I still think map drops are fine - boost drops and good players can do 79++ all day long
Not sure where you got that quote from, you sure you aren't qouting another there, morinius?
" We will see Anuhart, i don't imagine i shall ever need to run anything less than a 75 map, which has been my stance throughout the thread. I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.
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" You still gain 49% exp in a 74 as 87 |
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Keep smoking dat crack. I did 18 78s all over 100% and got zero 78s or above back.
I love the part about no one knows how to roll maps but u tho. cute Git R Dun! Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Aug 4, 2015, 9:58:19 PM
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" You should have given them to me, i could have ran them for you and gottten at least 7-10 back for you. I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.
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" The title of your post is "boost and good players can do 79++ all day long", so now you're talking about doing 75 maps??? LOL you are such a joke. Majority of the complaints in this section of the forum is all about not having access to 78+ maps and have to deal with GGG's gating content BS. We all got baited by your hipster thread and now you're going soft after seeing how overwhelmingly negative people are towards your story full of plot holes? Sure only you know how to roll map, only you know how to chisel map. Everyone else that has been playing this game for years don't even know the basics. I mean, I'm sure you have to admit that you have seen plenty other people's well documented thread, explaining how much mods they put on maps and receiving absolute no return or a fking 68 map like a slap on the face. And I am sure you have seen plenty threads with screenshots showing how difficult the map has been rolled and still, nothing is on the ground. But somehow, only you, Crackmonster, knows how to roll maps the correct way. |
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Yes I am the one and only authority on the matter, and my word is law.
Thanks for noticing. I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.
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Crackles, you've done a good job of explaining your points but I think this thread has passed the point of usefulness.
The argument from the bulk of posters is relatively easy to summarise: - There is too much influence in map drop rates in the 76-80 tier from RNG - Rolling maps to high quantity does not produce enough tangible benefits to justify the costs - The difficulty of these rolled maps does not justify the benefits - The decreased level of 'fun' from these rolled maps (one shots, chilled ground, temp chains, Rogues/Beyond bosses that don't provide maps) do not justify the costs/difficulty There is little concern that chaining the top tier of maps (80+) is not sustainable, and it seems that in this case the changes to the mapping system is working as intended. 80+ maps feel rare and valuable. However, 76-80 maps should essentially be moderately sustainable based on challenge and investment. This is not the current situation in the temporary leagues for the majority of players because they are approaching the progression 'curve' from a different scenario as yourself. We don't have a solid base of 75 maps to start from (due to similar but lesser RNG influences and challenges in getting to that tier), they don't have a large currency base to start from, and the negative imapct of a poor RNG streak is felt to a greater extent. While your points probably do apply in a Standard setting, this is not the setting that the bulk of complaints are stemming from. I'd say the best way to convert others to your train of thought would be to replicate your results in either Warbands or Tempest. In the meantime - we've moved into pointless bickering territory, and that is neither constructive for us as posters, nor for the intention of this forum - Providing Constructive Feedback and Criticism to the GGG Devs/Balance team. :) == Officially Retired 27/02/2019 == Massive thanks to GGG for producing such a fun and engaging game, it has taken up faaaaaaar too much of my life over the last 5 years. Best of luck in the future! Last edited by CaptainWaffleIron#2395 on Aug 4, 2015, 11:24:47 PM
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Temporary leagues or not is completely irrelevant in how hard sustaining maps is, just to get the facts straight. Map drops must be balanced for an over-time average.
However well meaning your post is, it will not change the fact that the bulk of issues lies in people not rolling maps adequately and expects the rng to be set so they can go just as high as they would like. Should maps be gated behind rng and drop rates influenced by spending on rolling the maps? that is another conversation, and not one i mean to have in this thread because it's not relevant to topic. People keep bringing it in because it is the "hot topic" at the moment, and somewhat relates. I personally do not believe more than 76-78 maps should be more more or less sustainable(unless you want to adjust xp formulas) which they currently are, that is probably the level most skilled map rollers will end up at(sorry couldn't help it ;D). They could maybe increase drop rates overall a little bit, but they really have to be careful because a big boost would break the system. I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all. Last edited by Crackmonster#7709 on Aug 4, 2015, 11:42:58 PM
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" OP thinks it's fine cause he got lucky ITT LOL I love teddy bears.
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" Sweet as dude, well it has been (for a most part) a decent thread to read. Shame about the little insult posts that support have decided to just leave as-is. If you get the chance, feel free to PM me your preferred map rolls so I can give them a try. I'd love to have a bit more consistency in my map pool. Cheerio! == Officially Retired 27/02/2019 ==
Massive thanks to GGG for producing such a fun and engaging game, it has taken up faaaaaaar too much of my life over the last 5 years. Best of luck in the future! |
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