I still think map drops are fine - boost drops and good players can do 79++ all day long
" You're level 91. Running 75-77 maps is appropriate for your level. Can you run all possible vaal'd 75-77 maps? If not then there's your difficult content to aspire being able to complete. " 81 maps are <=1ex in Warbands. 79 are 18c, and 55c=1ex. It's your fault that you chose to compete with established players who can afford to pay 2ex+ per 80+ map. " That would make the game more boring, and less rewarding. 79-82 isn't more difficult right now, it's not a revelationary gaming experience to kill 79 mobs compared to 77. It's more of a luxury that more dedicated players can take advantage of. Sort of how 6Ls and high tier gear allow more dedicated players to have an advantage worth grinding for. Also difficulty and RNG are somewhat related. Do 8mod maps consistently and you'll see that RNG will start to favor you. All my builds /view-thread/1430399
T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265 |
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I've been playing this game for over a year and it is quite obvious that since the changes in 2.0 it has become MORE difficult to maintain a high level map pool. Anyone saying otherwise, or claiming that skill plays a part in finding maps is a joke. That bragging guy that linked all his loot showed a drill neck in his excess loot pile too. Does everyone drop one of those too or does that take some special SKILL most of us haven't developed yet lol? Forget all the rest of the loot he linked, if I dropped two exalts and a drillneck in 1 day it would be the luckiest day of my poe life.
The mapping system now panders even more to the rich than it did before. In 23 days of play I have dropped 2 77s. At level 90 I stopped playing my main character because I was sitting on 50 or so 70 - 72 maps and did not feel like blowing the two exalts I was lucky enough to drop over that period of time on two level 80 maps. At that point 70-72 maps are worthless for xp and I decided to just make a new toon. And to clarify: Luck in poe = riches Skill and intelligence are no longer necessary as they have nerfed every thing that was ever difficult or required thought in this game. They even got rid of thornflesh in the latest patch (which was introduced as a nerf to replace the reflect auras that all the unskilled masses were crying about) for all of you players that want to just steamroll content without having to identify enemy types - here you go - just keep holding that button down! Next just do away with life and mana and give me unlimited everything cuz this game is hard waaaaaa. I miss when reaching 90+ took skill. Now it just takes luck and exalts. |
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" That is the name of the game though, isn't it? You play the game, stuff drops. Wearable, jewel, map, currency or card. The more you play, the more stuff drops. You use those stuff or trade them for other stuff that are useful to you. So your toon becomes stronger. Stronger toon will clear maps faster, and gain exp faster. More exp will make even stronger, and stuff will drop even higher rate and you will have a better chance to kill higher level map bosses. Which will give you more chance to get +1, +2 maps. Long story short, this is a loot game and -naturally- dedicated players (A.K.A. No-Lifers) will have more stuff than casual players like me. So we trade. GGG need to undo the Zana map level change though. Last edited by BurakUeda#0565 on Aug 3, 2015, 1:34:16 PM
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"A half dozen maps for sale indeed does not mean much. But when hundreds of maps are available, that's a different story. Just to clarify here, I put 82s decisively in the "unsustainable" column. I put 78s and below decisively in the "sustainable" column. 79-81 are the grey area to me, but claim that 79s are sustainable is not surprising to me (nor would hearing that 81s aren't sustainable). All the above fits in with economy data from poe.trade; there is a huge surplus of 77s so it would be weird indeed if 78s went suddenly from huge surplus to cannot sustain. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Aug 3, 2015, 1:40:25 PM
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" OK big boy, let's see a dozen maps from your collection of "sustainable" 77's and 78's... Sold them all for Exalts? In that case, a screenshot of a stash tab of 75's and 76's will do. |
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As I said, 77/78 are sustainable if you are zana modding your higher level maps (at least your 79+ if not 78+). 79+ is not sustainable indefinitely even with the best possible rolls & zana modding. The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard Last edited by tackle70#1293 on Aug 3, 2015, 1:44:50 PM
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"http://poe.trade/search/atekenimarikuh When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
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" This has always been a great suggestion and I hope GGG listens. I'm predicting price spikes for map drops, though. I think the reasons prices are low right now is a. force of habit about map prices that isn't reacting fast to changing economy and b. mentality among players that they should be able to loot maps and not buy them. If more folks give up looting maps and instead start trying to buy them, prices will necessarily increase. More demand + more rarity = higher prices. Now, it also looks like some players are getting a surplus in map drops (I think from partying. I'm still convinced partying gives better map drops, because anecdotally it ALWAYS has for me and continues to do so every single time I do it). But that's a small number of players - while supply in the economy might be maintained, low competition means those players could certainly raise prices in reaction to the high demand. All of that is assuming people are behaving like they would in a real economy, which, granted, they don't in PoE. So I could totally be wrong. I hope I am, actually, because it will mean maps will remain affordable. We're all in this leaky boat together, people.
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" Wow, impressive army of alt accounts you have there, must be playing 24+ hours a day... |
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" I could be selling a lvl 78 map I found. Does that mean that I can sustain 77 maps currently? No. Does that mean that I can sustain level 76 maps currently? No. Does that mean that I can sustain lvl 75 maps currently? No (though I kind of can). Searching poe.trade right now (standard) I can find exactly 6 lvl 81 maps i could buy (online) that range from 3 to 5 exalt and zero 82 maps. If I add the ones that are offline there are 11 lvl 81 and 2 lvl 82. Compare that to the new high-level 2.0 uniques, say for example Sire of Shards - there are many more of those you can buy. It just means that I ran a level 75 map, found a Zana mission level 76, and the boss dropped a 78. I also found a 79 (in a 77 map). Could also sell that one. Being able to sustain maps of 75 means that you will eventually find 79s every once in a while, because you have to run the 77s you find in order to sustain the 75s. Having to spend stupid amounts of currency (maybe 10 chaos per map for rolling, 10 chaos for Zana mod per map) to be able to play maps only works if you trade, and mostly also requires to play in a mapping party. Party play with more than 3 person parties is just no fun for me, partially because the of the rediculous amounts of graphical effects that that produces. Trading is not fun either. " Content that is 16 levels below my character level an gives 20% XP is appropriate? That is an interesting concept. So at which level of character and no-life-ness should I be allowed to play level 80+ maps? And of course I can't. Neither can you. Can you run a blood magic no regen map with desecrated ground, 300% increased monster damage as lightning / cold / fire, -15% max resists and monsters cannot be cursed with each and every of your 90+ characters? I do not think there is a single character in the game that could run each and every single weirdo combination of affixes in each and every 78 map, so I am fine with not being able to do that in level 77s. I can run most combinations. " No, it is not my fault. When I started playing, there was no Warbands. And I do not play enough to play and enjoy leagues very much. Neither could I have leveled to 91 in Warbands by now. The current design of the game just punishes casual, yet dedicated players. That was not the case in 1.3. Remove Horticrafting station storage limit.
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