Donald Trump
" Basically you're telling everyone is wrong and racist because they have different opinions than yours.... while you are reading about very complicated topics that scholars and historians could de talking and debating around for years just to explain the basics, and you base your opinions on a social media that people have to speak using maximum 140 characters or something? -said social media that is highly biased, anti-jew, anti-right. So yeah.... |
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" dont understand, Twitter is the place where the truth can be told still. MSM lies. Facebook created a new anti truth policy so the truth about Syria for example cannot be told anymore. There are former senators and soldiers among others on twitter who speak the truth and try to educate the gullible Obama and Trump supporters. I can link you some info if you want. Or check Eva Bartlett or Tulsi Gabbard on Syria. |
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" The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. 15 of the 19 were citizens of Saudi Arabia, and the others were from the United Arab Emirates (2), Egypt and Lebanon. Saudi UAE Egypt Lebanon That's funny. Casually casual.
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" Twitter is banning people who support Trump... is that your idea of a fair and unbiased media? |
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" They also banned the guy who bought the HIV meds and increased the price on it by 700%. Your point? The bans are fair and unbiased. Trump supporters are just like him, criminals. Good riddance. |
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Approval 59% and climbing! America is full. Our citizens need taken care of First. America first. Let Germany take them since they seem so eager.
Git R Dun!
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" They also banned the guy who bought the HIV meds and increased the price on it by 700%. Your point? The bans are fair and unbiased. Trump supporters are just like him, criminals. Good riddance.[/quote] so people who disagree with your are crimials? sound a lot like fascism if you ask me |
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"Hey, it's actually possible for TheAnuhart to make a decent point in a politics thread. "For someone who is woke enough to realize that Obama is a war criminal, your anti-Trump hysteria seems odd to me. Yeah, you said you like Obama's domestic policy (what? a health insurance bailout and racial tension?), but seriously, who gives a fuck if you're taking the world closer to WW3? Clinton is just as culpable as Obama here. I'm very curious by what mental gymnastics you believe that Clinton was a better choice for president than a turnip, much less a Cheeto. I mean shit, I'd have preferred Gary "Where's Aleppo?" Johnson to Hitlery Clinton, and he's a dumbass. I'm not saying Trump is perfect. I'd rather he just stop bombings than bomb IS. I guess if I had to pick one international entity to war with, I'd pick IS, but I'd prefer none at all. I'm also upset with Trump's stance on torture. Mad Dog said it doesn't work, Donald; listen to your fucking advisors on this one. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Jan 28, 2017, 6:48:06 PM
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How many birds did that stone hit?
The country is extremely divided with each half hating each other, the terrorists will certainly use the muslim ban and the news that the army might bring back waterboarding as recruiting tool, and the east might get even more isolated from western culture... I think that sometimes is not about what you do, but how you do it. Barack Obama left a vacuum on middle east and that was a huge mistake, but pulling american troops out of Iraq wasn't the mistake, the way he did it it was. Now we have the muslim ban. You might wanna argue that is not really a muslim ban, but you really think that you will be able to convince the people from the middle east(or the world) otherwise? You might say that only terrorists will be waterboarded but with Guantanamo's reputation people will really believe you? And if I'm not wrong Trump said he would have Guantanamo full in his time of office. And there is the shaky relationship between U.S. and the NATO allies, I've heard there was also a bill introduced recently to leave the UN... And all that on the first 10 days... It's like this presidency is pressing all the buttons at once wtf...(not a compliment). I know most of you here are Trump-people, and it seems that you guys trust him A LOT. It's fine, it's like a bet with YUGE stakes, if it will pay off or not nobody knows, but don't forget that saying: "Hope for the best, be ready for the worst" It's not impossible that Trumps' way of doing things might bear fruit, but it's also not impossible that he might fuck up. If he does, I hope that people that are reading this are "men" enough to accept the result. I'm sure that when Bush fucked up lots of people took a long time to believe it, let's not do the same. Funny thing is that I've heard lots of people wishing for Trump to be impeached in the first 100 days, but part of me wishes that he gets to at least complete 4 years, so we know the result of going full right, the same way that I wished that republicans didn't obstruct Obama, so we could have known the results of going full Obama (I wouldn't say he is full-left, full-left sounds like anti-vaccine or Bernie bros stuff) |
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Your upset because Trump decides not to torture? His stance that it works is held by many IC professionals. His stance that we won't do it is held by him and most Americans. I'm cool with that stance. What i'm not cool with is starting out with the premise that torture doesnt work and then working to prove it like the Democrats senate report. Confirmation bias and unscientific.
Git R Dun! Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Jan 28, 2017, 7:28:28 PM
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