[2.5] Dual Flame Totem Crit version. 263k dps (400k possible) . Uber and Normal Atziri

How is this for a drop in Uber Lab. Every one is Quality 20.


I am not Anti-Social, I am just selective on whom I wish to be social with.
Last edited by Ahewaz#3222 on Jul 24, 2016, 9:57:21 PM
Nice dude.

This is how my witch has progressed so far.
Level: 94 Life: 4586 ES: 3069
Town DPS: 118733.08
+ Pendulum of Destruction 136771 + Lightning Golem: 146994 + Fire Golem: 162503 + Shamans Dominion: 174247 + Atziri's Promise: 200365 + Vaal Haste lvl 12: 224093

The stats are from the gear above, not the gear below. Pretty happy with enchant on boots and gloves.

Also have these but was sick of the random death slowing down leveling more than the dps boost helped, so I went for more survival temporarily.

I started playing this game last league and this is by far the best build I have played so far.
Pretty stoked with the gear I have obtained being a newish player (noob). The level 21 flame totem took 14 Vaals, I have a level 3 empower but I will wait till the other 5 I am leveling are 3 before I Vaal any, 3 doesn't seem very good. Faster Projectiles for range. Not sure where to go from here...get to 96 and go Precision then 100 and another Jewel slot..reroll Inquisitor? Maybe finish challenges I don't know.

Thanks everyone for all the helpful comments.
@ MartyMcFlyHigh

Grats! Solid build. That blows my league build out the door.

Your belt is probably worth over 50 Exalts. Very nice if you just got a drop. It is worth even more on standard.

Inquisitor Class with the same gear will give you about 20k-30k more DPS (base). That would mean your town DPS @ 118 would go to 140+. The inquisitor is just crazy for this build but you lose some defenses in the build.

Your life & ES are nuts. I doubt I could ever get that high even in standard.

You should, somewhere along the way, Vaal all your gems to 21/20.

I pretty much stopped leveling this league. I am just messing around with prophecy's & trying to get my enchants which have not been very nice to me.

Guess we will have to see what the next league holds.
I am not Anti-Social, I am just selective on whom I wish to be social with.

Hi, sorry my english but i realy need help. Anyone can help me to understand whats wrong with my build, because i think my gear is decent but the dps is still too low. I'm a relatively new player in PoE so im trying to learn and read everything about the game mechanic and im sure i missing something on this build.

Passive Skill:

(im following to Shamans Dominion and next Cruel Preparation and Heart of Flame)

Defence Stats:
subir foto

Offence Stats:

Flame Totem DPS:
subir gif

My gear:

I also have this weapons but i think i have equipped better ones:
Last edited by gorus_grind#1117 on Jul 27, 2016, 6:07:39 AM
@ gorus_grind

Your Tree is not optimized. Unless you have some godlike jewels I would not use them till the end. By godlike I mean the jewel should give you at least 5k DPS. 7 to 10k preferred.

Your tree should look like,

Get rid of Empower Level 1. It is useless. Put Fire Penetration in. While Fire Penetration will not show up on DPS tooltip, you will notice mobs go down in seconds. Your DPS will penetrate the FR mobs have. Alternatively if you are a numbers person, put in Faster Projectiles. This will bring your DPS higher and provide safety as Faster Projectiles has insane range.

Except FT your gems are not 20/20. You need to 20/20 them all. 21/20 preferred. You FT is only level 19. Level 20 will give you 2200 DPS (Average) & level 21 will give you 3k more.

Your gear is pretty good.

Changing the tree & gems should give you a good boost to 70kish. After that it is a matter of completing your tree to level 90-100. Your DPS is not bad for the level you are at.

I noticed both your rings have room for an enchant, I would suggest adding a stat. You also have not done your Ascendancy Trials. That helps with DPS / Survivability.

I am not Anti-Social, I am just selective on whom I wish to be social with.

I have pretty much followed this built exaclty but I seem to struggle with just reg atz....Any thoughts?

My gear:

103k dmg in town

max resist 3k life and 4.1k shield...I would love your feedback.

@ Rognarak

I can give you the same advice Rusherboy gave me when I first started this build. You should watch the video. There is a distinct pattern.

Rule #1 - It is a marathon, not a sprint. Take your time. As you can see from the above video, it took me 12 minutes to get my first kill in this league. You are not filming it. No one is watching. If it takes 30 minutes the first time then so be it. No one will know except you.

Rule #2 - Never stop moving. Always launch your totems & move around. 2 things can happen
1) The mobs will be attracted to you & the totems can do the damage.
2) The mobs will be attracted to the totems in which case you stop moving & launch some more when they die.

Rule #3 - A slow mob is a dead mob. Use Temporal Chains on all mobs except Atziri.

Trash - Use the doors. Hide & let the totems do the work.

Vaal - Always move to one side as soon as you enter. Do not go down the middle. This will activate the one you move closer to first. Focus both your totems on that one & kill it first. Then move to the other one. Never have a pet in there until the you have moved to one side. The pet tends to go down the middle & activate both.

Trio - Again if you look at the video, I move to one side & activate them slowly. This gives me a chance to take one down quickly. Be careful though as you kill one the others get to be more powerful. I try to kill the chick who tosses the spikes first.

Atziri - Launch your totems & avoid all the crap she tosses at you. She will stop for a split second & that is when you launch them again until she phases out. The Split - of the 4 you typically want to kill the one holding the spear. It usually is the easiest. You always want to avoid the one with the mirror as it reflects your damage.

After that it is just learning the pattern on the event & going through it slowly. Once you have the basics down you will be amazed how fast you can take her down with 100k DPS.

This is going to sound crazy but,

You will have a better chance with the event if you get rid of Empower Level 3 & add Faster Projectiles. Yes you will lose DPS however the range from Faster Projectiles is 2nd to none. If you look at my build in this league I am still using Faster Projectiles. I love it. I lose about 7k DPS. which is a drop in the bucket when you are over 100k.


I am not Anti-Social, I am just selective on whom I wish to be social with.
Last edited by Ahewaz#3222 on Jul 30, 2016, 6:45:08 PM
Thanks Ahewaz I will give this a try. This helped a ton! Thanks for your time.
No prob... Happy to help.

Well it only took 709 days to,


I am not Anti-Social, I am just selective on whom I wish to be social with.

I am not Anti-Social, I am just selective on whom I wish to be social with.
Last edited by Ahewaz#3222 on Aug 1, 2016, 4:09:03 PM

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