I still think map drops are fine - boost drops and good players can do 79++ all day long
" This guy. :D Shop closed until further notice. Check out my Dominus musical tribute instead:
https://soundcloud.com/hackproducer0815/dominus |
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" GGG says you can't sustain high level maps. Math says you can't sustain high level maps. Personal experience says you can't sustain high level maps. Crackmonster can sustain high level maps? Crackmonster isn't even good at rolling maps and can sustain high level maps? Crackmonster has the RNGesus on speed dial? Crackmonster is lieing? Crackmonster is super hacker? <3 Free Tibet <3
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"Reading & comprehension" is also a skill that separates the good from the bad posters.
I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.
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" Professional troll is troll. By the way, reading and comprehension are two different things. Therefore, you should have posted "Reading & comprehension" are also skills ..... <3 Free Tibet <3
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Actually to read well you already need to be able to comprehend, didn't actually need the comprehend.
I Just added it into one saying because i knew you would love it, and it worked like a charm. I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.
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" Oh, please. Rolling maps is not a skill, it's a procedure. It requires only a certain amount of (rather basic) knowledge about; your build limitations, tilesets, map bosses & affixes. Once you learn that knowledge, rolling maps is a "mechanical" procedure that you repeat on and on. Playing endgame in PoE is and always was: 90% luck + huge sample size When night falls
She cloaks the world In impenetrable darkness |
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" Sorry, I don't enjoy your irony. I certainly don't love it. I will refrain from correcting you again. I don't want you to misinterpret me anymore than you already have. <3 Free Tibet <3
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When GG stats u cant sustain High lvl Maps they mean the new ones. I dont think its possible to just do 80+ without traiding, grouping and the stuff. But what i dont see is that it got worse than before. Its possieble to run the same lvls like in 1.3 and get a cherry on top from time to time. So i dont get all the complains.
(Im lvl 90 atm - if thats really importent to u) |
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" Can you imagine an expansion that reduced content? Why make content the majority of your players never play? Why pay for content you will never play? Why do people want the templar to wear pants? Why do I feel like I entered a Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoon? <3 Free Tibet <3
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" Not even sure about the Tilesets, there are a few maps that seem to have a lot less mobs in them (quarry...) but overall they are quite similar. More important is the type of mobs. If you have only Sirens you have a lot more enemies, because their packs are bigger and I'm not sure if a Devourer with a lot smaller packsize can actually drop more than a small Siren Spawn in terms of maps. But then again you don't have a choice anyway, since you only have so many maps and you often can't allow yourself to not run a certain map because it might have mobs that spawn in smaller packs (and half of the mobs are random anyway). So Tilesets and map-bosses don't even matter that much because you have to use the maps you get. In a really large map-pool you can eventually afford to upgrade or sell the bad maps, but that often still is a loss compared to running them. The next thing build limitation is almost non-existent since we are speaking about quite low maps. Lets take the 79 bracket of maps. We got Shipyard, Overgrown Ruin, Village Ruin and Arsenal... there is one map in there that might be an issue for certain builds, the rest is easier than some 68 maps. Of course you do not want to get bloodmagic on a CI char etc. but often players have the option to just run it with another char. So the only thing that is left about mapping is getting the right affixes and knowing which upgrades to apply when. This also often shifts a bit with changes to the price of Fragments and Vaal Orbs and there isn't much knowledge to it. The way you use them isn't really up to you, because the way you use them is given to you by the game. First you Chisel, because you always have to chisel before Alching Next you Alc and improve bad roles with Chaos Next you Vaal or not Last you apply Fragments You can't do it in any other way. No one would Chisel an already alched map. You can't chaos after Vaaling. So the main thing is to know if it is more effective to Vaal a map or to use a chaos to get a better roll. Vaaling often is better than going for better roles unless the map is incredible bad. And if you don't have fragments for all maps you of course use them on the maps with the highest pack-size (after you finished rolling them and know the results). Some people might do the mistake and use fragments on a 120q 15 packsize instead of on a 90q 25 packsize map, but that doesn't change the outcome dramatically. The improvement you get from perfectly rolling maps over just chiseling and alching them isn't actually that big. And the investment of currency is quite a lot. You basically double or even triple the investment to sustain one or two levels higher. And you still only can sustain mid-level maps that might give you a shot on one of the 80s every once in a while. |
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