MoreRain: Life&ES CoC Discharge [2.2]

Yo maks dawg :)

freezing pulse is better than ice nova in 6L ?

IGN: Imoenpl, nieuczdziadajakcharchac
my first POEvid "Hybrid Wander and Atziri fight"
a ci build wouldnt worke right?
topperharly wrote:
so maligaro > atziri acuity?

PoE17 wrote:
MatrixFactor wrote:

Nice stuff. You could probably spec more damage in the tree instead of getting rid of disco. What are your thoughts on mali's vs acuity? I never got to test that personally.

I was using acuities, but been using my legacy maligaros last few days, pros and cons to each obviously:

Stat Wise (Acuity):
-The int is good for ES, but we don't really need it to run gems or anything, and ES can be obtained from our tree pretty easy.
-The crit chance is good, but maligaros has more, i was slightly under crit capp with acuities, unless i got a nice crit mod on one of my rings so you just need a ring with modded crit with acuities. Though you should probably get crit on both rings anyway considering you're not always at max power charges especially single target.
-Armour is ok but we get so much from our perma granites.
-Life is great, wins over maligaros but we can get more life from the tree if we had too
-Leech on crit strike, this is the only stat that makes acuities worth considering just because it saves 4 nodes, and you obviously dont get the 2 nodes to get the extra jewel slot, so you end up with 6 nodes to spend elsewhere, though this does pose some problems
-The problem i initially had was i didnt have any strength or dex on my gear, i was just a few points shy of being able to run max V.M.S. and couldnt run max ice golem, faster attacks, vaal haste etc.
-Because of this i ending up having to spend 2 nodes on 30 strength and 30 dex anyway as i didnt cover it on my gear.

Stat Wise (Maligaros):
-Dex, we need dex for the gems so this helps alot, especially if you don't have other dex on gear you'll have to get dex nodes.
-Attack speed, helpful for CoC mechanics
-Crit Chance, more than acuities and easier to get crit capped
-Crit Multi, huge damage boost, especially legacy with 50 crit multi, can't get this much from tree, even non-legacy is a good damage boost.
-Without acuities leech you are forced to go get V.P., but you get helpful dex/str on the way
-Going down to get V.P. means you'll get the extra jewel slot, which we all know are really strong

Leech Thoughts:
-Assuming you're roughly crit capped and your spells are roughly around 80-90 crit chance for nova/discharge/freeze pulse
-95 percent chance to crit, 70 percent chance to cast spells when you crit, 80-90 percent chance for spells to crit, this still means you're still leeching a lot and quite often when you have 300-350 crit multi for your spells
-I can barely notice any difference in map clearing, i think this would make a difference for bosses but it's hard to tell the difference
-Mechanics and math aside, V.P. is obviously better considering you're always leeching instantly even on non-crits
-The downside to V.P. is no regen, but it's not really a big deal with perma life flasks and the 30+ life per sec (assuming most are around 3k life which is easy to obtain without any additional regen nodes) is not really that good anyway

Final Thoughts:
All things considered i kind of agree with you that maligaros is better for this build i.m.o.
The dex is good, attack speed is good, crit is just great damage, and going to get V.P. (which isn't that far) with the extra jewel slot is not necessarily a bad thing, and the leech will be better.

just my thoughts on the comparison from earlier

m_flower wrote:
Yo maks dawg :)

freezing pulse is better than ice nova in 6L ?

ice nova does way better aoe damage as it hits and freezes everything around you, so better for the map clear.
freeze pulse does better damage to single targets since it has a higher tooltip, but doesn't hit everything on the screen like nova does.
nova also helps to proc e.e. to many more monsters.
personally for a map boss more than one (courtyard,excavation,bazaar) or twinned i use nova, for single only you can switch to freeze pulse for extra single target deeps.

topperharly wrote:
a ci build wouldnt worke right?

MatrixFactor wrote:
pepejovi wrote:
Have you tried going CI? Your survivability might suffer but I figure the immunity to chaos dmg might make up for it.

It's not worth it for us since we can't put on a nice chest armor like
to really benefit from high ES. According to my calcs CI would get 7.2 ES with higher value 400/450 helm/shield. Also with 30 chaos res chaos dmg doesn't matter. Realistically you gain a flask slot + easier gearing vs 800 EHP + status immunity.

(because voll protector chest too stronk for coc builds)
MatrixFactor wrote:
Skyion wrote:
Nice Uber kill, you keep making these builds work, cool.

Can you respec a few life nodes to CI and tell us how much ES it gives?

Well if I was CI I can tell you what I'd have.

First of all helm would be 450 ES because I wouldn't need chaos res on it. Shield would also be 450ES for the same reason. This means by base ES would go from 1.3k to 1.6k. Then my %ES on tree would go from 180%+int=>251% to 231%+int+15%more=>350%. Overall my ES with CI would be 7.2k. So slightly less EHP, but you could forget about chaos res/dmg.

Also CI would loose 1.7k ES switching to ROTP, I only loose 1k ES. :) Also life is kind of free since you get 1.3-1.5k from just leveling and it's an affix you can get on belt/ring, whereas with CI what 3rd prefix would you get?

So no its not that it wouldnt work, it's just not as stronk/optimal if you have the right gear !!!!

Shajirr wrote:
With the release of Ascendancy, this build stays Shadow or something else, out of all subclasses revealed so far?

The build tree really only works best with templar/witch/scion/shadow (mayb ranger but thats an inefficient stretch to connect there), so that cuts a few down.

Out of those and what we know:
- Witch - necromancer obviously does nothing for us, i'd imagine there would a wanding or wanding themed subclass also, and lets hope the third gives us something to do with elemental spell casters.
- Scion - no idea as we have nothing.
- Shadow - we can get a bit of extra deeps from the assassin subclass, saboteur does nothing for us.
- Templar - we could make use of inquisitor

so i'd say templar/shadow so far but nothings for certain, the tree could change again for 2.2 and change things, we're beginning to see the changes they're making for ascendency already with what they did with shadow (less crit, more trap nodes).

revealed subclasses -
Baked Beans - Meme Dreams
Last edited by PoE17#3475 on Dec 16, 2015, 5:04:45 PM
TY PoE17!
All my builds /view-thread/1430399

T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265
k thanks for the CI info. because i have not 30% chaos res so i die to many times...thats why i had to switch voll to life longer...

i am using this at the moment

and i had to buy a "good" dagger...8 ex i hope it was worth it, but sofar yes...i guess

I am a little lost with this MAJ 2.1

What is best in slot so that the build is most possible OP?

Have legacy surgeon set and I play as standard.

Helm : Vertex ? gem setup and Gem level ?
Boots : gem setup and Gem level ?
Maligaros : gem setup and Gem level ?
Shield : gem setup and Gem level ?
Voll protector : gem setup and Gem level ?

I have to invest in boots and in shield because I am player of Deoboy COC pure life .

Can look you at my profile and tell me what I have to change or what I can keep on my witch ?


Last edited by thinktwice1416#7936 on Dec 17, 2015, 2:53:59 AM
Did anyone experiment with skyforth?
If 25% power charge on crit is good enough, voll's protector could be dropped in favour of shavronne's wrappings.
Hello MatrixFactor , first of all thanks for guides , I'm planning to soon switch from the SWT starting build to that build, and I'd like to know what bandit rewards are most optimized for this build ?

And is the build still able to do uber and high level maps after the nerf you mentioned in title ?

Thank you
Just wondering if added fire damage on weapon is still better then added cold? About to craft a dagger :)

Oh boy!!!!

Guess ill slap fire or cold on a ring :)

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