What's New:
23 Oct - Added video of Hall of Grandmasters full clear (3 deaths)
23 Oct - Updated MF Setup 300iir 110iiq (up to 350/130 with good legacy gear).
22 Oct - Posted my L100 tree
16 Oct - Added MF setup to gear section
15 Oct - Added Vaal Temple boss fight video
This is a cast on crit cyclone discharger that relies on Energy Shield. The build is inspired by Doeboy's Cast on Cyclone over in Shadow forum. The main difference is that I use ES and Ghost Reaver instead of Acrobatics and Evasion. Having a larger EHP pool is better than relying on Dodge/Eva.
Why is this the most OP build in PoE? It can easily reach L100 because of very good defense (8-9k EHP + 11k armor + 88-92 res + 5-6 ECs). It has the highest damage in most 6man parties (all 6man parties in 1m or 3m leagues). It can clear gorge in 3 minutes while wearing 300iir and 110iiq. It can do uber atziri deathless. It can do core malachai deathless (p1p2). It can even do double boss vaal temple with vulnerability deathless. Its damage is 10-15% less than a almost fully-mirrored reaver at 10% of the cost. In fact I believe this build is so OP, it needs to be nerfed; if it's not nerfed it will make the metagame stale. The only downside is the lag and screen flashes from discharge, but it's something you can get used to and play around (don't attack strongboxes in parties).
I started this character around August 20 2015. By the end of Warbands on Oct 2 2015 I was L99 and position 73 on the ladder. On Oct 13 2015 I finished L100 in standard. This is the first build I've played that I thought was viable for L100 and my first L100. As a result I can assure you that this build is viable for absolutely all content in the game.
Deathless uber
I actually did this with my friend DoctorDringuz playing SRS. While his DPS was certainly helpful, I did all the hard work anyways. ;)
Basic stats
Defense with flasks (always up - surgeon's)
Cyclone without charges (95% crit chance with 6PC)
Fairly smooth run. Lost 2 portals to disconnect. Lost 1 portal to a legacy of zeal blue mob 1shot (7.3k +10k armor + ECs). 1 Death to the deadly ground at trio. 1 Death to Atziri. Deathless is highly possible.
Aim_Deep is also doing this build in standard, and he killed uber at L89.
Thanks to Aim_Deep for significant improvements to the tree. L81 Tree (intuitive leap notables not shown) L90 Tree (intuitive leap notables not shown) My L97 tree. My L100 tree.
Vaal Pact, Ghost Reaver, Elemental Equilibrium.
Banidts: Krait, Krait, Oak. The 10 allres from normal Krait is worth it since our gear is pretty tight. Though you could definitely go normal skill point if you're very rich. Merci oak is good if you use Voll's devotion. Otherwise it should be Alira.
6 Jewels:
3x MGOH + Life + Dagger Speed /Melee Crit Chance. This build needs 5 MGOH from jewels.
2x Life + ES + Spell Dmg
1x Intuitive Leap (used at Templar to get Overcharge, Faith&Steel, Devotion and Endurance).
DPS Calculator
1. File->Make a Copy
2. Edit the light blue cells only.
It's possible to play a life based version instead of hybrid. L95 Tree. This tree takes around 185% life + Acro. So it will be very "tanky" and have slightly more dps because of higher crit chance thanks to rat's nest and the crit cluster by Acuity.
Gear, Gems, and Auras
Auras: Discipline, PoF, PoL. Or replace PoF or PoL with AA if you don't have enlighten 4 (or vertex).
Vagan Dagger is BiS because chance to hit hurts us so much for CoC. Whirling blades is amazing, and fortify always procs. Ideally you want 1.7 APS and 8.3 crit chance. 1.6 APS 8.3 crit or 1.7APS 8.0 crit also work almost as well, and are cheaper. I like cold damage on weapon because it frees up craft spots on rings. Do not get adds x-y lightning/cold/fire damage to spells on your dagger. This breaks EE and bricks the dagger.
Guide how to craft a Vagan dagger
Tier 1 bases are skean, royal skean, and poignard.
Tier 2 bases are butcher/slaughter/carving knife
The affixes we want are crit chance, attack speed, spell damage, and added cold damage to attacks(simply written as "adds x-y cold damage", not added to spells).
1. Start with a blue vagan dagger with no suffix
The next step depends on whether you have vagan 8. Having vagan 8 is very helpful.
No Vagan 8
2. Master craft a cheap suffix (+20-25dex for 4 augments). This is to increase chance of outcome b in step 4.
Yes Vagan 8
2. Master craft "cannot roll caster mods" from Vagan for 5 blessed orbs.
3. Regal the dagger.
4. Based on the regal there are several possible outcomes (from best to worst):
a) High tier (better than or equal to master tier) crit chance, attack speed, spell damage or any tier added cold damage (to attacks not spells)
b) A harmless prefix (anything except added damage to spells)
c) A bad suffix.
d) A bad prefix like added cold/fire/lightning damage to spells. This outcome will never happen if you have Vagan 8.
5. In case of:
d) sell your dagger to someone who doesn't use EE. It is completely brick for this build.
c) sell your dagger for cheap or transform it to a 1mod rare (requires Haku 8, Elreon 8, and costs 4ex + 2ex for another multimod). Only recommended if you can afford to pay 2ex extra for a dagger and want it quickly. The method is:
i. master craft Multimed (Elr8)
ii. master craft Prefixes cannot be changed (Haku8)
iii. master craft another prefix (flat phys from Vagan, or spell damage from Cat)
iv. scour (removes all suffixes)
v. remove crafted mods (removes the spell dmg prefix from Cat)
vi. add multimod
vii. add the 4 affixes we want
b) multimod and add everything except added cold damage. Get cold damage on a ring or put ice nova before discharge in your CoC links.
a) congrats, add the three missing desirable mods thru multimod.
Voll's power charge generation ability is amazing. For a 5L I would drop ice nova, inc crit strikes is really nice. For single target I would replace ice nova with freezing pulse. The order the spells are cast are closest to furthest (based on links) to the CoC gem. For me it's discharge first and then ice nova. The reason is because I have cold damage no my dagger so cyclone procs anti-cold EE, discharge hits with fire and light and procs pro-cold EE, and then ice nova/freeze pulse hits. If you get fire or lightning damage added, or no damage added on your cyclone you will have to put ice nova first, but this isn't ideal because ice nova can fail to CoC (30% chance), in which case your discharge will be hurt by EE.
Mali Gloves are nice for the crit chance and crit multi. Boots just need high ES and chaos res. I use Sol Fist for elemental weakness maps. The vaal molten shell provides an additional layer of safety for situations where we anticipate danger: strongboxes, and boss fights. The high level CWDT procs immortal call, resummons our golem, and casts cold snap to hopefully freeze or at least chill whatever hit us for 4k damage.
-8 Jewelry is needed to sustain cyclone. I also use 3 "mana gained per enemy hit with your attacks" with a total of 5 MGOH. This is enough to cover my 9 mana cost cyclone since cyclone hits at least twice. So if I don't miss completely I sustain. I like to have chaos res on one ring. To craft elreon rings you want to mastermod a suffix and then regal for a good prefix or suffix. I think cold res is the best res to get because we will use purity of light/fire for uber atziri, but we'll never use purity of ice.
The belt needs strength in order to run L20 VMS. The other pieces need ES, res, chaos res, and spell damage. +1 endurance charge on belt allows us to run the ideal 6PC/6EC balance. Vertex is a really solid helmet option while you use rings with resists rather than diamond ones.
Adds about 80% more DPS overall. A elreon amy makes it easier to sustain until you get a Voll's.
The surgeon's flasks are always up.
MF Setup 300 iir 110iiq with flask
This setup is used for farming Atziri as well as maps. Auras are discipline+purity of elements.
To keep up Divdist I recommend only having 2-3 MGOH on jewels and using a quicksilver flask so that you can cast more cyclones/sec in order to drain the mana required to keep div dist up.
For bosses you may run out of mana this way, in which replace andvarius with a elreon ring. For atziri I recommend running life leech instead of IIQ because 1% leech (after curse effect) from warlord's isn't enough to outleech the incoming damage at trio and atziri.
Single Target Problems & Other Thoughts
Single targets can be a bit of a problem for this spec. This is because 1) we rely on leech to stay alive, and with 1 target there's less to leech, and 2) having only 1 target lowers the number of CoC procs we get.
To combat this I suggest using a for map bosses and tough rares. It double dips for us by procing more spells as well as making the spells crit more. As a result it's a 60-100% DPS boost. That's pretty amazing for a single flask don't you think? Also perpetual makes it so it refills reasonably quick, especially since uniques, blues, and rares grant multiple flask charges when slain.
Vagan Dagger is BiS because chance to hit hurts us so much for CoC. Whirling blades is amazing, and fortify always procs. Ideally you want 1.7 APS and 8.3 crit chance. 1.6 APS 8.3 crit or 1.7APS 8.0 crit also work almost as well, and are cheaper. I like cold damage on weapon because it frees up craft spots on rings. Do not get adds x-y lightning/cold/fire damage to spells on your dagger. This breaks EE and bricks the dagger.
the ratio of crit chance to attack per second, pls explain more. thanks
The reason this weapon is BiS for CoC is due to accuracy, since you get all your damage from an attack critting and proccing your linked spells, in this case it would be Ice Nova and Discharge. Therefore you want as high a Crit Chance as you can without worrying about Accuracy (CoC biggest drawback):
For this example assume you have Crit Chance of 50%.
Assume you have a rare dagger with 80% Accuracy or Chance To Hit and a Vagan Dagger
With the rare dagger you will hit and (80*0.5) = 40% chance to land a hit that crits
Vagan Dagger which is (100*0.5) = 50% chance to land a hit that crits
So by using a Vagan Dagger you offset the weakness of most CoC builds which is accuracy:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TLDR:
More hits that Crit = More Damage and More survivability (Via Surgeon Flasks)
More attacks (APS) and Higher Base Crit = More Damage and More survivability
The Reasoning behind the Cold Damage is ```Elemental Equilibrium```` since you generate Power and Endurance Charges respectively you do not want any added elemental damage of those types.
"Enemies you hit with Elemental Damage temporarily get +25% Resistances to those Elements and −50% Resistances to other Elements"
Now the damage from the build does not come from Ice Nova, but from Discharge and the charges you generate happen to be Power and Endurance which Deals x–y base Fire/Lighting Damage per Endurance/Power Charge. Therefore Cold damage when you Whirling Blades and attack with cyclone applies EE which buffs your Discharge damage.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TLDR
Cold Damage Procs EE = More Damage for your Discharge
"The question I must ask is, not what I can gain but what can I do."
Last edited by Heliosia#2540 on Oct 25, 2015, 2:16:52 AM
Hey more rain, I have a quick question for you. If I dont have chaos res on my gear, what is the solution to not dying so fast(atziri/uber atziri mainly?). Its hard finding chaos res gear while maintaining high es/life. Also, I have two -8 ele rings diamond rings with 68 life and multicrafted them like your ring
Here is my gear. Life is 3k, es is 4k, level 90.
Tell me what to change, and how do you deal with mobs that shoot spike( and choas projectiles) without ripping. I'm new to melee builds, been playing a ranger for 13 months, sold my glyph to buy the mirrored dagger. I also have acuity left that i need to sell. Main goal is uber service. <3 thanks and keep on rocking
I've been looking through builds for ideas for the upcoming Darkshrine Event and this caught my eye. I've been a big fan of your SRS builds in the past and is generally my 'go to default build'.
The only concern I have of this build is the pricetag going into a new league. Have you or anyone else started this build in a new league?
I saw a reply where you recommended to level as Self Cast incinerate till 60+ or so.
Ultimately... What would you guys do? Is this viable as a new league character or should it be a 2nd character or something?
(I did complete 20/20 in this last Flashback league. It took me 14 or 15 days as my playtime is a bit limited, to give you an idea of what i'm working with.) Thanks
Ultimately... What would you guys do? Is this viable as a new league character or should it be a 2nd character or something?
It should be your 2nd character. Check out my guide how to transition from incinerate totems to this. (link in signature)
edys007 wrote:
Hey more rain, I have a quick question for you. If I dont have chaos res on my gear, what is the solution to not dying so fast(atziri/uber atziri mainly?).
You need to get chres on your belt (make it a priority over +1ec) and boots. Also use vertex for your helmet until you get a rare with chres. Finally, use an amethyst flask for trio if your chres is below 60.
kanon1 wrote:
This dagger is ok or brick?
using this ring
Yes the dagger is a brick.
crotovert wrote:
the ratio of crit chance to attack per second, pls explain more. thanks
I think Heliosia misunderstood your question. Basically poignard starts with 1.5 APS and 6.3 crit so you can master craft it to 1.7 APS and 8.0 crit. Skean starts with 1.45 APS and 6.6 crit so you can craft it to 1.6 APS and 8.38 crit. To get higher than those, you need a lucky regal.
And this one? if i put prefix cannot change and i remove the suffix i stay with hits cannot be evaded
the dagger will be yellow or blue?
is it worth it or i should try to buy one or keep trying vagan daily?
And this one? if i put prefix cannot change and i remove the suffix i stay with hits cannot be evaded
the dagger will be yellow or blue?
is it worth it or i should try to buy one or keep trying vagan daily?