[2.2?] Tempest Counter Duelist - HC budget build.

danteafk wrote:
can you make a new video?

Added 2 videos (both with Anvil and Thousand Teeth Temu instead of my standart equip):
Pit map boss fight
Full Tropical Island map run

Note: I dealt with Pit map boss and his escort just using Rallying Cry (few attacks at the start and at the end of the fight and few jumps doesn't count^^). No flasks, defence skills or using attacks.
Last edited by MockinMan#4103 on Aug 25, 2015, 10:52:09 PM
Thank you very much for posting this build. I need another character to level 82 for challenge league challenge and yours seems very cool.

Also first time playing a duelist. Thanks for your efforts and your great build.
Shinare wrote:
Thank you very much for posting this build. I need another character to level 82 for challenge league challenge and yours seems very cool.

Also first time playing a duelist. Thanks for your efforts and your great build.

Ty for such kind words! Didn't expect so much gratitude from someone :D Hope you'll have fun playing my build.
Hi MockinMan,
I've only been playing your build a couple days now, and I'm only level 44 but I like the attention given to counter attacks! I have a couple of suggestions that, of course, are just my opinion being not in HC but in soft core.

In your guide you go up to "Devotion" which is 9 points away. Its a good life% increase but its far away. For HC, would the 9 points be better spent going across from "Resolute Technique" and down to the scion life node? That will get you +%24 life AND +20 life. It will also get you right next to "Sentinel" which is nice for our all armor build.

I think the very cool idea with your build is to bring the counter attacks front and foremost. Currently, in warbands and at level 44, I don't feel like there is enough +%shield block in the tree, I'm not really using the counter attacks as much as I would like to see. Going over to the right from "Art of Gladiator" and grabbing "Command of Steel", and then getting "Testudo" next as well, will get +%12 block chance and %110 increased defenses from my shield by level 55.

Then I will go up from "Command of Steel" and grab "Sentinel" and then by 65 I will have the scion life wheel "Constitution". And you know what that means, Lioneye's Remorse time at level 70 and into the "Sanctuary" node!!!! :)

I know in HC you want more life as quickly as possible, these are just my thoughts from the soft core side of things. What are your thoughts? :)
Last edited by Shinare#4581 on Aug 27, 2015, 12:17:44 PM
Shinare wrote:
Hi MockinMan

Hello where!

"Devotion" node: Basically I went to "Sanctuary" node for more block and "Devotion" is 2 points away from that (two 10-strength points I mean).

"Sentinel" doesn't interest me because where's "Cloth and Chain" node and it's the same thing, but a bit stronger. Still I didn't take any, cause its main strong point are resists, not armour.. and I had them capped already =)

Going for "Constitution" is a very good idea, I didn't get where only because I was testing some ideas and didn't have enough points to reach it.. but the path you chose isn't the best imo.
I would recommend something like this:

Getting to the HP circle will cost you 4 points instead of 7 from "Command of Steel".

Otherwise everything's fine, counter-attacks not that strong early, but with higher difficulty and level you'll get more block chance, more damage from main weapon and a lot more mobs to attack you, so they'll work much better.
Here's an example: Pit map boss fight if you haven't seen it yet.
Last edited by MockinMan#4103 on Aug 27, 2015, 11:06:29 PM
Hello again! Yes, I see what you are saying and I agree. I did some re-thinking last night and made it to level 51. Here is my level 51 tree, it seems to be working OK, but I only have 2,300 life so probably not very good for HC, hehe.

I like the cloth and steel better too, because it is right there. I think I will grab the life and armor nodes next to warrior's blood as they are close. Then head up to sanctuary. Loving you rbuild, thank you for the help!

Using this and whirling blades as it almost quadrupled my dps on molten strike.
Last edited by Shinare#4581 on Aug 28, 2015, 11:53:22 AM
Thanks for the build guide, MockinMan! I've got my guy in Warbands up to 50 mostly following your suggested builds, and he's a lot of fun to play. Nice to totally switch up play styles while I'm on a break from summoning. :) I had a Stone of Lazhwar just sitting in my stash, too. Been using that and it helps whenever I go through zones with lots of spellcasters.

I have a minor question about Resolute Technique. Will evasion become an issue eventually? I never notice my guy missing up to this point - I'm sure it's happening occasionally but it's rare enough that I don't see it. And crits are kind of nice when they shock or freeze things. So I'm debating whether Resolute Technique is necessary.
Hi again,
I have taken this build to level 68. I seem to have hit a wall with my DPS. I killed Malachi last night but dies at least 20 times doing it. His de-gen is way too strong, I assume that's because I have -37 chaos res (or maybe because I was 4 levels under him when I tried).

With Molten Strike I currently have about 7,000 dps and when fully buffed with flame golem and rally cry is about 11,000 dps on the tool tip.

I found this chest armor and it was 6L! So I am trying to use it and was not able to get all red sockets. So I used a green and blue gem I thought would be nice. (The mana leech is actually really nice. It made it so I could run arctic armor as well as hatred and never run out of mana)

My current weapon is about 250 physical dps:

The thing I really like about the claw is that Whirling Blades as a movement skill, in my opinion, is very nice. Linked to blood magic and fortify, its awesome. I can zip around areas very fast.

I want to go single handed ax and get the same +physical damage axe nodes you did (cleaving) but I'm afraid that getting a one handed ax with 300+ pDPS is out of my very modest price range.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Is there a way to craft a nice pDPS single hand ax? Or would going with a single handed sword and keeping whirling blades be better and get the sword nodes for razer's edge?

Heres my level 68 tree. Would love some suggestions from anyone, thanks!!!

Current gear at level 68
Last edited by Shinare#4581 on Aug 31, 2015, 11:59:13 AM
ineffablebob wrote:
Thanks for the build guide, MockinMan!

You're welcome!

About Resolute Technique: Well, it's not 100% necessary, but with low amount of agi stat and at high level you'll fall to 80% accuracy or more (I'm not fully sure, but I think it'll come to this).
And if you compare pure dps without Elemental Ailments (freeze, shock and burning) the 100% accuracy wins.
Critical strikes (5% chance, 150% multiply) give you 2.5% more damage to your dps, but even with 90% accuracy you'll have 92% damage effectivness (100% dps * 1.025 from crit * 0.9 from accuracy).
With Resolute Technique you'll have full 100% dps.

But in the end it's still up to you.

Shinare wrote:
Hi again

Hello :D

Malachai is very strong, I barely killed him at HC and was at the brink of death 2-3times. Failed a bit, his red cyrcle (when he opens path to 3rd heart) damages fire and I thought it was chaos.. was trying to tank it together with Malachai while using Amethist Flask, but it worked out bad.. and I learned why only after a fight :D

About 6L: 6L is insane! I never had 6l in PoE :O Maybe because I'm playing fresh leagues only, but still.
7k dps is descent, I have 11k now and 19-20k full buffed. Mana Leech gem is a nice add, even thought I have ML with counter-attack gems.
250dps claws are good too, I have 230phys dps axe, but I prefer Leap Slam.. whirling is nice, but you can't jump on cliff with it))
Plus claws have more crit chance and multiply, with Resolute Technique they're useless. So I would recommend another 1h weapon.
About crafting, well I was crafting a bow for my last character and... yeah, you can craft it, but don't think that'll be easy :D
Last edited by MockinMan#4103 on Aug 31, 2015, 6:34:09 PM
Thank you for the info. I will try and find a 250-300dps single hand ax then and try to pick up the ax node you did in the tree. I will start saving up my chaos.

I did buy a new belt. It was 5c which was about half my remaining chaos. It raised my dps about 1000 (fully buffed) to 12k on molten strike.

Its really odd finding a mirror in a temporary league. You have this thing which is worth about 250 exalt in standard sitting in your stash but I cant afford to buy a 15 chaos ax. LOL

So lucky!

(shameless, but I cant help showing it! Its soooo pretty!)

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