[3.2]Blink & Mirror Arrow Necromancer * Shaper down * Build of the Week * Deadeye version added*
i am gonna try this out in hardcore essence ill let you know how it goes for me
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oh, cool you updated this.
called it mostly a day on my frostblades pathfinder, so now playing with blink/mirror arrow. I was largely going in blind, since at the time, there wasn't any new updated builds to look at. I haven't reread your current entries yet. but thought I would comment on some of my plans to test, etc... Bunch of items I need to test... General idea atm. http://poeplanner.com/AAMAAVxBQU1EQXlBQWZ0LUs2UUpMcmhzbDJWdHRHWDBZYTl2c2lpeWNFUzE4Zy12dU10RkZSNGhBcHF5bkNJOUdtNkVZYW5ndmZPVllCeHpjdUpNby1vTEgtZWpULTlyZEhiNHpod1B1UVllY3ZnMGZQQ2kzUHY0SzJMMDFrclh5YnFwS3lEOG5YNWhaYmM4eUhSVDYwaGN2SkxDQXBHVG5WZFlpOUd3TGt5ZF94dXdZY0x2WkV5OXZ2b3JLMDdRTVJuSGhpQjJxX2tsLVdjQm1yZkVZWFFTem9nQUk5TUJVYWtNcmVCX0hnd21vZlZxUmFxeVlyV1NxbTRacU5xS2p3Zk1JMUlvRzhQbVAtdkRWU1ZHVkxnY2VuYTRhYlBmQjhCOW84cTlzQzJIR3JzVDJmZlZvZE5waUdGYWE0RVdkVTFJTVh4eW5VNlVSbGhVbmpMR2JpcjVQU0k0TjRnPT0AEEFBQUNBQWZRQVFIMEFRQUEAAA== do think its hp/es low, and that will need to be shored up. did quick look and see your notes of not needing in tree +minion damage, due to necro massive values. probably a sound call, and will be prime thing to address. did you try blastrain for coh? leveling, I find it pretty solid, when you don't have pierce on bow/quiver. its large aoe. Traps/totems/raw. this is what I really am interested in. you are doing raw. how many do you get up, and how quick? Traps were the old standard. and cluster gets you 8 super fast, maintains 12 or 16 pretty easy. Very bursty. and if they don't die to melee aoe, strong. Convocation does not work on blink/mirror arrow. which is very lame. No one seems to talk about ranged attack totem. Particularly with Skirmish^. possibly even AB. http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Ranged_Attack_Totem_Support It does not bypass CD like traps. But will keep casting MA every 3s. RAT itself also gets the 3s CD. so can't cast 2 or 3 immediately, after each other. Cast RAT. RAT does a full attack cycle before casting Mirror. .6-1s or so. Slower then traps, but the damage should ramp up tremendously vs self cast. lets you cast twice as many MA. And then, also frees you up, not having to recast MA. 130% duration totem= 18.4s totem casting MA every 3s, lasting 6.9s. Dont have a lionseye atm. Infractem atm is my plan A. dont care about leech. and, I think the free pierce will be effective. Darkscorn plan B. choas and Bacon of corruption, perhaps. Plan C. Insanity spectral spirits. wonder what that will be like. victaros is my plan A armor. Although, chest is prime real estate for 5-6l. Can 5l boots or gloves as though though. have deerstalker for trap boots=5l. or can use gloves with essence for 5l there. hrm, do think I will dump the trap option/nodes. burst with cluster trap is nice. but, its dangerous/not super fun to play, and the math evens out as you get more links. 2 slots for trap+cluster trap can be WED/peirce/GMP/etc. Running spite glove enchant on purpose, or just haven't rolled War or Reflection? Cluster trap is "less damage" now btw. Many builds are old on that. Last edited by Casia#1093 on Oct 16, 2016, 12:39:25 PM
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" At what cost? RAT is huge DPS loss. It takes one of your valuable socket, so you just trade 1,49 more damage modifier for 31% less damage and 30% less attack speed. Not worth it at all. Last edited by Semarogin#7457 on Oct 16, 2016, 5:46:37 PM
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yeah. if 1000 damage, 1s attack speed for easy numbers. =1000dps.
690 damage, per 1.3seconds. 530dps. 530dpsx2 =1060dps "BARELY" a dps increase. if you ignore having to use Skirmish quiver, and loss of a support slot. Conversely, the gain is the ability for you to attack/cast freely yourself instead of constant MA recasting. Skirmish+AB would then be 530x3. but, then at the cost of your damage entirely. (still apply coh. not sure on descecrate/wither degen.) swapping around to really give each a shot. unless I see something else to really pump totems in the way cluster trap does for trap, probably won't go that route. |
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Your example is incorrect (maths are wrong).
1000 damage with 1 sec attack speed is 1000 dps with one missing support gem. With Minion Damage Support it is 1000*1,49=1490 dps. If you replace it with RAT, then it is 530 dps. Huge DPS loss here. And you should'nt forget that your totems have zero survability in minion build. With Skirmish you lose any defensive / offensive stats on your quiver. P.S. RAT doesn't let you to cast twice as many MA, since it does not bypass CD. Two totems will summon the clones at the same speed as we do just by using Blink Arrow + Mirror Arrow combo. With Skirmish + AB you can have only 3 totems at the same time. Last edited by Semarogin#7457 on Oct 16, 2016, 10:25:26 PM
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" It's a decent idea, but blastrain converts some of your damage to Fire. If you are using Elemental Equilibrium, Blast Rain will make enemy mobs have +25% fire resistance. We don't want this because most of our damage is lightning/fire (from Anger/Wrath + Generosity). Rain of Arrows would have similar coverage and would not deal any fire damage, though. Infractem is a great leveling item for this build. But if/when you get Lioneye's, you may notice that the clearing speed of the build increases quite a bit. On totems: if you get Ancestral Bond you will be unable to apply Elemental Equilibrium. A totem build might benefit from using some poison-related support gems. that said, i've tested them out briefly and didn't like the clearspeed. As for traps.. Numbers-wise, 4 cluster-trapped clones is approximately equal in DPS to 1 self-casted mirror arrow clone - the advantage of traps is the ability to spam 3 sets of them at once. In fact, I used a Trap setup in my Shaper attempt because I wanted to quickly burst down his wave of minions. However, I found Traps to be unreliable for general mapping - they take longer to trigger than self-casted clones, and they don't all trigger reliably (unless you are Saboteur with Chain Reaction, or you use Sunblast + Cheap Construction jewels). If you do use one of the above 2 options, you will have to sacrifice some of your own character's defences, which was not something I was willing to do. Vis Mortis is a chest I've been considering, but since our clones die every 6.6 seconds the buff isn't that helpful. It's usually not active against bosses, either, which is a pretty big deal with the Atlas of Worlds patch. Would rather have a chest with better defences. Victario's Influence makes you give up a 5-6L mirror arrow and links your auras to a level 1 Generosity; I'd rather link the auras to a level 20 Generosity and have a damage setup in the chest. On gloves, I have Spite because I like the defence it gives. It applies Elemental Equilibrium (-50 lightning/fire res) to everything around me and the chilled ground is super useful for escaping. However, the Reflection enchant does look really promising and sounds like a viable alternative (with our duration nodes the clone will basically always be active - and with the 400% more damage, it's about equivalent to a 3-linked mirror arrow). Of War seems weaker since it is cast only on Kill, but it may make our map clearspeed a lot faster. Mirror Arrow Summoner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1422529 Teleports Behind You: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2123293 Magma Orb Deadeye: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2736039 Last edited by dariidar#0631 on Oct 17, 2016, 9:24:58 AM
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" Good call on the unholy might. Haven't gotten the witch high enough to try it. but, I did try poachers mark for frenzy and -evade. The frenzy was nigh useless, because the clones don't last long, and don't follow. unholy might on kill would have the same problem. yeah, war is on kill, but a long duration, and they will follow you as well. (convocation should work on them. but have not tested it yet. I want to try Rampage and convocation with its summons as well. but I have doubts since they dont follow.) plan atm for chest/gloves. "5l" gloves. http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Essence_of_Insanity Gloves: Socketed Gems have 20% more Attack and Cast Speed http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Essence_of_Hysteria Gloves: Socketed Gems deal 175 to 225 additional Fire Damage 5l helm. http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Essence_of_Horror Helmet: Socketed Gems deal 30% more Elemental Damage 5l-6l MA in bow. with Blink arrow in a "5l" glove or helm. the 20% more AS would be best for BA I think. auras with victaro hatred/wrath/anger is plan atm. (dont have an emp or enhance in essence.) Bloodmagic-discipline/clarity. Vitality non bloodmagic. http://poeplanner.com/AAMAAVRBQU1EQXdBQWZOLUs2UUpMcmhzbDJWdHRHWDBZYTl2c2lpeWNFUzE4Zy12dU10RkZSNGhBcHF5bkNJOUdtNkVZYW5ndmZPVllCeHpjdUpNby1vTEgtZWpULTlyZEhiNHpod1B1UVllY3ZnMGZQQ2dkRlByU0Z5OGtzSUNrWk9kVjFpTDBiQXVUSjNfRzdCaHd1OWtUTDItLWlyUU1SbkhoaUIycV9rbC1XY0JtcmZFWVhRajB3RlJxUXl0NEg4ZURDYWg5V3BGcXJKaXRqX3J3MVVsUmxTNEhIcDJ1R216M3dXanlhSFRhWWhoV211QkZuVk5TRVpadm5zcEtYN0NidGNNNkdZcjdDZmJhR285UlRLeEhmVnNxVFQ4blg1aFpiYzh5RVZBMXVhY3JIVV9xdWcxOFY4azg3dzVJdHpEb1dpYUlGU2VNc1p1S3ZrOUlqZzNpABBBQUFDQUFmUUFRSDBBUUFBAAA= will see how it goes. or get bored. or just modulate to your build. Last edited by Casia#1093 on Oct 17, 2016, 12:49:56 PM
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Pretty nice idea, essences make this build a lot more flexible.
Mirror Arrow Summoner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1422529
Teleports Behind You: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2123293 Magma Orb Deadeye: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2736039 |
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also, Infractem is painfully slow with its 1.2s attack speed. Free pierce is nice. but that attack speed.. ugh.
I do agree Lionseye is best, but I play solo selffound, so getting that is pure luck. I'll probably swap to the darkscorn asap. Which does really open up the chaos damage question. Do have an Nuro's harp on Essence. but, not really seeing any obvious ways to make it stand out for this. And of course Essence bow enchants are an option. |
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Hi, great build man. Really fun and really safe. Been doing some tier 11 and 12 maps at lvl 76-77! got 3 skill points to spend and im deciding what route to take.
Does increase duration nodes applies to mirror/blink arrow? cant find this anywhere. What do you think about cluster traps? seems like some people are using them and can summon several clones at once. What do you think on changing immortal call for CWDT+spell totem+summon skellys+stone golem? I dont know if you can check my stats but im at around 2900 life and 2700 ES, should I switch to EE+MoM+Zealot´s oath? I ve never used EE or MoM before, so im not sure. Im trying out Minion instability and im liking it, throwing mirror clones into the packs (specially in reflect maps). Im thinking on trying beacon of corruption. Would i need to spend points in chaos nodes? Sorry for all the questions. Again great build. Really fun to play Last edited by Javaleus#3307 on Oct 24, 2016, 8:44:05 AM
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