Petition to un-nerf revenants
Vote with your wallets kids.
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" Yes they nerfed my OP spec better not support them financially in the future. It was clear, even in closed beta that Revenants were OP. Why it wasn't nerfed then and before the 2.0 release idk. Pure summoners don't have to worry about pretty much any of the same things other builds need to. People are still playing summoners and STILL using these mobs, they just aren't automatically the best mob out there.
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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" They never were op, but apparently, to you anything that goes faster than a snails pace as a summoner is op. Forget about all the other builds that can 1 shot entire groups of mobs or clear bosses in like 3 seconds. Yeah thats not op at all. |
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But you know guys that playing Revenants with proper gear is still fun and doable? I'm playing them regularly on maps 76-79 with really good clear speed. Yes, you need 6L, yes you need at least 3 Jewels with +15% to minion damage - but it is doable.
Cheers, May God have mercy upon my enemies; they will need it.
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" The problem is not that it's not doable, but revenants before nerf placed summoners on par with other builds, now they are again sub-par and to be somewhat viable, are taxed with "preparation tax". I for one play my high level summoner only if I have few hours I can not log off as getting sensible level spectres is quite pain in the ass. I sometimes have a feeling, that GGG just doesn't know how to play summoners, doesn't know what they want summoner to be and have no clear idea, what they want from this class in general. Look on this, from one side they want summoner to be squishy. All summoners uniques are subpar and have serious survivabbility drawbacks. So logically, pay for this should be tremendous DPS. But they nerf any source of such DPS if community work out such... Anticipation slowly dissipates...
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" Yes, it is pain in the ass. First of all you need decent gear now. Either decent 6L chest or/and Sire of Shards. You need to be lvl >88 to proceed smoothly and to put your +minin dmg jews into the tree. But all that is for me acceptable, what I'm upset about is the way how you get your Revenants - at the moment you need to go to the Harvest and just get them as 70's monsters. That's almost fine but obviously it is better to get them at 75-77 and here is the worse part because you can play half a day running 20 maps and you'll not find them at all. The fact that the build relies on an RNG here sucks as hell. They really need to address this issue and IMHO the solution would be to rework Raise Spectre skill gem to allow to scale summoned guy to the level of map (with maybe some cap). Overall I'm still playing with success. Did not touch 80-82 maps yet, but as I said I'm doing till 79 fine. May God have mercy upon my enemies; they will need it.
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" most other builds dont also have to worry about their dps getting murdered by unbalanced bosses minions are the summoners defense, comparable to evasion armor , dodge and block. and just like those mechanics there is a very reasonable chance that some times a big attack will go through. especially on aoe bosses and just like other classes the summoner also needs a high hp pool. The idea that a summoner is safer than every other class is a fallacy. They have situations which they defensively excel and they have situations in which their defenses totally blunder. it just happens to be a fact that one of the situations their defenses do excel is in clearing general map content. really the only perks summoners have over other builds is that they aren't quite as negatively impacted by temporal chains and reflect. take those two mods out of the equation and there is barely an argument here on map grounds. Last edited by Saltychipmunk#1430 on Jul 28, 2015, 8:18:05 AM
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" *smirk high health pool Chip =X Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn Sahl djahs afah Mah morn narr |
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" I bet you think burning miscreations weren't OP either?
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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" there if a fundamental difference between burned miscreations which were doing millions of dps because of a gem combination that was over looked and a few revenants that had admittedly high shotgun potential. revenants have never EVER carried a full party in high maps . the old miscreations at their apex probably could have carried 12 players . and even then that was far less the fault of the miscreations and far more the fault of trap, mine and cast on death which gave them 400% more damage. now just look at the miscreations now. ggg has a long history of nerfing the wrong things in the wrong ways and then leaving a dessicated husk that not even the birds would eat. how evangilists have survived to this point i consider nothing short of a minor miracle considering the devastation leveled against everything else. " well if you do aspire to go beyond level 85 or play hardcore , getting a pool above 6000 is kind of a must or you will die to the random bull shit spike like when you accidentally kill too many porcupines or a blue mob farts out abaxoth in a confined area etc... if deaths and exp are not particularity an issue then why not have 1k life i suppose Last edited by Saltychipmunk#1430 on Jul 28, 2015, 12:22:36 PM
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