[2.3] King's "Close Stalker" - Blast Rain + Puncture Trap + 50/25 Block [HC and Atziri deathless]

Shaamano wrote:
Will this build work for pvp too ?

Uh, I dont think it would shine in pvp, but I never play pvp, so.. :)
Have another question - related to HC:

I know that armour is generally considered more reliable than evasion, so I understand putting a point into Iron Reflexes. My question is if this point should be allocated at later levels (~60ish or so) or if it doesn't matter. I played an iron reflex reave build that emphasized allocating the point later on, which is why I'm wondering.

Also, unrelated, Rearguard is so amazing for a lvl 28 quiver xD!
deimoss wrote:
In the duelist tree: I think master of arena should be dropped because you gave up on using the jewel below duelist start? and get attack speed on the right instead of melee damage on the left

Master of arena gives 1% regen + 20 strength (which gives us damage) so I think it's worth to take it..
Which order do you recommend we work through the skill tree? Thanks.
I haven't played duelist in a looong time, can you give me some leveling tips? On what level do I switch to blast rain and how should I level until then?
Sorry, scratch my other question, this one is more important to me:

Do you lose any damage using avatar of fire? I tried looking in the gear / tree to see if anything else was converting physical dmg to fire. More specifically, is 50% of physical dmg essentially lost? There must be something I'm missing that makes AoF worth it.
Nevermind, I'm an idiot haha. Blastrain is doing the other 50% :p
Is there a way we could see a leveling guide posted for this, as Chin Sol requires level 68?

EDIT: Sorry, didn't see the person above me asking the same question
Last edited by Zhain#1560 on Mar 9, 2016, 2:47:25 PM
I'll post a Leveling guide as soon as I get back on my pc.
Hey man i was wondering what would be a good leveling bow

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