More Information About the Upcoming One-Month Event

dat one month is awesome ! inb4 rips !!!
To all the people asking for same rewards for both SC and HC, as well as the answer to

"But what does HC offer that SC does not other then losing your char?... quit with the *challenging*"

Have you ever had narrowly escaped death on your level 90 character that you've worked on for 3 months? Adrenaline goes through the roof, my heart rate goes up to 200, my hands are often shaking. I also am forced to play some SC for this stupid warbands challenge and their kills+items, it is super boring without perma death, nothing is at stake, the exp penalty is nothing compared to possibility of perma loss of your character. You go to merciless on SC and the town is populated with tabula rasa clad population, so many glass cannon builds.
it's a shame that the leagues end so soon in October, i'm sure I read somewhere that GGG thought the leagues were too short. I am still enjoying the end game map grind.

Oh well, looking forward to the 1 month craziness anyways!
Last edited by Davidson#6869 on Sep 16, 2015, 3:33:00 PM
Hi GGG, another post for feedback :

Personnaly, my wife and I are comfortable with the 3 month league and their challenges, we feel it's a quite good duration.

Concerning the 1 month event : very excited to do it again, last one was very cool (the race to BOTH challenges, HC and SC was quite awsome)

I also might say, as many other players, two different rewards for HC and SC would be greater, because after achieving the SC one, it's very cool to say "ok, now let's try this in HC, X days remaining, it will be hard but hell, try it !"

We loved the seraph armour set, but as the original one is already..."golden", we should prefer a darker one, like some of us has suggested : a dark black one would be perfect.

Anyway, very good job GGG, it's always a pleasure to play at POE, and waiting for content, new leagues, etc...

Thx again, really.
+1 to whoever suggested league mods to be randomly assigned to an area rather than designated by day. Make it like tempest at the worst ie things rotate every hour randomly or best make mods randomly rolled on an instance when it is created. It is annoying to organized my daily life around poe schedule, if it's random, then whenever I have time to play, I can still encounter randomly most of the mods which is good imo.
On almost every page there is someone asking for a friday/saturday launch.
I hope this doesn't just get dismissed.
༗ IGN: Warcry ༗
༗ Lvl 100s: #7 ༗
༗ ༗
༗ Velka's Ravens: 1772222 ༗
༗ Mirror Thread: 1832043 ༗ #1 ES Wander Opal Ring ༗ #1 Lab Runner Vanguard Belt ༗
A lot of people are not happy with the "new seraph version" of armor as main reward.
So please buff chance of getting random microtransactions for players like me who already have diff versions of seraph armor - especially for players with chars 85+. Something like 1-5 gauranteed random microtransaction.
Box to open (as a reward) with gauranteed random MTXs - WILL BE AWESOME. And sounds cool. Thx!
Last edited by CEMEHbl4#3706 on Sep 16, 2015, 3:31:29 PM
Hype for flashback with tempest and warbands.

Sad for the prize, seraph set is already kind of boring imo, but a golden one is even more boring, at least give us a black one.
Start on friday please.
IGN : Mureekuha
Black Seraph >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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