[2.2?] Tempest Counter Duelist - HC budget build.
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2 videos with The Anvil and Thousand Teeth Nemu: Pit map boss fight Full Tropical Island map run With listed items Cuts from 68lvl maps Introduction and story: Welcome to my Guide. I've had a lot of fun with this build and it's first character I beat HC with. The main theme of this build are blocks and counter-attacks. I was thinking about how can I create a tank with decent dps and new skills (haven't played from 1.2? patch, so Vengeance and Reckoning were new to me) and I decided to make a Duelist with strong single-target skill and a lot off counter-attacks vs packs of mobs.
Where was a fun story..
..when I got tired of running with 2h sword for leveling and tried to give my idea a go..
I took up the shield and 1h sword with Tempest, Recoking and Vengeance in sockets and went outside to test them out and was really happy to see all mobs die pretty quickly (Normal, Act2). I started to chat with my friend and noticed some Lightning Strikes in PoE behind Skype window and it was Rogue Exile (with demon wings) who was trying to kill me. To my astonishment he effortlessly killed himself with me doing nothing at all :D It was just Normal difficulty, but I was amazed as hell to see my build work at least at this stage. So, pros and cons: PROS: + tanky; + cheap (the most expensive piece was my armour, 12c price. And it's a 5l, 4l is much much cheaper); + a lot of physical damage reduction (enfeeble, fortify, endurance charges, high armour and block); + you can kill your opponents without even attacking them straight; + lightnings, shields and weapons flying around while you being attacked looks cool :D + nice dps, since you center your attention on Molten Strike (or other strong single-target skills); + you can choose between offence and defence warcry/curse/auras; + HC viable; CONS: - mobs with slow AS are annoying (counter-attacks are working badly with them); - without spell block you have to chase mages like a fool; - uniques you can use for more tankiness are expensive (Aegis Aurora, Rumi's Concoction, Rainbowstrides), at least for me. Passive Skill Tree: Leveling and starting stuff: 30 points Passive Skill Tree 54 points 72 points 30lvl start has both hp and damage. You can take Cloth and Chain if you need some resistances (Act 3/4 Normal). Testudo is good if you have shield with high block chance, it will give you mp vs packs of mobs.
if you need something
![]() Resolute Technique KeyNode. You should take it at lvl 40~, it really is good. You can live without it though, because Molten Strike orbs are crazy :D Unwavering Stance KeyNode. Take it (if you need) after lvl70~. If you play HC you should prioritize HP nodes, take all Hp nearby. I'm talking about pure Hp nodes. Then blocks and damage. The latest passives you shoud take are: hp/armour, since you won't have enough armour to boost early and some weapon damage nodes (depends on what weapon you have, I like axes, cause they have most dps). I didn't spec any jewel slots, because of not having any good jewels to socket in. So you can do it with some nice rare one (with damage or high resists or block or better all together). Bandits Oak - Point/Oak - Oak. My current gear:
What gear stats you should focus on? 1. Life is the most important thing after you've capped resistances, so take as much HP as you can. 2. Armour. You should focus on raw Armour gear, cause evasion only interrupts with counter-attack skills. You can take Arm/Eva items, but with Iron Reflexes. 3. Shields with additional block chance (like mine, with 31% block). 4. Weapon with 200+ physical dps will be good. Skill gem setup: Molten strike: 4L: Molten Strike - Melee Physical - Weapon Elemenetal - Faster attacks/Multistrike. 5L: Molten Strike - Melee Physical - Weapon Elemenetal - Faster attacks/Multistrike - Added Fire. Other gems: 4L: Vengeance - Reckoning - Endurance Charge on Melee Stun - Stun/Mana Leech/Melee Phys. 4S: Hatred - Enfeeble - Endurance Cry - Determination. 4L: CWDT - Immortal Call - Increased Duration - Rallying Cry. 3L: Leap Slam - Faster Attacks - Fortify. 3L: Tempest Shield - Curse on Hit - Punishment Basically you have two sets to choose from: Offence setup: Rallying Cry + Punishment + Hatred; Defence setup: Endurance Cry + Enfeeble + Determination; You can switch or mix those two for better defence or offence. Explanation, how it works? Run Hatred+Rallying Cry for usual farm. Just attack the strongest enemy and counter-attacks will do the rest for you. You gain free endurance charges and mana leech via Vengeance and Reckoning + free fortify with Leap Slam. Enfeeble and Determination are better vs strong bosses (you can unlink Punishment so it won't overbuff Enfeeble). Molten Strike isn't 100% necessary, you can take Static Strike (more AOE damage, less single target damage) or some others (Heavy Strike with melee splash or Cyclone, unfortunatly can't advice what support gems you should use with these skills, I'll try to add info later). Ice Crash will be bad for three reasons: you slow enemies and they hit you less, more mp cost and weak single-target damage. Player Stats:
Offence stats in town ![]() Offence with Hatred, Punishment and Rallying Cry (min damage boost from RC cause only 1 monster was affected) ![]() Defence stats in town ![]() 5 Endurance Charges, Determination ![]() Thank for reading my guide, ask questions if you need something to know Last edited by MockinMan#4103 on Mar 23, 2016, 12:34:42 AM Last bumped on Mar 22, 2016, 3:12:14 PM
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Hey man,
Yesterday I died at lvl 72 (my first character) due to windows activation message (lol), Imma try your build now and i will let you know! What should i spec into first and which nodes are more for later in the progress? The gear looks pretty affordable, and since I spent all my orbs on my last character this is sweeet :D Thanks! |
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" Hi where! I had something like this at the start: 30 points Passive Skill Tree It has both hp and damage. You can take Cloth and Chain if you need some resistances (Act 3/4 Normal). Testudo is good if you have shield with high block chance, it will give you mp vs packs of mobs.
if you need something
![]() Resolute Technique KeyNode. You should take it at lvl 40~, it's really good. You can live without it though, because Molten Strike orbs are crazy :D If you play HC you should prioritize HP nodes, take all Hp nearby. I'm talking about pure Hp nodes. Then blocks and damage. The latest passives you shoud take are: hp/armour, since you won't have enough armour to boost early and some weapon damage nodes (depends on what weapon you have, I like axes, cause they have most dps). I didn't spec any jewel slots, because of not having any good jewels to socket in. So you can do it with some nice rare one (with damage or high resists or block or better all together). 54 points 72 points About gems and how to socket them. Vengeance+Reckoning+Endurance_Charge_on_Melee_stun is really awesome, with decent weapon you'll usually have all charges on (works bad on bosses and healty mobs). Curse is one of the latest things I've gotten because it's annoying to cast it yourself. Take CWDT+IC+ID as fast as you can (Act 4 normal I think). You can use Immortcal Call manually vs Piety's laser. First of all socket survival gems (CWDT, Fortify with LeapSlam or Vigilant Strike, Endurance Cry) because it's HC :D If you feel yourself tanky enough use offence set (Rallying Cry, Punishment, Hatred + Herald of Ashes). Btw Punishment gives you quite the damage boost, didn't expect so much dps from it (Punishment + Rallyng Cry can double your dps).
How I almost died once
I was killing Vaal Oversoul with my friend at Cruel (or Mercieless?) difficulty and it was 2nd time for me (I killed him myself before). When I tested his smash alone it dealt 300damage (I had 3k hp) and I thought it's totally safe and nothing to be worried about. And at 2nd time I tried to show off and didn't evade his smash at the end of a fight. Vaal struck me with 2500+ damage and I almost died. So never be carefree in HC. Fighting Kole or Vaal? Enfeeble him and keep your fortify up, it's better to waste a bit more time than start anew. Hope I answered your questions and didn't write too much)) Last edited by MockinMan#4103 on Jul 31, 2015, 10:52:24 AM
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Thanks for the info! I'm sure it will work out, im currently at act 3 normal on lvl 23, i used some low lvl uniques i found with my previous character so everything is 1hitted and the build didnt really show itself yet haha. I'll keep you updated!
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Very Interesting build. I love different builds like this. Looks tanky as fuck. These are just my personal opinions please take no offense as I treat others the way I wish to be treated and I prefer people to be straightforward when analyzing my builds. I do see a few possible problems.
I think you can improve this build alot. To be directly tanking, I don't think you have enough hp. I see that you block the hell out of attacks, There are enemies that block are not effective against such as: Flameblast Exile, Voidspawn, Vaast, ect... I think you need to tone down the block and grab more hp. Endurance charges. You go right past all the endurance charges but don't take any of them. I think you should grab every one which will help in point 3. Molten Shell: This build was made for molten shell and Vaal molten shell. You should use both with a life leech gem attached and get more hp in case of reflect. I don't think molten strike is a good attack to use. All those melee damage nodes only increase molten strikes melee damage and do nothing for the damage of the balls. I think you should try to just focus on cyclone, or heavy strike, or just leap slam and the only other melee. 5.) I think you would benefit from CwDT gem w/ punishment. 6.) I think you could get rid of immortal call. If you can get 7 endurances charges up w/ fortify and your armor you will be taking minimal physical damage. I only see 4 potions. At last paragraph you suggest Ice Crush. It's Ice Crash and I don't recommend it will make enemies attack slower if chilled. I think your main attack needs a leech, or get leech on gloves. WOW! Just noticed Tempest shield is a duration spell. I would link it to CwDT. Then it will proc even when you get hit by spells and it will cost no mana, then you can put adidtional links on it. I did not see a golem. Everyone should definately use one. I know you want enemies attacking you but a golem would still be more effective than no golem and even help w/ those pesky casters. I'm thinking Chaos or Fire Golem. I think you need to grab Unwaivering Stance keystone passive. I'm thinking this may work best w/ a templar using a scepter because of the elemental aspect. Also being able to crit and get some power charges would help immensely with damage. Attack rating is pretty easy to come by. Helm Chaos Golem Raise Zombie Curse on Hit Punishment *these take care of punishment and physical *when the explode they can utilize the EE Armor Leap Slam or Cyclone Fortify Faster Attacks Life Leech / Mana Leech Power Charge on Critical Critical Chance *main attack to Trigger EE, generate charges, and leech GLoves 1. CwDT (high Level) 2. Molten Shell 3. Blood Rage 4. Enduring Cry Boots (Rainbowstride) 1. Vengence 2. Reckoning 3. CwDT 4. Critical Weakness Weapon 1. Searing Bond 2. Burning Damage 3. Fire Penetration *Take Advantage of EE and burn them Shield - 1. Tempest Shield 2. Iron Will 3. Critical Chance *this setup give nice hard hitting lightning damage. If it crits it will shock. Unset Ring Hatred I was thinking of something more like this: Passive Tree: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwQAAdwEBwUtDPcOXBLhFCAWbxhqGj4blxzcHRQgbij6LlMvzDGeMfsyTjWSOVI53TpYOuFAoEGHQktD50V-R35I50yzTeNQMFBHVcZXDVgHXypfOV8_YuxlTWhlavpr2287dFV07Xasd-N4DXk5eWh6737if-OCB4LHg9uE2YTvhTKFxYrwjxqPRpHOlmyYrZstm6GezaLqplenCKluqZWsmKyvrY2wq7Xytoq3PriTvTa-p8AawL_BBMGCxILPftAf0iHTb9i92WHawd--42rkUelG6dXr7u8O7-vyL_JB8kXzm_fX-ej60v4K_o8=?accountName=MockinMan&characterName=Granitiuss In builds like these since you don't directly do very much damage because of so much focus on block it is important to use force multipliers to increase your damage. Gosh where do I even start. Why do we have to be the only ones to get hit? Chaos Golem and zombies take care of the physical punishment while not interfereing w/ ee. Minion instability can also proc curse on hit. We use Elemental Equilibrium and a second curse to boost the damage of the tempest shield. This will also boost molten shell. We use CoDT + Ice skills to gain power charges and proc EE for our other skills. We can utilize a Searing Bond totem to boost damage and take advantage of EE. Iron will and crit chance can greatly boost our damage. You can utilize tons of great jewels no one else wants such as: Energy shield on hit, mana on hit, block chance, and increased damage, and hp. Those r the jewel mods you want. You want to use armor + ES gear to make up for the loss of hp. You want at least 2 energy shield on hit jewels. Cyclone will supply us with many nice hits and lots of regen. Blood rage for frenzy charges, more damage to everything, and life leech from your attacks. You use hatred to proc cold damage and trigger EE for all the other forms of damage. Flasks should be on the hybrid type. Anyways I can't think about this too long I gotta go. Just some food for thought Hard to Last question. How did you get colored font? IGN: YeahCrit My Guides Dual Claw Molten Strike Ranger HC: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1178252 Elmo Fire Templar HC: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/93967 Last edited by YeahPete#5854 on Jul 31, 2015, 12:10:19 PM
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" Hello! Sorry for not answering right away, was busy a bit. You wrote a lot, so I'll add some things to this post later. For color you just need to do something like this: {b color="#FC5808"] text [/b] (with right bracket at the start) where FC5808 is color you need. Endurance charges: EC gives you phys. damage reduction and elemental resistances. I capped res and had quite the high armour (even without determination on), so I exchanged extra charges for more hp passives. Block: The initial idea was to make a build around blocks.. tempest shield and reckoning work on it + spell block from Stone of Lazhwar (and Rainbowstride too) comes from block you have. So.. more block = more spell block and more survivability from spell attacks. Molten Shell: I was running with MS in CWDT, but it just gives so little armour and breakes so fast I socketed it out. But I like a lot Vaal Molten Shell and idea with LL attached to it sounds good (dunno will it leech good or not). I'll give some thoughts to it. Molten Strike: I'm on bad terms with Cyclone and Heavy Strike (just don't like those skills) and I think HS is too single-target. Cyclone may be good, even thought I can't advice the right support gems for it. I said that you can take Ice Crash, but it's not very good idea cause of low single-target damage and as you said - chill on enemies. CWDT: If you compare tempest+COH+curse vs CWDT+curse, the first one is better imo. Because you block more frequently than CWDT works. In CWDT it has more AOE though. Haven't even though of getting rid of Immortal Call. Basically it's useless vs mages and weak packs of mobs (90% cases I think), but it still will be good vs Kole or Giant guys (blue one hitted me with 2k+ damage, I think it was crit and where was damage aura rare nearby, but still.. few unlucky hits like this and you're done for). Tempest with increased duration was really good, 18s is very long. The thing is it's not that hard to cast it even withour ID linked. It's possible to exchange IC for punishment and tempest, but I don't recommend it for HC gameplay. Potions: I have listed 4 main flasks, you can take resistance ones for 5th slot or mana flask. Leech for main attack: Leech might be bad with Molten Strike (because most part of a damage is elemental), but with 5-6l body armour (or items with leech) and other skills it should be okay (especially for HC). Golem: was disappointed with them playing previous character, and didn't had enought sockets for one this time around. Fire golem would be best I think (4% reduction from Chaos Golem is not impressive). Unwaivering Stance: Yeah, I should include it to the passive skill tree. Ice CrUsh :O Edited, ty) I'll write about your idea of a build a bit later! Last edited by MockinMan#4103 on Aug 2, 2015, 1:21:36 PM
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R.i.p at 76, flameblood xD
It was a fun time and really strong, can recommend anyone this build! I used andvarius amulet with it instead of the lashwar together with some other small adjustments. |
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sry to hear that you char ripped im semi intrested in your guide because i did a really simliar build but with a little bit more "passiv" options and more selfbuff mechanics... i would like to have your thoughts but im playing warbands so i dont know aobut if it would be viable in hc :)
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Looks really nice. What about clear speed?
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" Dat RIP was so saddaning for me(( Feeling you get when someone's dying with your build.. Glad you liked playing it! " Hmm.. I have a video at the start of a guide with some cuts from maps running. Compared to 2h and dual dualists I had earlier it's a bit slower, but just a bit. Molten Strike isn't the best skill for clearing maps, but you're dealing quite decent damage vs solo/small groups. Weak enemies die just by hitting you. In short, it has medium clearing speed :D But you're doing it safely. " I like the design of your guide :O First thoughts and questions: - won't AA interrupt with your counter-attack skills? - does Riposte work without dual-wield? - I don't see Defence stats screen, it's interesting for me what numbers you have with Iron Reflexes; - aaand I think that for a single-target skill frenzy has quite low dps.. |
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