I still think map drops are fine - boost drops and good players can do 79++ all day long

OP play on standard.
diablofdb wrote:
it also support my second opinion wich is, it's good to make it harder and longer to get at level 100.

Again, isn't there much better ways to prevent people from getting to 100 too fast (BTW there are already 4 players in the temp leagues at 100) than gating off the high-level content?

- narrow the band of levels where you get full XP and steepen the curve beyond
- XP gain penalties for lvl 90/95+ characters
Remove Horticrafting station storage limit.
Char1983 wrote:
diablofdb wrote:
it also support my second opinion wich is, it's good to make it harder and longer to get at level 100.

Again, isn't there much better ways to prevent people from getting to 100 too fast (BTW there are already 4 players in the temp leagues at 100) than gating off the high-level content?

- narrow the band of levels where you get full XP and steepen the curve beyond
- XP gain penalties for lvl 90/95+ characters

"High level content" isn't high level or anything special. If you wanted to, you could just buy 79-82 maps and run that content. People leveling to 100 can't just buy a more shallow exp curve. It doesn't make sense to punish those who are already trying their hardest in order to reward the lazy people like yourself, who expect to be given all content for free.
All my builds /view-thread/1430399

T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265
MatrixFactor wrote:
"High level content" isn't high level or anything special. If you wanted to, you could just buy 79-82 maps and run that content. People leveling to 100 can't just buy a more shallow exp curve. It doesn't make sense to punish those who are already trying their hardest in order to reward the lazy people like yourself, who expect to be given all content for free.

That is pretty much one of the weirdest / most ignorant comment I have ever heard on these forums.

What is wrong with giving casual / semi-casual players content available that is appropriate for their characters? Buying the content would at the moment cost me 7 exalt per lvl 82 map, if I buy one copy of all maps 79-82 that is probably about 40 exalt. Which, BTW, I do not have.

I would just like if the content was gated by difficulty and not gated by RNG. That would be so nice.

Currently, 90% of the playerbase is punished for the fact that 0.01% of the playerbase gets to level 100 very fast. Do you think that is good? GGG stated that the goal was to make it harder to level to 100, which is totally fine with me. Just don't kill the fun for everyone else in the process, please.
Remove Horticrafting station storage limit.
BurakUeda wrote:
I kind of have to agree.
Not from a personal experience though.

But if you check poe.trade:

Being able to buy the highest level map for 2 exa on Warbands means it is not that rare right?

I remember pre 2.0 standard league.
Level 77 was 1 exa, 78 was 2 exa for a very long time.
And that was on permanent league with a very screwed economy.
This guy has the right idea.

All you folks saying they're not sustainable, you're just wrong. They are and the economy is proving it. At a minimum, whatever is regularly sold on the economy cannot be more than +2 of what's sustainable, and likely is +0 or +1 of what's sustainable. This is because the economy isn't mana from heaven, it is real surplus farmed by real players, just like you. Oh, and it corrects for luck, too.

I still think there is a problem due to the massive negative reaction. I just think it's other stuff. Perhaps the biggest change is that skipping map bosses is punished hard now, if you skip map bosses you are going to have trouble with sustain. The noise means there is an issue but that doesn't mean the masses are right about how to fix it.

One thing to add to Crackmonster's suggestions list: 2 maps of same base vendor to map of +1 level (instead of needing 3 of same).
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Aug 3, 2015, 12:54:53 PM
They are absolutely NOT okay.

Content should be GATED by difficulty NOT RNG, Watch everyone quote this post.
I have extra beta keys and I'm not giving them out

PoE1 > PoE2
ScrotieMcB wrote:
All you folks saying they're not sustainable, you're just wrong. They are and the economy is proving it. At a minimum, whatever is regularly sold on the economy cannot be more than +2 of what's sustainable, and likely is +0 or +1 of what's sustainable. This is because the economy isn't mana from heaven, it is real surplus farmed by real players, just like you. Oh, and it corrects for luck, too.

So as far as you're concerned, it's fine that high level maps are effectively pay2play commodities. Path of Exalts uber alles.
RogueMage wrote:
ScrotieMcB wrote:
All you folks saying they're not sustainable, you're just wrong. They are and the economy is proving it. At a minimum, whatever is regularly sold on the economy cannot be more than +2 of what's sustainable, and likely is +0 or +1 of what's sustainable. This is because the economy isn't mana from heaven, it is real surplus farmed by real players, just like you. Oh, and it corrects for luck, too.

So as far as you're concerned, it's fine that high level maps are effectively pay2play commodities. Path of Exalts uber alles.
They aren't for the guy selling them to you. You know whoever finds them is running maps, or at least ran a map, within 2 levels (more likely, within 1 level) of that map. You also know he willingly parted with it instead of running it himself.

If this map seller is just abnormally lucky, then it is Gambler's Fallacy for him to sell the map; he's assuming his abnormally good luck will continue. But we don't have a map seller, we have a community of map sellers, and it doesn't seem to be slowing down.

You also know that other folks can buy maps, so if demand is high then maps will leave the economy about as fast as they are put onto it by sellers, so a significant standing surplus implies supply exceeding demand.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Aug 3, 2015, 1:26:23 PM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
All you folks saying they're not sustainable, you're just wrong. They are and the economy is proving it. At a minimum, whatever is regularly sold on the economy cannot be more than +2 of what's sustainable, and likely is +0 or +1 of what's sustainable. This is because the economy isn't mana from heaven, it is real surplus farmed by real players, just like you. Oh, and it corrects for luck, too.

You are making the faulty assumption that what is sold is excess. This is not necessarily the case at all.

It's perfectly reasonable to get a lucky streak into 79/80 maps, get a couple 81 or 82 drops, and decide to sell them off rather than run them because those map levels are unsustainable anyways. This makes a lot of sense particularly for less wealthy players for whom a few exalts off a big ticket map sale make a real difference on their wealth.

The existence of 81/82 maps on the market does not mean that 79/80 maps are sustainable, just that there are some 81/82 maps that people chose to sell rather than run.
The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
Last edited by tackle70#1293 on Aug 3, 2015, 1:26:56 PM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
This guy has the right idea.

All you folks saying they're not sustainable, you're just wrong. They are and the economy is proving it. At a minimum, whatever is regularly sold on the economy cannot be more than +2 of what's sustainable, and likely is +0 or +1 of what's sustainable. This is because the economy isn't mana from heaven, it is real surplus farmed by real players, just like you. Oh, and it corrects for luck, too.

I think you're making a faulty assumption here, namely that maps available on the market are "surplus maps" from people who are sustaining the high tier of maps. What I think is the case, is that some people who are lucky are running 77-79 maps, and if any high level map drops they try to sell it to continue to sustain their 77-79 grinding.

Personally I've found it impossible to sustain even 76 maps, no matter how I roll them. I've wasted almost all of my pre-2.0 map pool trying to build up new maps, and it's not paying out at all.

When 2.0 launched I ran about 12-13 76-78 maps I had saved up, they were mostly corrupted rare maps I had saved for a rainy day (ranging from 80% to 150%+ IIQ). The end result of all those maps were a grand total of 1 lev 78 map, and 1 lev 75, the rest were low level garbage. That just killed it for me.

Example map (I ran its mirrored buddy and it gave me a blue 70 map off the boss - after that I just stopped):

Maybe this is a good thing for the game, if you think there are too many players. I am rapidly losing interest in playing, and I'm a really patient guy tbh.

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