason of choosing the Slayer ascendancy class?

To make the question more specific... I saw there are a lot two handed weapon damage nodes in Slayer class, but since you are using single handed weapons, you dont seem to be benefiting from those. So why is Slayer still the best choice, despite that Gladiator and Champion might bring you more denfenses. And even the other side of the Slayer tree can boost the speed you kill rare monsters a lot.

I didnt have a very clear understanding about the duelist class before... so forgive me if I am asking stupid quesitons... :)

quite alright mate.

My aim in this build was to use the less favoured single target skills.

Single target skills like dual strike normally require melee splash to make it effective against groups, this is why i chose Slayer, and the Impact node in particular.

The 2x 2h nodes go to waste but being able to use a full 6L dps gem set is worth it.
So many strikes within one breath.
But only one strike needed, for certain death.
fiqst wrote:
BoCantRap wrote:
BoCantRap wrote:
Hi fiqst, thank you very much for this amazing guide. I am excited to try it out and see how it works. But before that I just have one question: what is the specific reason of choosing the Slayer ascendancy class?

To make the question more specific... I saw there are a lot two handed weapon damage nodes in Slayer class, but since you are using single handed weapons, you dont seem to be benefiting from those. So why is Slayer still the best choice, despite that Gladiator and Champion might bring you more denfenses. And even the other side of the Slayer tree can boost the speed you kill rare monsters a lot.

I didnt have a very clear understanding about the duelist class before... so forgive me if I am asking stupid quesitons... :)

quite alright mate.

My aim in this build was to use the less favoured single target skills.

Single target skills like dual strike normally require melee splash to make it effective against groups, this is why i chose Slayer, and the Impact node in particular.

The 2x 2h nodes go to waste but being able to use a full 6L dps gem set is worth it.

Thank you for your response!

If that is the case, is there any good two-handed weapon that could optimize your dps by making those nodes from the Slayer class more effective?
Thanks for sharing your build, i've followed it in previous patches and now your updated one in Perandus. This is my current gear, skill tree as you posted:

Lvl 76 so far, with some comments for new players trying this build:

It's really glass, i tried to get life nodes as top priority but it seems that you're better of exploding things before they can react than going hard into life nodes. Once you balance life and damage you'll notice the build working as intended.

Don't bother with dual strike+melee splash, frost blades and specially flicker strike clear WAY better. If you go flicker strike i suggest you change blood rage in cwdt to molten shell, and self cast blood rage.

Even with the gear i have, it's troublesome to "explode" same leveled things, the damage is going to catch up soon fiqst? At which level should it be working close to yours? Have you experienced this before on your build?

That's it, thanks!

Thanks for this build, awesome job.)
Have one question: what would you prefer from chest armor if u play only with witch-support 10 auras + 4 curses. Cause i have only 5L Daresso's and it's work just fine (have ~300k DPS Lightning strike without flask/vaal haste). Will LC or BotB/smthng else have significant boost in this situation?
Thx once more.
P.S. sry for poor engl :D
Last edited by jacynthe#6262 on Apr 1, 2016, 6:30:51 PM
Hello! I really liked the build, but I have a question -
you have accuracy bonuses on all the jewelry, so is it absolutely necessary to have that to crit efficiently, or, for example, one of the rings may not need to have accuracy bonus? I'm asking, because I think of replacing one of the rings with this one -
I don't believe in traveling light!..
That isn't really much of a good ring.
For try, for see, and for know.

This is a buff
Hi fiqst great build, where can i spend passive points after putting all the points on the tree you created?
Really adorable build that i love and playing similar build like u. But I'm really curious could this build loot the Upper Atziri and how about the build's Survivability!
Hey Fisqt,
at first thanks a lot for sharing this amazing, fun-to-play build!

I played TS Ranger from start and then i decided to make this Duelist-Slayer and try this one out! Its really amazing and currently im lvl 75 with cleared Merc lab.

Im around 4k+ life 60+ res on all but no Lighting Coil - im running Belly 5-link and im really struggling at some mobs/bosses. Im always getting one-shotted no matter what. Is there any way to make my duelist more defensive? More stable atleast at the first hit, when im not leeching yet? I dont get it how im just getting nuked from t9 Malf mobs with Crit roll.

Im building everything just same as you did but only diff is in the Chest armor. Is Lighting Coil that much mandatory for that 1 shot kill that im receiving from high-end mobs?

If not using Lighting Coil, which Chest Armors would you recommend?

And also would like to know, which flasks should i use.

Im running 2x Life / Granite / Basalt / Atz Promise.

Thanks a lot man and sorry for my english!
Greets from Czech Republic!
what ascendancy do you use and why?

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