[2.0.x] Iron Will Incinerate Totems 1200+ Strength, 16k+ tooltip, 8k+ life (updated 11/13/2015)
I swapped over to your links for the Immortal Call etc setups, as well as Molten Shell again. Going to try it out with Enfeeble and two high CwDTs. I'm skipping my culling/rarity setup since I'm killing stuff so fast that I can't really cull anything except some bosses. Exiles and rares die far too fast now that I have ~10k tooltip.
4l: CwDT, Enfeeble, Molten Shell, Duration 4l: CwDT, Immortal Call, Phase Run, Duration 3l: Flammability, Faster Casting, Area of Effect 3l: Vaal Haste, Vaal Lightning Trap, Duration 2l+2l: Flame Dash, Faster Casting | Enduring Cry, Area of Effect This feels pretty optimized. Abyssal Cry was clunky as hell to use since the area of effect is really small. You had to get up into packs and use it but it's still a taunt so it didn't feel like something you'd want to do. It's decent on corrupt maps for the kiting but you could just swap out Enduring Cry for it if you want to. I didn't even notice the damage from the explosion either. I see you have respecced to the mana version. How's it going? |
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" It's better than I thought it would be given the small amount of mana we have to work with. My tooltip has currently gone up to 14k (~17% increase in total damage) at the loss of 300 overall life (8.2k down to 7.9k). The mana management seems pretty reasonable as I can even run -regen maps, I just drop Anger and keep track of my mana better. I can no longer run 0 regen maps but ele reflect seems at least somewhat doable. If I recall correctly, I have ~95 mana unresearved atm which will drop to ~80 when Clarity hits 20, though I doubt I will have problems even with that. I've only been mapping with this version for a day or so at this point so I'll give a further/more conclusive analysis in a few days when I have more experience to back it all up. EDIT: Also, with a little math I figured out that if we get a level 3 Enlighten (making it level 4 in BSC) we can run Anger + Herald of Ice + Clarity, assuming we get Sovereignty. This leaves us with a touch over 100 mana, plenty for the build still. Last edited by Fenrils#2451 on Aug 21, 2015, 11:30:00 PM
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i have been planing a very similar build. My question is: Is celestial Punishment worth it? Could i shock without a Three Dragons Helmet? if someone is interested i plan something like this for Warbands: (i will see if i need More life i just put the points into more life its easy with this build ;) https://poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgEAPfxYY8bYXz_2SO8OFCBoZc9-CfbUfAYOJ-3E9v5UDc0rUBzOr6cQzMaueyD-h_iTPC2DX_4K2L0aOJBVcg_VpoKb4XOaO6IA8B8Es8Bm7TxxhUbXZp5Y5Voro_LDE-vuU1JFnZrg0f1eXaeUfINo8pRvZlSPGhzcLJwRLYdlEFgLYa9sVyk1krXybqr5vQagZIRKyFpSqJp7w7c-g8xFRzLR9q4spw48FHH460rE15ZoWInYcqmsqlnz2XyCB1cNKS7xrBo-fLhvO8AaeA0nLxiRvJ86UozP85utjfPdUEfZYRku |
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Hey Fenrils I was testing the mana version of this build today with my scion version. So far it seems better than BM. I'm running level 10 clarity with level 2+1 enlighten and 100%+ mana regen from tree and running herald of ice/anger/clarity10+1 with about 86 mana left over. So far the herald is underleveled and not adding much.
I think the mana version is the end game version the auras are really powerful and provide more scaling opportunities. The aura version allows for crazy scaling on corrupted enlighten gems and aura gems that add a good bit of damage. With a corrupted level4 enlighten and 4 points in sovereignty you could run haste (would need more dex for max level which is not trivial) + anger + Clarity10 or anger/heraldx2/clarity10 with ~80-100 mana leftover. At 85 my guy is almost 14k dps and almost 7k life with 1000 str with 4 endurance charges and it seems strong. I definitely don't have the gear you do but I could see this build as 7.5-8.5khp/16-20kdps optimized which is pretty decent. More ways to scale the mana build: Level 21 incinerate/anger/heralds Corrupted Enlighten. |
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" If you consistently use Flammability then yes. We hit quite a few times per second so with Flammability, mobs are pretty much always going to be ignited, thus giving that extra damage. Even without flammability we have a 10% chance to ignite so more often than not mobs will be ignited anyway. It's overall just a solid skill point. " Technically yes. Running Herald of Thunder instead of Anger in the mana version of the build would give you base lightning damage and, due to Elementalist and Celestial Punishment, we have a 10% base chance to shock. It may or may not be worth it since you would have to drop either Clarity or Anger in most cases but with a high enough level Enlighten + Sovereignty it could maybe work. " Damage wise, yeah I'd readily agree with you. So far I am not sure if it is strictly better, mostly due to there being more mods on maps we can't run. " Unless you're proccing things with the herald, I don't think its worth running. Incinerate has a damage effectiveness of 30%, cutting added damage by a lot. Heralds are solid but not amazing so throwing them on a spell with such a low damage effectiveness makes them even less amazing if they are not being used to apply/do something else. When I get a higher level Enlighten, I'll probably end up seeing how I feel about Arctic Armour + Anger + Clarity. " Yeah, this is a definite option for the "absolute" end-game I've been trying to figure out. " You're actually not that much lower than myself dps-wise anymore. I'm at 14.4k as of last night with 1184 strength (dropped a bit for more overall damaage), 7.9k life, and 10k armour. If I ever corrupt a level 21 incinerate it'll increase to ~17k. In one level ill be speccing out of Totemic Mastery and running over to Sentinel and running up to that Scion jewel slot so I can throw in a GG jewel, probably pushing up to ~18k. With haste instead of my AA plan then yeah, 19-20k is very possible, far higher than I ever imagined this build going lol. Last edited by Fenrils#2451 on Aug 23, 2015, 8:22:23 AM
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So doing some optimization theorycrafting. Drop increased duration in the flammability/enduring cry/increased aoe/increased duration link for blood magic. This will enable you to run totems on very little mana and very low level clarity. It will also enable you to drop double totems and flammability/enduring cry immediately after with 50-60 mana instead of needing 100+. You could run haste/anger/clarity(lvl1) with just an enlighten level 3(+1) gem and 800 mana. To run high level 18 haste you would need to pick up 40 dexterity over faster projectile cap which for me would mean picking up a 30 dex node and taking a dex travel node instead of strength travel but for someone else might mean changing gear around alot. 8% movespeed and 16% cast speed for your group sounds very juicy as 20% movespeed boots we use are not so fun in some groups.
Could run purities and a herald with this setup too obviously. Running purities you could drop some resists from gear/jewels for damage and be a bit safer vs elemental damage. Unfortunately not an easy way to get level 23 purity for us so no +5 from level 23. |
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BM feels so confortable that after running the mana version i decided sticking to the original one.
:P |
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The mana version has some more toys to play with that can push the dps 20-40% higher or run defense auras over blood magic as well as buffing others for group play where blood magic can do 1 extra map mod and requires alot less build optimization.
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I've been leveling the auras to get ready for trying it out. I feel like I probably need to feel it out myself before deciding on what to play.
Which map mods can't you mana version runners run? With the original BM build I run every mod, but try to avoid elemental reflect just because it's tedious and takes longer. If the map is amazing I still run it but switch Incinerate for Flame Totem, Spell Totem for Added Chaos Damage and swap in a Spire of Stone jewel. |
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Mana version can have issues with maps that have -40-60% regen or no regen maps and obviously blood magic. Everything else is fair game. They are still doable but you might have to drop an aura or two and you might have to swap in a mana pot or blood magic gem for no regen.
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