Petition to un-nerf revenants
I think they were fine. Never died or even came close to dying to one thru all my builds.
Who ever died probably deserved it. Due to change at start of season summoners should be rewarded with 30% increased damage on raised specter gem to offset the horrible Nerf and build ruining decision GGG made with this change. I am not a summoner, but I would probably just quit if I mained this spec. |
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Came to the feedback section looking for potential information on the constantly lag spikes i'm getting (unrelated now) Saw this thread and clicked it first... and now I realize the spectre build i've spent my free time leveling/gearing for the past few days has already been wrecked by the nerf bat. And I was so excited to play a summoner in PoE that didn't suck in comparison to all the OP "hold-down-rmb to win" builds. Bah, well, I'm not nearly as invested as many others are in time, currency, or the league. Although to be honest even from the point of view of someone not concerned with the league, it seems absolutely moronic that they would hold closed/open beta of a patch, ignore the feedback and such a huge aspect of their new content (the entire purpose of testing one might argue?)... Not only do that, but then 2 weeks into the new league (seems like the optimal time really(if one were to pick an optimal time to screw people over)), destroy everyone's specs and waste everyone's time and investment. Well, maybe I'm a little salty, I LOVED playing necro in D2 all those years ago, and I've never been a fan of zombies at all (aesthetically), that, combined with the seemingly terrible clear speed of summoners in PoE I never gave them much of a shot. Hearing and seeing the revenants actually clear fast made me want to give it a shot. This thread has enlightened me, will be making a new char. Tbh cyclone does actually seem kinda of fun, or a RF inferno maybe. (not being sarcastic). You probably wont believe me, but I literally have my debit card in front of my keyboard because I was going to purchase the necrotic armour pack. Not anymore lol. *Edit* After a little think, you know what I imagine is actually happening here? These revenants gave summoners a nice taste of what it would be like to be able to compete with the clear speeds of all the fotm and op builds out there. And having that taken away is why it's made people angry more than anything. Probably... although my opinions are horrible tbh, I don't have anywhere near the amount of time played in PoE to really know everything inside-and-out. I have been playing EVE online for 10 years, so I do know what it's like to know a game inside-and-out, and I don't know jack when it comes to PoE ;D | |
" Oh gimme a break. You're fully aware that there's a little more to it than "I just summon a different spectre now". Also changing a skill in a beta and changing a skill post release are hardly the same thing. I played a lot of summoner and this was the first time they were actually good since the snapshotting days. To have that taken away from you, mid-league of all things, with some bullshit balancing explanation given, just sucks. |
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well it was fun while it last...1 hour
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Did a test now on 78 hard map. I couldn't finish it, its just not enough dps, it really feels like 50%+ nerf ...
Conclusion: classic summoner is once again just not worth playing, unless you are new to game and dont have any currency to buy items for normal build or you want a turtle mode as a classic summoner. Congratulations GGG, great job! IGN: Summonium
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" This. Revenants were op. Needed fixing. Summoner build has so many choices, if they had to auto pick revenants its because they were op. Easy -1. Maybe the raise spectre gem could use a bit more love, but its debatable. Its a part of a summoners arsenal, not the only part. |
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" Summoner build has no choices, you need zombies and spectres, what you support them with is up to you. Unless you count the homing-fireballs build as summoner, but no one does. And we just lost the best spectres, and neon genesis evangelionists got -1 level in Awakening. Guess it is back to flame sentinels and +weaksauce spell damage anger, instead of more spell damage wrath. Or, I can go play Diablo 2 and actually use decent revenants on top of my skellies and not be fucked over. |
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I never died to that mobs.
Okay.. the first time i saw them they dealt alot frost damage, so i focussed them first down to decrease the incoming damage (while avoiding the explosion, if possible). Now its a routine to have all max resists when in Harvest and burn them down first. I dont play summoners because i always play melee in a-rpgs but i can understand the OP's feeling. It would also hurt my build if the increased damage from facebreakers where nerfed to 400-600%. Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body." Only usable with Ethanol Flasks |
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It's done people let it go but hey I'll chip in a quote from another thread I replied too
" Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn Sahl djahs afah Mah morn narr |
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