Donald Trump

"Another... Solwitch thread." AST
Current Games: :::City Skylines:::Elite Dangerous::: Division 2

"...our most seemingly ironclad beliefs about our own agency and conscious experience can be dead wrong." -Adam Bear
LostForm wrote:
ok, you just compared oil pipelines to mining companies for years storing waste water in a make shift reservoir. They weren't using trains to move that waste water either. But both show a clear lack of impetus by industry to properly handle waste, it is an expense not revenue, and they let the public at large eat the real expense while they limit their red ink on the budget sheet. So yes, you limit their ability to set it and forget it, because it is going to cost us big time in the future. And have you ever been to Columbia gorge? Good luck building in there, it is a very real reason why it is mostly untamed wilderness.

I'd hate to see them build anything along that area, except maybe for a few more pull outs where you can stop and admire the view. I don't recall if it was before White Salmon, but I remember seeing all these windsurfers on one trip and the bright sails and natural scenery was like a living postcard.

LostForm wrote:
So I don't even see where it was applicable to bring up

The EPA didn't do that intentionally. The Oil companies don't spill oil intentionally either. We have to hold them to safer standards, because they aren't going to do it themselves.

LostForm wrote:
And as far as finding the reasons why things happen and stop them was covered in my post, fuck a 'freedom algorithm'. Fact is they did punish several of the culprits in the Benghazi attack, just as most of the Paris attackers have been found and punished, just as they busted rings in Belgium because of their actions.

If we're getting the complete information (and there may be more successes) they have prevented more than 30 significant terrorist attacks.

LostForm wrote:
You think you can forcast terrorism?

No, but I think we can be at a higher readiness state, and the information gaps between the various agencies need to be minimal. Less talking points and more communication.
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
solwitch wrote:

I used to have a really nice Afghan my aunt made before she passed away :-(
(water pipe broke and ruined a closet full of stuff)
Sort of like this one but more gold in color:

I don't think Trump and Hillary are going to be challenging each other to see who can name the most valleys and terrain features in terrorist land. That was entertaining when it happened.

Maybe Trump can just say "Bekka Bekka" and call it good.
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
DalaiLama wrote:
LostForm wrote:
ok, you just compared oil pipelines to mining companies for years storing waste water in a make shift reservoir. They weren't using trains to move that waste water either. But both show a clear lack of impetus by industry to properly handle waste, it is an expense not revenue, and they let the public at large eat the real expense while they limit their red ink on the budget sheet. So yes, you limit their ability to set it and forget it, because it is going to cost us big time in the future. And have you ever been to Columbia gorge? Good luck building in there, it is a very real reason why it is mostly untamed wilderness.

I'd hate to see them build anything along that area, except maybe for a few more pull outs where you can stop and admire the view. I don't recall if it was before White Salmon, but I remember seeing all these windsurfers on one trip and the bright sails and natural scenery was like a living postcard.

LostForm wrote:
So I don't even see where it was applicable to bring up

The EPA didn't do that intentionally. The Oil companies don't spill oil intentionally either. We have to hold them to safer standards, because they aren't going to do it themselves.

LostForm wrote:
And as far as finding the reasons why things happen and stop them was covered in my post, fuck a 'freedom algorithm'. Fact is they did punish several of the culprits in the Benghazi attack, just as most of the Paris attackers have been found and punished, just as they busted rings in Belgium because of their actions.

If we're getting the complete information (and there may be more successes) they have prevented more than 30 significant terrorist attacks.

LostForm wrote:
You think you can forcast terrorism?

No, but I think we can be at a higher readiness state, and the information gaps between the various agencies need to be minimal. Less talking points and more communication.

I can agree to all your points, well said, but there is a difference between large embedded active cells and what ostensibly is a guy that snapped over an everyday provocation. I can but wont argue about who the large active embedded cells are in America. Also they started really uncovering intel after the first attacks, not because of some server farm, but actually communicating and working together, to your point. this thing on?
Last edited by LostForm#2813 on Jun 13, 2016, 8:39:03 PM
Trump is 70 years old now. I never realized he was that old, he looks ten years younger than 68 year old Hillary.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
DalaiLama wrote:
solwitch wrote:

I used to have a really nice Afghan my aunt made before she passed away :-(
(water pipe broke and ruined a closet full of stuff)
Sort of like this one but more gold in color:

I don't think Trump and Hillary are going to be challenging each other to see who can name the most valleys and terrain features in terrorist land. That was entertaining when it happened.

Maybe Trump can just say "Bekka Bekka" and call it good.

My condolences...

Did your Aunt pass down her skills to a new generation? Maybe you can continue her legacy. Im trying to continue my moms cooking. I'm also passing down my drawing skills to neice.
"Another... Solwitch thread." AST
Current Games: :::City Skylines:::Elite Dangerous::: Division 2

"...our most seemingly ironclad beliefs about our own agency and conscious experience can be dead wrong." -Adam Bear
Another day, another islamic terrorist attack:

But yeah, all religions are "just the same". I mean, granted, we don't see as many Buddhist jihadists or Mormon suicide bombers, but who am I to judge the disproportionate amount of psychotic killers present in one particular religion.

When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
Last edited by morbo#1824 on Jun 14, 2016, 3:23:24 AM
morbo wrote:
Another day, another islamic terrorist attack:

But yeah, all religions are "just the same". I mean, granted, we don't see as many Buddhist jihadists or Mormon suicide bombers, but who am I to judge the disproportionate amount of psychotic killers present in one particular religion.


Has nothing to do with islam. Its lost boys.

This will be too complex reading for most people who are just reactionaries, from gun grabbers to muslim banners, but worth it anyway.
Git R Dun!
solwitch wrote:

This man has no clue about geopolitics, not even geography. He is just a salesman who manipulates simple minds ( I don´t really like Hillary that much, but she seems to be the safer option.

@ Morbo: It seems you have the impression all immigrants are radicals. I don´t.
Last edited by Schmodderhengst#7293 on Jun 14, 2016, 6:26:16 AM
Aim_Deep wrote:
morbo wrote:
Another day, another islamic terrorist attack:

But yeah, all religions are "just the same". I mean, granted, we don't see as many Buddhist jihadists or Mormon suicide bombers, but who am I to judge the disproportionate amount of psychotic killers present in one particular religion.


Has nothing to do with islam. Its lost boys.

This will be too complex reading for most people who are just reactionaries, from gun grabbers to muslim banners, but worth it anyway.

"Generational Revolt" So, out of the millions of second generation people in the US, how many have become terrorists? This article cites no resources, no authoritative pyschological theories or anything. It's just stream of consciousness level thinking with Oedipal slapped on top - yet somehow neither mom or mother or a replacement for these are mentioned.

The article could have at least used some basic theory like Erikson's Identity vs. Role confusion or Intimacy vs. Isolation to at least give their concepts a morsel of cogent underpinnings.

As a nation that has been taking in immigrants for long period of time, if this second generational effect of turning towards violence was there, it would have been noted a long time ago. Furthermore, with all the immigrants in the US and in France, if this was true we would see a lot more of them - just as the article says we should be seeing a lot more if it were religious underpinnings.

Aim_Deep wrote:

This one at least had a funny ending:

"By Tom Nichols - a professor of national security affairs.

I had a good laugh at that.

Let's take this gem of insightful analysis from the article

"There are others: John Walker Lindh, “the American Taliban,” spent his teen years hanging around in Internet chat rooms before became a jihadi at 20. Timothy McVeigh, a bullied little boy, planned his terrorist attack on a federal building after quitting the Army in his twenties."

Had this professor been paying the least bit of attention to history, he would know that Janet Reno's attack at Waco on the Branch Davidians was the trigger that set McVeigh off.


(McVeigh Trial--June 10, 1997)

"McVeigh said he believes the government is greatly at
fault in Waco and has broken constitutional laws. He quoted
the U.S. Constitution and said U.S. armed forces should not be
used against civilians, yet they were used against Koresh and
his followers.

McVeigh said he does not believe the Brady Bill is a
solution or an adequate attempt at a compromise.
McVeigh said the Koresh standoff is only the beginning
and that people should watch the government's role and heed any
warning signs"

No mention either that McVeigh could have been and was likely suffering from PTSD - which doesn't excuse his horrific actions, but provides a better understanding for why it happened than being some sexually confused "lost boy".

Timothy McVeigh saw himself as someone who struck a blow for freedom, according to the psychiatrist appointed by the court to evaluate his psychological state.

I'd say you'd like him - he's pleasant

Dr John Smith
And in the psychiatrist's opinion McVeigh could have been suffering a form of post traumatic stress disorder.

Dr John R Smith, an Oklahoma psychiatrist who has interviewed many murder suspects for the courts, spent more than 20 hours talking to McVeigh after his arrest in 1995. He gave an exclusive interview to the BBC in which he shared his insights.

Even further, the article fails to consider the normal process of testosterone and how that makes men different from women in how they react to things. Do athletes somehow suffer from a higher rate of being sexually confused lost boys? Is that why you see a higher incidence of physical violence and anger among some of them, or is it possibly because of steroid use which mimics testosterone?

Hang out with some body builders or professional football players who are periodically using steroids and you can tell. They can tell you themselves. It is why female Hyena's spray their newborns with testosterone as they are born.

Tom's curriculum vitae looks respectable enough, but this article certainly doesn't have anything to stand on.

Maybe his expertise in one field misled him to think he had enough expertise to speak on this area?

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story

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