[2.5] Dual Flame Totem Crit version. 263k dps (400k possible) . Uber and Normal Atziri
" Yes, Power Charges increase your Totems damage. 3.3 RF Trickster SSF HC guide :
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2147256 |
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Just a quick update:
Hit level 80 in Darkshrine last night. I was rocking a 5L chest that fell for me and I alc'ed with some OK stats. I really didn't want to loose it so I put off getting an Infernal Mantle. A couple days ago, when I was 75, I bought a 1 socket, high roll mantle for 4c+2regret (all that I had heh). I accidentally six socketed while trying to 4 socket it. Was not as lucky with the links, managed only to make it a 4L + 2L. But OMG the infernal mantle is SO MUCH BETTER then even a moderately good rolled 5L rare. In the 5L I was running FT+Faster Cast+Added Lightning+Added Chaos+Faster Proj and was getting (at that time) ~18,500 dps tooltip in town. I switched to the mantle with 4L FT+Faster Proj+Added Chaos+Faster Cast (lost the added lightning) and actually INCREASED my DPS to ~18,700dps tooltip in town. Not a hige increase, but huge that i LOST a damage gem and it still increased. So, the moral of the story is get that mantle working for you ASAP. Even a 4L is better than a 5L rare. However, the downside of the mantle has cost me 10% experience now a few times, hehe. Was used to the rare chest and, while running slower regen maps, you really need to keep an eye on the mana level. Now for the bad news. I think I'm completely tired of Darkshrine. I know it was interesting to have the chance to try for a 20q gem every time you add a +crit multi item into one, but its a lot of work as well. So far I still haven't gotten a q20 gem for one reason or another. I'm level 80, I must have put 4 mod rares with crit multi in a darkshrine at least 40+ times and I've gotten "Perfection" maybe 5 times (if it was really flat random it should have been closer to 10 times). Darkshrine is just a little boring for some reason. PRO TIP: Had I known you have to go completely nakid with ONLY a single gem in your inventory, I would have had 5 q20 gems by now. But I wasn't aware of that until last night reading global channel. Stripping down and dropping everything is also dangerous since some of the shrine outcomes are like a strong box and spawn mobs around you. Last edited by Shinare#4581 on Nov 12, 2015, 11:22:24 AM
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I also gave up on Darkshrine, just didn't like it much. It is all about finding crit multi items and turn them in.
Infernal Mantle is the absolutely best chest item for this build, no other chest comes close to it. Luckily it's rather cheap. 3.3 RF Trickster SSF HC guide :
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2147256 |
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Welp, I decided to embrace the q20 gem nature of darkshrines and have been able to get just about every one of my current jewels q20. I consider it a challenge to see if I can get ALL q20 (even in off hand). Just trying to make this "event" fun.
Also, an exalt dropped for me, so I bought a 5L mantle with an extra blue for added rarity. Now I am able to keep up with 4 mod crit multi gear with the number of shrines I find (not quite but its better). Its still very hit or miss with the "Perfection" shrines, even with only putting in 4 mod items. I don't even think I have gotten "perfetion" once since getting the 5L, but I was able to increase my opportunities which should help out in the long run in getting all gems q20. Edit: I take that back, I did get one because my item rarity gem is q20 and didn't have that until after the 5L. Last edited by Shinare#4581 on Nov 16, 2015, 1:07:17 PM
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Nice gems. I might take a week in Darkshrine league just for the gems.
3.3 RF Trickster SSF HC guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2147256 Last edited by Rusherboy#5889 on Nov 17, 2015, 10:44:28 AM
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Hi, you may have already answered this question, as I didn't have time to read all 16 pages of replies (LOL) but I was wondering what the immortal call gem is for? From looking at your gear, I can't figure out where the Endurance charges are coming from. Am I missing something here?
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" It can protect you from burst damage and stun-lock. Eventhough there are no endurance charges, the proc lasts iirc 0,4 secs wich is enough time to get out of a risky situation. 3.3 RF Trickster SSF HC guide :
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2147256 |
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Oh ok! I honestly had no idea it would proc without endurance charges :) Thanks for the tip!
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Thanks for the build again! Very solid...even with my bad internet connection and potato laptop I keep surviving in maps. And it's easy to gear, spent not much more than two Exalted (one for Maligaro's and one for 5l Infernal Mantle) so perfect for a casual like me.
scroogetemplar / scroogewitch / scroogemarauder
Freezing Pulser (safe + affordable): https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1529856 |
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Hi, Noob here:
Here is my gear Here is the skill tree https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwMAAx4EBwSzBUIGIwceCPQN0Q5IEZYWbxa_FvMc3B0UHwIfQR_HIvQkqiTYJjwmlSoLKhMreCycLR8tiy-dMtE2xTpYQZZEq0VHRZ1JUUmxTLNOrlNSVUtVrlXGWOVaK13yXl1h4mNDZp5o8mpDbAttGXBScNV8S3yDf8aCEIKbg9uD84VtidOMNo8aj0aPpo_6kyeVLpZ0mjua4KEvogCj8qcIp5SuEq6zsTa1SLmTvorAVMBmwwnQH9D10f3VgdWm18_YJN-w4XPjauvu6_XtPO-I7-vwH_DV8h3z6vk3-tI=?accountName=Potato_Salads&characterName=Potatoe_Salad When I use tooltip, says my dps on totem is 20k lol. What am I DOING WRONG :(! Thanks -Salad Last edited by Potato_Salads#6276 on Dec 6, 2015, 3:59:15 PM
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