Donald Trump
"Wait, what? It's bad to change the world now? I'm really getting sick of this right vs left bullshit. Calling Obama a progressive is just as much a mockery of the label as calling McCain a conservative. Such people don't care about your political ideologies (except as cover), because they give zero fucks about their voting base, except as a tool to manipulate into allowing them to serve their real constituency — the ones who buy politicians. This isn't new. Our system has been massively, outrageously fucked for a long time now. Our politics has been over 95% bullshit since at least 2000. Obama, Clinton, and other Democrats aren't serving the people who identify with the left. A lot of leftists are brainwashed, but those who are woke realize most of the same shit a woke Trump supporter realizes — massive corruption of the government, the mainstream media and the Democratic Party. Hell, I bet if you pressured a woke progressive now they'd begrudgingly admit that Trump was a better choice than Clinton. Many "conservatives" are not really woke. Many forget that 10 years ago it was Bush doing the same things as Obama — war, surveillance, federalizing education/healthcare. They think the Republican Party gives a fuck about them; it doesn't. They think that Trump has conquered the Republic Party and the federal government, when he hasn't; figures like McCain, McConnell, Ryan, Romney loom large. We don't even know for sure if Trump will remain loyal to the promise of draining the swamp, or if he'll become a part of it. If by some miracle he doesn't, he certainly would not share a majority in Congress; those Republicans are loyal to the swamp. If you support Trump because you are sick of the corruption, because you cling to the crazy hope that the George Carlin circus won't persist forever, then this is not a day of victory at last. This is the first day of a great war, the conclusion of which is anything but certain. And if you think Trump will do it without the people constantly on his back to push him to do the right thing, then you've got another thing coming. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Jan 20, 2017, 10:31:48 AM
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fuck SJW and liberals
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The last good president was Kennedy and you see what they did to him after saying he'd bust the CIA into 1000 splinters. All others are beholden to the Deep State. Git R Dun!
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JFK is the most overrated president in history. He gets more credit than he deserves just because he was assassinated. Everyone knows it, few people say it.
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It's officially over. All options of Trump not becoming president have been exhausted. #dealwithit. If that's by throwing rocks at police and spray painting swastikas on buildings, go for it. Hope you get rekt by the police. You dipshits are honestly lucky it's not a real Fascist regime, or rocks would be returned with live ammunition. If you had any real balls, you would show up with actual guns, not rocks. The $10-$15/hr or whatever Soros is paying crackheads, junkies and low-lifes to throw rocks at police isn't enough to actually get shot at.
Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Jan 20, 2017, 2:03:13 PM
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"I think I'm willing to single-issue busting the CIA into 1000 splinters. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
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Did the welfare anarcho-commies burn down anything?
Anyway, I liked how Trump mentioned the fight against radical islam in his inauguration speech. Saudis are not amused. Oh, and the monarchist families Clinton & Bush sitting together were lovely too :) When night falls She cloaks the world In impenetrable darkness Last edited by morbo#1824 on Jan 20, 2017, 2:05:36 PM
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" Not really. Here is where the fun part start. Remember if trump fail to drain the swamp or save the economy, who is the people going to come after with the torches and pitchforks? |
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" not really, if the medias, left politicians, liberals, SJW and democrates keep pushing their lies and hypocrisy and instead of realizing that is why they lost the election... we will be looking at 8 years of Trump. |
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" People have their own subjective interpretations about what "drain the swamp" actually means. I think that means removing liberal ideologues from bureaucracy, and bringing common sense back to government. I think Trump is going to fire more government employees than any president in history. And knowing Trump, he'd make a spectacle out of it and most would support him for it. The economy is guaranteed to improve with Trump's economic policies. It's not a matter of if, but how much. The important point this election, is that the vast majority made it clear, both on the left and the right that they expect their government to serve the economic interests of the country. Rather than the traditional "non-interventionist" approach that Conservatives have towards the market and jobs. The era of neo-Liberalism and neo-Conservatism is over. Every future president from here on out is going to be expected by the people to preserve, and promote American jobs. Whether they're a Democrat or Republican. |
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