I still think map drops are fine - boost drops and good players can do 79++ all day long
" +1 |
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So is it worth for me to keep on going with my 3rd char on Tempest ? cause I have already rerolled to 3 different builds and I can't seem to get past A4 Dried lake and people is saying progression is fucked and all and getting in to maps is retarded now.
Please let me know cause I am really starting to thing I am wasting my time playing again and that there is nothing beyond. Thanks |
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" Wait.. What... Act 4 ..? Hum ..oke ..yeah speechless Read a guide pls and I do not mean that disrespectfull but not getting passes act 4 on 3 chars mean you are doing wrong. The map drops start being harder passed 75 maps and even on level 90 you can them although painfull. The mapping experience before that is fine. Last edited by roetetoet#5335 on Aug 9, 2015, 10:36:15 PM
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Yeah sure cause you are playing on tempest, big man. Haha.
Obviously I am talking A4 Merc in Tempest. I don't really want to keep on playing if everything looks so dark at the end, there is literally no desire to keep on playing for me after reading all the feedback of the expansion. I died on Cruel for the first time with 3800 Life and decent gear and now I am on my 70's with a new reroll and not able to hurt anything in A4 merc, not even in maps with ok gear for what "levelling gear" should be. On top of that, seems that the progression seems to be supergated now with the map drops. What is the point then ? To watch the streamers win all the leagues one after another ? Last edited by chromafunk#7100 on Aug 9, 2015, 11:05:17 PM
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There's a big difference between trying to sustain 77-78 maps while occasinally visiting to endgame content (79-82 maps) in a short period of time (i.e. 3 month temp league - what MOST players play) versus being some standard weenie in a 2.5yr old league with a monster map base and currencies out the ears. Just sayin' Op.
"there is no spoone" - The Matricks
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On the positive side, it is possible to get lucky.
Was frustrated and decided to run the rest of my high-level maps until I run out of >75 maps and then just go do something else (reading books is a great hobby, too). Springs (78) dropped Springs, which in turn dropped nothing. A vaaled 100% quantity or so Crematorium (78) dropped - literally nothing, except for a fragment. At least, it was a Midnight. Still, a net loss. The next two maps were I think Precinct (78) and Overgrown Ruin (79). Precinct corrupted into Arsenal (79). The boss dropped... of course nothing. The next white monster I killed after the boss dropped a map. So much for risk/reward. The Overgrown Ruin was run unidentified and had some 13x% IIQ. Boss (why is a 79 boss so easy?) dropped this: Do I think the map system is fine? I do not. I think I just got very, very lucky (the 79 was also a +2 drop from the boss in Necropolis). It is, however, very nice to hear that someone is talking about it. I stand by what I said: Content should be gated by difficulty and not by RNG. What is currently happening is that not the best players can experience the endgame, but the wealthiest ones with the most time to play. If you have a good build, but only like 5-7 hours time to play per week, you just will get hit by unlucky streaks, you get frustrated and/or bored. @GGG: If you decide not to upgrade the map drops (my suggestion is still: make them less random and make it so the player feels more of a progression, but also buff them a bit), please at least make maps trade up 2:1 rather than 3:1 and/or make Zana mods be a per-portal-cost (to make life for single players better). I also do not expect to be able to sustain 80+ maps, but it would be nice to be reasonably able to sustain 77-78 maps without investing insane amounts of currency and being able to play 80+ on a somewhat regular basis (like 1 out of 3-5 maps) as a single player. I really would like to test my build against all those crazy bosses (and fail horribly at the Eater of Souls ;)). As of now, I will hold on to my 77+ maps until I hear more on this topic. Remove Horticrafting station storage limit. Last edited by Char1983#2680 on Aug 10, 2015, 1:24:12 AM
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Yeah I don't think your experience is the same as everyone else's. You can keep pretending that you're some robotic super-advanced PoE master, but it's not impressing anyone. In fact, when I drop out of 76's, which happens a majority of the time, I'm screwed. I start up on 75's, every single one of them 100%+ quantity, 40%+ rarity, and 15%+ pack size and on average I only ever get a 76 1 out of every 5. This is ridiculous. The hard part of running maps shouldn't be finding another map to run, it should be running the map. You can pretend this isn't a universal fact all you want. But again, finding your next map shouldn't be what you struggle with, and get irritated with. You should struggle and get irritated by the difficulty of the map. IGN: BombTheChildren, ProfessorBigJohnson, SmashTheChildren
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Was that a response to me? If yes, maybe read again, I am on your side here ;).
Remove Horticrafting station storage limit.
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Three little & easy thing to implement, that would make mapping people's lives less frustrating:
1.) Make other unique monsters in zone (exiles, beyond bosses, warbands) be able to drop +1 maps. Right now they cant drop maps at all and this really doesn't make sense. 2.) Scale the instance boss chance to drop maps with the total map quantity. This would make people roll higher Q map AND strive to kill the boss. The current flat 1/5 chance to get a map (any map) from boss, does little to nothing to incentivize boss kills. 3.) Change the tier-up vendor formula to two maps instead of three. When night falls She cloaks the world In impenetrable darkness Last edited by morbo#1824 on Aug 10, 2015, 2:06:47 AM
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" Make sure your guys also check how many maps said players lost to crashes and disconnects. Maybe if all the maps I got locked out of halfway through had dropped a +-1 I wouldn't have run out of maps in the first place. Fix map crashes or increase drop rates (or both). Shop closed until further notice. Check out my Dominus musical tribute instead:
https://soundcloud.com/hackproducer0815/dominus |
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