[2.0.x] Iron Will Incinerate Totems 1200+ Strength, 16k+ tooltip, 8k+ life (updated 11/13/2015)
" Yes, we absolutely do. The issue with the Iron Will version of this build is that we get almost zero projectile speed from the tree. Most incinerate builds are over on the Ranger/Shadow side and can grab projectile speed from there, allowing for added chaos, be we need the gem. " Our 6L costs 33 mana with all level 20 gems. This is still reasonably low so it may work but we shall see :) " I tried Uber on Standard and ran out of portals at the trio fight. Our totems, even with Spire of Shards, seem to die too quickly for it to be a truly uber viable spec. That said, I'm also not the best atziri runner in the world so people better than me might be able to, we certainly have the dps for it. |
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I'm just gonna carry around a blood magic gem for when u get in really tough spots u can change fire pen for blood magic. Should be fine for like titty bithces and stuff, I see they can cause problems but die fast so no need for penetration.
Pm me on forums or ingame: Chickenlal
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Alrighty so I did A LOT of math this morning/afternoon since I was getting impatient in testing the mana version and have come to a few conclusions:
(For all conclusions I am using this 114 point tree: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwEAxthYYz38jM_2SF8_FCDvDlBH5FFnm9SPGS4n7dlhxPYGDq2NVw3Grn31r6fUfM9-0iHzmzwtHM49Dwn2dqzyQWhlg8yDXytQfLuCB7c-Dc062Nl8QYf-Cv5U7DgnL_no2L3yRYV7gpuQVTWSOuFmVJo7Gjj-j7XyplftPOFzWfNN43gNMZ7VpqIAcg_AGvAfBLNxhWaeqW5vO2jywGZ65vMR-tJY5XfjY_2xQhZvKhMB3EbX42okqlorhNk26aPyxLhHftX4vTZlTb6ndcvqYs2YjX5DMdrBLlN07dNvBS1678QV ) 1.) A mana version is absolutely doable. With a level 18 Clarity, Mana Flows, Shaper, along with my currently rolled Doon Cuebiyaris, I will end up with 48.xx mana/sec. Plenty to run the totem on mana, allowing you to either run two heralds or Anger with your clarity. Assuming we have the Unrelenting cluster under Templar, our 6L setup will cost 28.05 mana per cast. Depending on your Doon rolls and random mana on your gear (and the mana nodes on the tree) you will end up with a touch over 600 base mana. Anger cuts that to ~300, Clarity cutting further into it until we have ~50 left untouched. As can be gathered from all of this, we can freely cast the 6L incinerate totem. 2.) Sustaining the totem is not necessarily ideal with this version. Running elemental reflect maps, -%regen, or even versus elemental reflect mobs will be absolute hell. Our cast speed and totem placement speed will outcost our mana regen so we won't be able to spam as regularly as with the BM version. 4.) Mapping becomes significantly more expensive since we can no longer run unfavorable rolls (-regen and ele reflect) without cutting our damage a lot but throwing BM gem in instead of Fire Penetration. 5.) You do gain A LOT of damage with the mana version at the cost of only 20% max life and not running Clear Mind. Anger will increase our damage by ~30%, our endgame tooltip easily reaching 17k or higher, something that the BM version won't ever be able to hope to achieve, no matter how good our gear is. 6.) The increased damage does not necessarily matter. I'm all for increasing damage output but realistically it is not entirely necessary. My current damage allows for reasonable clear speed of all levels of maps. I have joined a few 80+ map level parties and I still contribute just as much as the next guy. Our damage will never match crit builds no matter the playstyle, but it is still pretty good. 7.) The mana version DOES have the advantage of being able to swap in particular purities/defensive auras for certain maps/rolls, something that the BM version cannot do. This may or may not make up for the fact that -regen/reflect maps are not really viable to run. Final conclusion: either version has its its own advantages and disadvantages, though either is perfectly viable in an end-game setting. The mana version is likely easier to scale in parties but with good enough gear, the BM version is just as acceptable. I will probably end up respeccing in the next week over to the mana version (once I get enough regrets to easily respec back ofc, just in case) to make some videos and show some numbers off but I am a touch less motivated after doing the math and thought experiments. I will also be throwing these conclusions over to the main post. |
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Nice synopsis, perhaps if you ran some elreon -8 mana pieces that would drop the totems to 9 mana. Seems pretty absurd to drop 17kdps totems for 9 mana lol. Getting these items gonna be very tedious though. Although most of the builds that run elreon rings run CI and just craft 18% energy shield onto a -8 elreon ring with a resist or two.
I think Blood Magic is definitely in a very good spot right now as it enables you to run any -regen -bloodmagic mods and gives a large life pool and 60% damage jewel. Last edited by Ciatlov#7235 on Aug 19, 2015, 7:28:44 PM
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Anyone tried this same build but instead of dual totems use incinerate? what will the pors and cons be? Was thinking incinerate and 1 summon skels totem for defense |
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Thanks for the write up. I don't have a ton of time atm for the next few days. But I'll be pushing it to 80-85 soon and I'll let you know my feels on the mana version aswell.
If u wanna run - regen maps I would advise u to put in blood magic over fire penetration, should still be more than enough damage. oh and btw did I mention that the helm we use with +1 skill gems is just perfect for running aura's :-) Pm me on forums or ingame: Chickenlal Last edited by Chickenlal#6362 on Aug 20, 2015, 3:10:36 AM
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Oh I tried something new this time... Vaal clarity + increased duration gives u 15 seconds of 0 manacost skills. If u have a good flow going u can easily maintain it for a full map :-) It only takes 16 kills to use.
edit: meh I died :D Those act 4 dogs who go underground totally wrecked me as the spiderlair flicker striked me. Pm me on forums or ingame: Chickenlal Last edited by Chickenlal#6362 on Aug 20, 2015, 6:29:59 AM
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" Reeeeeeeeeeep D: " You can do it absolutely. Your tree would look something like this: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwUA-d2LjMCaCarZ_MBmBLOiAPAf4XNo8po77TyCm9Wm7Dg62IV7fLsnL2ZUPQ-QVa-nGjgczsT2WfMrUMauJ-1yDw3NPC0GDhkucYX-VIPMg1_UfNSP2WF65vMRtz4J9mebrY1XDWP9sUL-CuRRz37SIfObRtfYvfJFUEd2rPJBaGU1kjrh7w6CB_6PtfKmVxQg2XxN43gNMZ5fP8AaqW5vO3fjAdyE2Ud-vTZlTb6ndcvqYs2YjX5DMdrBLlN07dNvBS1672ae-tIWb-NqJKo26Rpsna4DdZErWHdfBKcIFVA= Instead of spell totem, you run the BM gem since we will never be able to sustain it on mana. The pros and cons are about the same as the regular build really, though I have a feeling that this version will end up doing less damage than the totem one. |
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I'm using these links at the moment:
6L: Incinerate, Spell Totem, Faster Casting, Fire Penetration, Iron Will, Faster Projectiles 3L: Abyssal Cry, Increased Duration, Increased Area of Effect 3L: Vaal Haste, Vaal Lightning Trap, Increased Duration 4L: Flame Totem, Culling Strike, Item Rarity, Faster Projectiles 4L: Cast when Damage Taken (9), Immortal Call (11), Phase Run (11), Increased Duration 4L: Flammability, Flame Dash, Faster Casting, Increased Area of Effect I feel like it's not very optimized, but after trying out most of what I could be running I feel like this is the most useful. Molten Shell feels really weak and it only amounts to like 5% more armour and Enduring Cry is tedious to keep up since we are playing a ranged build. Rallying Cry is a pretty crappy dps increase. If we didn't need Alberon's Warpath I could definitely see this build going Kaom's Roots or something. The only pet that seems decent is the chaos one but it's still only like 4% physical reduction. Vaal Lightning Trap is nice to throw on tanky bosses to give shocked ground. Abyssal Cry is just something I'm trying out. It's kind of useful in corrupting tempest maps where you kite around big packs for a while. Flame Totem with Item Rarity and Culling Strike for bosses. I can never get this on rares since they just melt so quickly lol. Anyone got any tips? I feel like we pretty much only need our 6link and our curse, and the rest is just filler stuff that I rarely even use. |
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" I go from 9978 to 12,719 which is around a 21.5% difference, well worth it imo, especially with Enfeeble in that 4L " I've swapped over to an Enduring Cry setup with a high level CWDT-IC-Increased Duration in one of my doons that seems pretty alright. It is tedious yeah, but probably better than rallying cry at this point. I have yet to try Abyssal Cry so let me know how it goes. " The golem is probably the weakest part of the gem setup at this point and I'm not sure what to change it out for. Your vaal lightning trap link was something I had no considered before and would be pretty useful for Atziri though I am not sure how much I would use it for regular map clearing. Combining with Vaal Haste, however, could definitely work (as you've shown) so I may end up giving it a go. " Eh, I mean, I use all of the links pretty readily. There is still definitely room for optimization though, as your vaal lightning trap has pointed out. |
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