Donald Trump
" I will take my seat, sir ;D I knew that Money can be backed by your Society, but i have no proper knowledge of finance. Still we have to admit, that the number´s are pretty retardet,because it can suddenly turn evry country rich. That why i dont get why the Donald is mocking China, for bringing down there currency, if it´s technicly there right to do so. I quess, it has to do about how much they did it. That method of paying it back (growing income), is also Inflation/scam, because it constantly devalue´s what i already own, assuming there are no stable prize´s, right? So those 6% should be used on my Money aswell. There are devenetly a lot of cases of hyperinfaltion. Back then in Germany, they even used there Money to heat there oven´s. Anyway´s, all those number games are pretty fu...d up, and i will leave the debate, to not come accrose as a fool. My intrest on such topic´s, are coinsidence´s and our modern Society tell´s my ""class"" to make love/baby´s. Afterall, im only a "sinner"". |
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" No expert either, and I live in a country with a 30% yearly inflation rate since forever that had a great depression because of a poorly managed debt crisis, as Greece, so I'm not goint to say "we can print" like Trump. The guy knows how to destroy the faith in US credit. What you said is mostly true, but I have to nitpick about the private sector thing. That's true most of the time, but then you have situations like the liquidity trap after the 2008 crisis (essentially, the paradox of thrift), so private hands won't end doing the investments. In that situation, an active government, debts be damned, it's necessary. Also, there is that kind of spending you can argue is only government's function and a boon to society if done right (research, defense, safety net, and so on). Debt emitted by a very stable country is a form of safe asset too, and safe asset's are an economical need. I've heard about something called secular stagnation too that could affect this. But a lot of people argue against that. It seems likely for Japan and Europe, but it has been generally wrong in the past. A balancing budget is a good thing to have, but it can be really problematic under certain conditions (because it tends to amplify bussiness cycles, so balancing in the middle of a crisis can be contraproductive, Argentina in 2001/2002 is a good example of that, been there, seen that). Then there is the automatic stabilizers, that US has. It works as a negative feedback to GDP growth forced via deficit spending. I'm not sure of its function, probably so it's predictable. A lot of this is mostly talked by New Keynesians, there are counterarguments of course. TL;DR: debts matter, balancing the budget matters, but not having a deficit in specific situations can make things worse. Debt is big and scary, but don't panic. Add a Forsaken Masters questline Last edited by NeroNoah#1010 on May 28, 2016, 12:43:52 PM
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I agree with whoever said if war is what you love (and what American doesn't?) vote for that Clinton person. 100% guaranteed.
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" Listening to manowar lately or something? - Poutsos Flicker Nuke Shadow
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I don't know what he is talking about. The US has been having military adventures since 2001.
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" The governments don't mind if each of them cheat a little, but if one of them is cheating more than the others, they aren't happy. " Theoretically, a rising tide should be lifting all boats. So, when the overall economy is X% better each year on a consistent basis, you should see a raise in your income. Practically speaking, when the economy rises, it creates more jobs, rather than giving bigger pay raises. When the economy starts creating jobs faster than companies can fill them with qualified people is when the companies have to start giving bigger raises to keep from losing their employees to another company. As an example, one of our competitors had a very good year, and as a result of growth (despite taking a 900 Million dollar loss in one quarter last year)needs another 12,000+ skilled employees. They are trying to poach them from our company by offering people a 15-20% raise over what they are currently making. So far, very few are biting, because our competitor doesn't have a good track record for overall compensation. "The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story |
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" These are all very true! Sometimes, the government needs to just set the example. Businesses tend to be scared of their own shadow when it comes to economies that have been rough and are just starting to turn around. It is far easier to protect what you have then risk it and make more. " Agreed. If it is reasonably accrued and well managed* and grows a rate slower than the economy (on a longer term basis, year to year not so critical) then debt isn't all that bad. Debt actually allows other people with money and no real way to invest it, to reap some benefits. Retirement accounts wouldn't work if there wasn't some way to loan out that money as a debt and get it repaid with more in the future, as an example. *Businesses like predictability - just watch the stock market jitters around election time and in the few weeks leading up to the swearing in ceremony. In a sense they care less about who wins, then about having someone definitely as the winner. Why? Because once they know what direction the new administration is taking, they can adjust the way they spend and invest accordingly. If it is going to be a tax heavy administration for instance, the brakes are applied on investing. If there will be admin incentives for investing, the gas pedal will be applied to expanding business along that line where possible. "The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story |
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" not offensive at all probaply highly offensive truely highly offensive Draw your picture |
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Come on guys, don't you know Poles were responsible for killing Jews? We even invited Germans to help us out with the task!
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"' 2001? We have had permanent war since WW2. The military-industrial complex is very lucrative corporate welfare and all the people we install is too. People blame muslims for 2001 terror but all that is is blowback when terrorized non stop by US war machine. Not to mention we built these armies like AQ for proxy wars (operation cyclone). self perpetuating and Wall Street loves it. PS al Qaeda is the US's friend yet again in Syria, relabeled as Al Nusra for public consumption to take out Assad. Wonder how "al Nusra" attacks us when war ends? ![]() Git R Dun! Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on May 30, 2016, 2:08:10 PM
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