[2.2?] Tempest Counter Duelist - HC budget build.
" WOW WHAT THE HELL :D Congrats in finding such a rare currency! Some people can't even find Exalted on their own)) " My first thought)) I don't even know what would I do with mirror.. I hope you'll find some good use for it. But 15c isn't that much, you can easly find or gain them from vendor for example (even without trading). So I hope you'll buy something good. Last edited by MockinMan#4103 on Sep 1, 2015, 3:57:45 PM
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Just bought this with my last 7c :). Will get the mace nodes rather than the ax nodes. :) |
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" Thanks for the info. I decided to go ahead and get Resolute Technique, since as you say it's a pretty minor damage increase from crits, and I'm not focused on status ailments anyway. Haven't really noticed a difference one way or another, but I expect it'll be more important as I level higher and don't take much more Dex. |
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Burny's update:
Changed up my skill tree a little bit. Spec'ed out of "Command of Steel" as 6 points just seems too expensive for 4% block chance (although the shield defences buff was nice but not nice enough). Spent those points on the mace damage circle. Was able to get my fully buffed molten strike DPS up to 17k!!! I'm actually getting a little tired of the sound molten strike makes over and over so I switched to level 18 static strike with no other changes. Surprised to see just about the same exact DPS. But the sound is so much quieter. (I know, kinda silly but sound was driving me crazy!) Current gear and skill tree at level 72:
IGN: Burny_McSlapperson Last edited by Shinare#4581 on Sep 1, 2015, 10:39:17 PM
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" You're welcome again :D If you're curious you can spec out Resolute Technique at higher level and see the difference in dps and what's your accuracy is (at level 75-80+ maybe). It would be interesting for me too. " I heard somewhere that in dps Maces are the best, but I still think Axe is better and prefer it to Mace (in pure dps I mean). But your mace is really good, dps is very nice, I would buy something like this too :D " Well, when I was playing MS started to annoy me too)) So there's nothing silly in that. But I don't like Static's sound and animation, that's why I didn't change to it :D Maybe I'm the silly one here -_-' Btw, I see you've learned Unyielding Note passive? It's good (armour + less damage from crits), but I learned it so I can feel safer on HC and won't die from some heavy crit (still don't know was it that much of help or not). Just saying maybe you don't need it that much. And I would like to see your char's stats :O You're nearly the same level as me I think, so it's interesting to me as a fellow build player, even thought I don't play right now, but anyway) Last edited by MockinMan#4103 on Sep 2, 2015, 12:18:18 PM
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I took your advice and spec'ed out of unyielding and took the combat stamina circle instead. Going to grab "Blunt Instrument" on my way up to retribution. Once I reach that, my character will have met its goal of 82. :) I notice that I am not as tanky as I used to be about 15 levels ago. Also, its pretty slow going now as it takes a while to clear maps. I don't understand why I am not consistantly able to get rally cry to give me 17k dps. It seems more often it only give me 12k, but every now and then I get 17k. Wish it would give me 17k every time. hehe Last edited by Shinare#4581 on Sep 3, 2015, 11:32:02 AM
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A small tip here. I noticed that on another build I was reading they were using physical to lightning gem when in physical reflect maps. So I removed my item rarity gem since the goal of this character is not to find stuff but to get to 82 quickly, and replaced it permanently with physical to lightning. My "Hideout DPS" tooltip went from 11.5k to 15k (with only a level 3 physical to lightning gem). However, since doing so I have never seen my rallying cry increase that dps AT ALL. I am wondering if there is a bug with rallying cry? The tool tip DPS used to change with molten strike, but with static strike and physical to lightning gem I've never seen it go up. Hehe, anyway it seems like I am plowing through mobs much more quickly now tho. I'm going to keep it in there.
links: Leveled another level last night and my physical to lightning gem leveled several times too! :) On track for 82 (hopefully) by end of Monday. Last edited by Shinare#4581 on Sep 4, 2015, 9:41:02 AM
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Wen back to molten strike and hit rally cry in a big pack, here's my tool tip DPS:
![]() WOWOWOWOWOW!!! I know its not as much as the 100,000dps builds out there, but for a builf that cost me less than 20 chaos, WOW!! Thats the most DPS of any character I've ever made. :) |
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" Really wow :D 27k with cheap 1h-weapon tank build is a great thing I think :D How's the play going? Much harder at higher levels? Last edited by MockinMan#4103 on Sep 7, 2015, 10:29:12 PM
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I just hit level 80 last night and I must say that it seems that after about level 70 or so, its getting pretty hard to sustain XP's per hour. To keep progressing quickly, I need to keep playing harder and harder content. However, after about level 70, all that I am improving with my character is DPS nodes in the tree, which is nice, but my "tanky-ness" does not improve much. I've gained about 1k life since my 60's but that only puts me at about 4,300 life. This means its hard to play the harder content now, and rather than being level 82 by now, I am still at 80. :(
But after I say all that, I still feel comfortable facerolling just about anything. level 75 and above rare maps seem pretty difficult though. I died last night to the mines boss using a rare map that had a few + damage type of mods. It was the first death I've had since merciless malachi. I was killing him,he was killing me, I thought I could outlast him and we ended up killing each other. If I were HC I would have stopped, TP'd home and filled my flasks. hehe If there was some way to add just a little bit of life leech to my attacks I think it would very much increase the tankyness of this build. Probably if I stop converting my physical to lightning I would get more life leech. I also know if I had a chest armor with closer to 2,000 armor this build would be way better too, but that's pricey. :) I've been playing around with Ground Slam, Molten Strike, Static Strike, and Ice Crash gems. Just swapping them in and out of my 6L, trying to see which I like best. Molten Strike: Great DPS, seems to work well. No real complaints except for the sound it makes. It doesn't have any added benefit other than damaging the bad guys. Ground Slam: Seems like it does a good job of stunning enemies. Since my mace nodes add "Hits that stun have culling strike", its like I have a 7th link "Culling Strike". However, to really get a good amount of stun I would need to link in the "Stun" gem and really, that would mean I loose a link, heh. It doesn't seem like it has any other AoE benefit though. Static Strike: The sound this attack makes is the most aesthetically pleaseing to me, but it just seems like a weaker attack, and it also doesn't seem to add any benefit other than damaging the enemy. Also, I don't think rallying cry works with it. It doesn't seem to add any damage. Ice Crash: Not able to use multi-strike. Which seems like a con, but it has good dps without it. Loosing Multi-strike means I can add in "Added Fire" gem and that gets DPS back up to the other attacks. The attack is cold, so it slows the bad guys down, which is very nice. I think if I could crit, this would be nice to freeze baddies as well. Compaired to the other attacks, its a slow attack, but it hits hard. If I could loose the mana leech gem and add in faster attacks, this skill would easily be the best. If I were going on with this build I would try and find some way to get that faster attacks in there. I think I am going to stick with ice crash here late game. Here are my tree and equipment at level 80:
Level 80 equipment
Also, thank you again for this build. It really got me going in the right direction. This is my first real physical melee build and it was really helpful!! :) Thank you! Last edited by Shinare#4581 on Sep 8, 2015, 10:27:31 AM
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