This patch is garbage for summoners

demon9675 wrote:
Boem wrote:
demon9675 wrote:
I really think the major issue here is raise spectre. When summoners were all going after revenants as spectres and revenants were killing a lot of non-summoner players in turn, there was clearly something wrong with that mob.

Now that summoners don't have other good spectre options, it's clear there's something wrong with raise spectre. The skill itself needs to be buffed, because summoners should have a LOT of options for which spectres they want to raise (you know, tradeoffs and balance) - and frankly shouldn't have to go farm specific spectres in low level areas every single time they launch the game.

Don't confuse player actions with GGG intentions.

You can raise spectre's from any map you visit if you make your set-up globally for melee/ranged attack/caster spectre's, since any map will have units in them of each sub-group.

Players refusing to do so, is on them, since the intent of the gem is simply to raise a unit and let it fight for you.

It doesn't set boundary's or limitations, players do that themselves.



Come on Boem, you're smarter than to argue that players should gimp themselves by passing on a superior option. If specific spectres farmed from specific places are stronger, then almost every summoner will almost always farm them. It's in GGG's court to understand the incentives their own game presents to players and balance accordingly - it's never the player's fault for going after the best option available to them, especially in 2.0 when map bosses are hard as balls.

I'm simply suggesting that rather than maintaining the awkward status quo of incentivizing summoners to go after specific spectres each time they log on - an inconvenience wholly unique to this build that nobody else has to put up with - they should rebalance the skill itself so that raising stuff from any given map is a more viable option. This would also solve the problem of pitting summoners against the rest of the community when some mob happens to be blatantly overtuned (which will happen again in the future as GGG continues to add/balance content).

Some mobs will always be stronger than others and summoners will want to pursue them. But they should have real choices and options. When fixing a broken mob leads to an unintended nerf of spectre summoners, something is clearly wrong with the skill itself (not to mention GGG's control over the collateral damage of their decisions).

Indeed. Nobody's going to use carrion beetles, skeletons, zombies ... quite often map combos are all crappy spectre options, and I did use what was in maps as well as purposefully get the bubble boys or flame sentinels (because going back to zone and resummoning is something that also could do with a change).

I didn't have a powerful spectre setup and was looking forwards to doing so this patch.

Last edited by erdelyii#5604 on Jul 24, 2015, 12:21:23 AM
demon9675 wrote:
Boem wrote:
demon9675 wrote:
I really think the major issue here is raise spectre. When summoners were all going after revenants as spectres and revenants were killing a lot of non-summoner players in turn, there was clearly something wrong with that mob.

Now that summoners don't have other good spectre options, it's clear there's something wrong with raise spectre. The skill itself needs to be buffed, because summoners should have a LOT of options for which spectres they want to raise (you know, tradeoffs and balance) - and frankly shouldn't have to go farm specific spectres in low level areas every single time they launch the game.

Don't confuse player actions with GGG intentions.

You can raise spectre's from any map you visit if you make your set-up globally for melee/ranged attack/caster spectre's, since any map will have units in them of each sub-group.

Players refusing to do so, is on them, since the intent of the gem is simply to raise a unit and let it fight for you.

It doesn't set boundary's or limitations, players do that themselves.



Come on Boem, you're smarter than to argue that players should gimp themselves by passing on a superior option. If specific spectres farmed from specific places are stronger, then almost every summoner will almost always farm them. It's in GGG's court to understand the incentives their own game presents to players and balance accordingly - it's never the player's fault for going after the best option available to them, especially in 2.0 when map bosses are hard as balls.

I'm simply suggesting that rather than maintaining the awkward status quo of incentivizing summoners to go after specific spectres each time they log on - an inconvenience wholly unique to this build that nobody else has to put up with - they should rebalance the skill itself so that raising stuff from any given map is a more viable option. This would also solve the problem of pitting summoners against the rest of the community when some mob happens to be blatantly overtuned (which will happen again in the future as GGG continues to add/balance content).

Some mobs will always be stronger than others and summoners will want to pursue them. But they should have real choices and options. When fixing a broken mob leads to an unintended nerf of spectre summoners, something is clearly wrong with the skill itself (not to mention GGG's control over the collateral damage of their decisions).

Well said D
Last edited by Sixpackand2guns#4669 on Jul 24, 2015, 12:44:11 AM
demon9675 wrote:
Boem wrote:
demon9675 wrote:
I really think the major issue here is raise spectre. When summoners were all going after revenants as spectres and revenants were killing a lot of non-summoner players in turn, there was clearly something wrong with that mob.

Now that summoners don't have other good spectre options, it's clear there's something wrong with raise spectre. The skill itself needs to be buffed, because summoners should have a LOT of options for which spectres they want to raise (you know, tradeoffs and balance) - and frankly shouldn't have to go farm specific spectres in low level areas every single time they launch the game.

Don't confuse player actions with GGG intentions.

You can raise spectre's from any map you visit if you make your set-up globally for melee/ranged attack/caster spectre's, since any map will have units in them of each sub-group.

Players refusing to do so, is on them, since the intent of the gem is simply to raise a unit and let it fight for you.

It doesn't set boundary's or limitations, players do that themselves.



Come on Boem, you're smarter than to argue that players should gimp themselves by passing on a superior option. If specific spectres farmed from specific places are stronger, then almost every summoner will almost always farm them. It's in GGG's court to understand the incentives their own game presents to players and balance accordingly - it's never the player's fault for going after the best option available to them, especially in 2.0 when map bosses are hard as balls.

I'm simply suggesting that rather than maintaining the awkward status quo of incentivizing summoners to go after specific spectres each time they log on - an inconvenience wholly unique to this build that nobody else has to put up with - they should rebalance the skill itself so that raising stuff from any given map is a more viable option. This would also solve the problem of pitting summoners against the rest of the community when some mob happens to be blatantly overtuned (which will happen again in the future as GGG continues to add/balance content).

Some mobs will always be stronger than others and summoners will want to pursue them. But they should have real choices and options. When fixing a broken mob leads to an unintended nerf of spectre summoners, something is clearly wrong with the skill itself (not to mention GGG's control over the collateral damage of their decisions).

This is a false positive.

On the one hand your argument is

"GGG please allow us to utilize more different spectre set-ups"

On the other hand your argument is

"players automatically flock to the best composition available in the game"

If you don't understand how your contradicting yourself here, then that's a perfect example of what i was aiming at.

Players restrict themselves when it comes to game-play attitude, in this case with spectre's, since they want to always utilize the "best composition" strategy.

Ironically this never leads to innovation of tactics/technique's. Quite the opposite really.

I've seen people play melee spectre's (bonestalkers/cleave bears/vaal colosus) from map appropriate level content and they kicked ass. Though they are slower by virtue of not being ranged.

But they where fucking hilarious and strong to watch.

So yeah if xp/hour or farm/hour is the only relevant "gauge" of success and fun/hour has no part in it then you might be dissapointed with the current state of the spectre gem, since it already allows a lot of insane spectre's to be raised. But most of those will not match ranged spectre's, you know ranged > melee debacle and all that.

Raising the spectre gem will do nothing to alleviate these issue's. GGG does not alter the perception of there audience, that's on players themselves.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Remember me how Blizzard nufed everything in PVE because of the shitty PVP. Seems like GGG is doing the same now. Nurf the PVE Content because of some PVP players.
Is there any way to mute people from the forum so I dont have to see their lame replies? Seriously, the people saying this is a good patch for summoners or that this did not kill many non overpowered builds, I want to just nerf their ability to put assassin feedback on here at least on my personal computer screen. This was a horrible patch for summoners and if they want to keep it this way they need to add a new buff to the raise spectre gem in general by at least 30% damage and 10% attack and cast speed. This would help a bit, not too much but enough to make people not put their summoners away again or just go the OP builds like all the other cookie cutter nubs that play this game.
Sixpackand2guns wrote:
Is there any way to mute people from the forum so I dont have to see their lame replies? Seriously, the people saying this is a good patch for summoners or that this did not kill many non overpowered builds, I want to just nerf their ability to put assassin feedback on here at least on my personal computer screen. This was a horrible patch for summoners and if they want to keep it this way they need to add a new buff to the raise spectre gem in general by at least 30% damage and 10% attack and cast speed. This would help a bit, not too much but enough to make people not put their summoners away again or just go the OP builds like all the other cookie cutter nubs that play this game.

I made a smart move not to play anything of a summoner but SRS.

Good choice. It's been so long that SRS triumps over other minions build and just recently when summoners able to do something slightly better with Revenant spectres, GGG undo that and SRS is back to the top as a necessity as a summoner.
There is no other summoner build better than SRS build atm and has been so for almost 1 year.

BunnyGlobe wrote:
Sixpackand2guns wrote:
Is there any way to mute people from the forum so I dont have to see their lame replies? Seriously, the people saying this is a good patch for summoners or that this did not kill many non overpowered builds, I want to just nerf their ability to put assassin feedback on here at least on my personal computer screen. This was a horrible patch for summoners and if they want to keep it this way they need to add a new buff to the raise spectre gem in general by at least 30% damage and 10% attack and cast speed. This would help a bit, not too much but enough to make people not put their summoners away again or just go the OP builds like all the other cookie cutter nubs that play this game.

I made a smart move not to play anything of a summoner but SRS.

Good choice. It's been so long that SRS triumps over other minions build and just recently when summoners able to do something slightly better with Revenant spectres, GGG undo that and SRS is back to the top as a necessity as a summoner.
There is no other summoner build better than SRS build atm and has been so for almost 1 year.


Saddest part is, srs is not a summoner spell, just a homing fireball with weird tags on it changing what increases its damage. And it blows anything summoners can use out of the water.
This patch should be called, **Path of Nerf Summoners, the Shakening**, where summoning builds go to die.. Unless you play cookie cutter nub builds like SRS, thannnnnnn your fine.
Come back after another year, GGG is very slow in making any meta better for builds especially summoners. So many weakness and projected flaws in spectres yet nothing has been done by GGG.

To all fellow summoners, don't expect anything better in a year time. Go SRS build or go for cyclone, TS, CoC etc.

BunnyGlobe wrote:
Come back after another year, GGG is very slow in making any meta better for builds especially summoners. So many weakness and projected flaws in spectres yet nothing has been done by GGG.

To all fellow summoners, don't expect anything better in a year time. Go SRS build or go for cyclone, TS, CoC etc.


I'm... alright still clearing fine without revs.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr

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