I still think map drops are fine - boost drops and good players can do 79++ all day long
"Just to clarify, are you saying that mapping requires lots of in-game currency, or are you saying mapping requires lots of real-life currency? When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
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Last edited by Jennik#1783 on Dec 11, 2015, 9:11:54 AM
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" irrelevant you say? armchair-generals who've never touched gunpowder were always 'the best' and knew all the answers to all the questions run that map device and try yourself, otherwise it is all hot air and calling these threads 'QQ map threads' without ever experiencing what is being talked about is gross Last edited by sidtherat#1310 on Aug 4, 2015, 12:05:16 AM
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" there is a term I once saw in this forum: RMT catalyst. ridiculous RNG content-gating, would be the "best" catalyst of all. followed by the unholy combination of gear-checks, and RNG drops with extremely low odds and utter disregard for risk or content difficulty. if I was running an RMT site, I'd be looking at this game, and seeing dollar signs. think about it: Path Of Exile is pretty much the only non-P2W game, using tactics some of the worst kind of P2W games would be proud of. and when I say "worst kind", I mean the "buy this, or you'll never progress beyond this point" kind. this always baffled me: why does such a great game, with such a seemingly-solid financial model, need such utter fucking bullshit? Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat Shadow: That was fun Last edited by johnKeys#6083 on Aug 4, 2015, 12:26:06 AM
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" Rares who can't drop +2, exiles who cant drop maps at all, beyond bosses who cant drop maps at all, even more nerfed cartoboxes (in my experience..)... this has all to do with drop rates. "greatly shifting importance toward bosses"?? it shows you don't even play at this level and argue from a purely theoretical pov. Out of hundreds of 74+ maps I've run, I've seen only a handful of +2 drops from boss, usually it's nothing or some -5 lvl garbage. +2 maps are completely irrelevant in the grand scheme of sustainability now (therefore boss kills are irrelevant). Even in 1.3 and previous iterations, +1 were the maps that made the bulk of your progression and sustainability, not +2. For the record; my char in Warbands can do any map mods combo and I always full clear the map (1 - 2 stray white mobs remaining at worst). The only two cases where I couldn't kill the boss, were these two: --- If you want to have a marginal chance at progressing or maintaining, spending a ton of orbs per map is now a requirement. 4x chisel, Alc, chaos spam, vaal, 3x.sac frag and at 79-80+ add Zana Onatopp. For 1 person who does maps, you need orbs of several other players... Which means forced trading. And in the end progression is still mostly luck dependent, with 150%+ maps dropping useless garbage. Endgame in PoE 2.0 is nauseating, anti-gamer experience, that only big merchants can fully afford and gambling addicts can truly enjoy. When night falls She cloaks the world In impenetrable darkness Last edited by morbo#1824 on Aug 4, 2015, 3:03:20 AM
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" Ooh boy, that is the biggest buff I've ever heard anyone ask for. Currently, you need 1.594.323 lvl 68 maps to get a lvl 81 map. With your suggestion, you would need only 8192. Assume a low map is worth a wisdom fragment and you can buy a Chaos orb for about 160 scrolls. So to rephrase your suggestion: "If I get a lvl 81 map to drop, I want to have a free 200 Chaos orbs!"
I just wanted to bring some really absurd (but correct) numbers into the discussion and draw false conclusions from them, twisting the words in your mouth :) Something I see happening waaay to often in these forums. Have fun and good drops, T /E: Removed the name, this is not a personal attack. Also continued the calculation to more accessible numbers. May your maps be bountiful, exile Last edited by SisterBlister#7589 on Aug 4, 2015, 3:20:55 AM
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Everyone complains because they think you should be able to run literally nothing but 82 maps all day guaranteed, and don't understand how shit that would be if it were actually the case.
Then they mindlessly chant the "Content should be gated by DIFFICULTY not RNG" mantra without realizing that if that were the case 99% of them would probably be stuck doing less than lvl 80 maps because their characters are too weak. |
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" Are you saying that PoE 1.02 to PoE 1.3 was a shitty game, because people could play indefinitely at 76 - 78? Also, no one is actually claiming players should be able to run 82s all day, so no need for hyperbole. When night falls
She cloaks the world In impenetrable darkness |
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Again, I hate to draw the inference but invariably I see people with at most mid-80s characters putting in non-sequiturs about how 'you just want to be able to run 82s all day'.
Matter of fact, I wouldn't mind, but that'd be a complete new map system built around map rolls affecting experience gain and... not something worth talking about here. However, it's kind of not the point in any case. I mostly don't want to be giving up gaining currency to buy items (being the things that *actually* progress your character, and given GGG is committed to good things generally not dropping but being bought) because I need to put it all into maps. Worse, I know there will be the types who stick to boring easy maps and gain much *more* currency than pre-2.0 while I'm stuck gaining nothing, rolling stupid mods and putting lots of relative xp at risk as a result. As for Scrotie's points: yer data is gahbidge. Unless you know exactly how many players are in (or attempting) higher level maps, and the exact number of maps on sale (not '99+'), you don't have a metric. You have an inference, and as others say, your inference is based purely on theory, rather than any personal experience. Get in there and give it a go; maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones..... |
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I'd like to add that some bosses are extremely risky except for a select group of builds with great gear. Malformation Piety, for example, who is on a level 76 map. Village Ruin chicken/pig sandwich (mmm, chicken & pork sandwich), which is in a higher tier at 79. Even Crematorium fire witch can be instant-rip if you're not careful.
These bosses aren't "impossible" or anything, but they're very risky and most people will just skip them if they care about exp. So even if doing all bosses somehow guaranteed better map drops (which it doesn't), this wouldn't be a realistic strategy for a lot of people. This ties into risk/reward problems with PoE, such as the fact that there's no reason to bother trying tough bosses - even if they only kill you 1/10 of the time, it's too dangerous (especially in hardcore). My experience is that my main toon CAN run most content in the game, but a whole bunch of the bosses have a 1/10 to 1/3 chance of killing me, so it's just not worth the try. Others just destroy me, but that's a separate category I know to avoid entirely. Point being, if a boss even has a chance of killing me, it's not realistic to suggest I regularly run it over and over in order to get map drops. Killing bosses shouldn't be mandatory to sustaining maps, because many bosses are harder than the maps a tier or two above them. We're all in this leaky boat together, people.
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