[2.1] Anu's 11 Reserve Sillincinerate and 10 Reserve Sillidancer.
I dont have lv21 purities yet so I was dropping 1 herald and running them empowered to get 83/83/84
But I can drop them to 81/81/82 and empower my Anger and Discipline to lv 25 (lv4 emp) and run +1 blood dance I still have 6100 ES (was ~7k with es boots) but my dps is upped to 16k with consuming dark and I can move faster overall (+ increased dmg on low life from boots which isnt on the tooltip). Im gonna play this way for some time, 2% less resistances shouldnt be big of a deal (still have flask to get 90%+) Edit: LOL, just realized I have 4 points allocated from previous build which I can respec XD I was wondering all the time why I was this short on passives XD Last edited by arcadius#6258 on Oct 9, 2015, 12:15:40 PM
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Dps was starting to feel kinda low in higher maps so I made some changes and this is what I get with 3 frenzy and atziri flask
Also my new baby - 1% off from perfect |
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" That's pretty much bang on what my witch had. It clears all content, I even did 80% fire res, EE, enfeeble 82 maps with it. I got bored with the cycloner 100 venture, got bored with grinding dried lake on fun builds and was at a loss what to do. I never did finish the sillidancer gear so I thought fuck it, respecced shadow to sillidancer. He is really bad for it, he'll never have good ES, can't get witch flask nodes and even if I get a lvl 21 incinerate, he can't run it until lvl 100 lmao. But such is the game atm, the state of the meta and mapping that I actually felt this was my best option, or quit. Casually casual.
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In doing a bit of out-of-game theorycrafting to try to optimise the shadow, I think I've come across a universal optimisation (meaning for all classes except ranger).
We drop Charisma and all the nodes back to Harrier. We drop Determination. Anger goes in Determination's slot in Prism. Discipline goes in Vitality's slot in Alpha. Vitality and AA go in boots but with lvl 4 enlighten instead of empower. We now have 10 points to make up the lost armour from determination and a jewel socket. 4 points get Soul of Steel, which itself should be more physical mitigation than determination gave, if not it is close. The other 6 points, for shadow can allow him the witch routing including flask nodes and more ES. There's the option of Unyielding and the armour jewel socket by it for other classes. The only possible issue is dex, so either more dex on gear or slamming a point in a 30 dex node. I think it should work, the aura calc wasn't giving the correct results so it's still not for sure, but I'm almost sure. My only real concerns are that it's not quite as silly, golem doesn't get buffed as much and there's a slight nerf to other auras but the +8 max resists are maintained. Oh, and there'd be an extra socket available, or, ability to use 1 ring on another base than unset. Alternatively, dropping Haste and picking up Nimbleness and maybe Light of Divinity and/or Mental Rapidity. There's also a possibility that we can still empower discipline, so it would be just moving anger to prism, replacing whichever aura is dropped, then adding enlighten in anger's old slot. The 1 level on discipline is substantial ES. With the rounding errors that the aura calc is throwing up I can't be sure but I think it will work, but it may not be enough to allow recasting of golem. Casually casual. Last edited by TheAnuhart#4741 on Oct 11, 2015, 2:40:14 PM
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" Well to be honest at the moment of doing these maps i had 20% chaos res and still got wrecked. To squeze 75% chaos res in this build you really need some G fucking G gear. Just for reference: Ring like this costs more now than shavs... (was just lurking in job >_>) IGN: PojzonAbyss [3.2] Immortal Indigon Poet's Pen Hirophant - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2129766 [3.1] Yamata No Orochi - Oni-Goroshi Jugg http://poeurl.com/bHB9 [2.4] The True Queen Of The Forest - Poison LA/BR Pathfinder http://poeurl.com/M6u [Retired] Last edited by eragon1111#0889 on Oct 12, 2015, 7:40:59 AM
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My girlfriend was over-the-shouldering me looking at this thread, and she must have seen the thread title because she said "ha ha, it says 'anus.'" Don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
Anyway, in another thread I have said, essentially, that if you're not running Faster Casting with Incinerate you are doing it wrong. I'm not sure this is the case now, but it might be that Faster Casting deals more damage than Fire Penetration for this build. Let's make the following assumptions: 1. The "increased cast speed" stat on this character is 50% without Faster Casting. (Depending on jewels, this might be true.) 2. Faster Casting provides 50% increased cast speed (true with 20% quality and a good corruption). 3. 100% of the damage dealt is Fire damage. (This isn't true, it should be about 92% Fire damage, but factoring in cold/lightning resistances overcomplicates things). This Google spreadsheet shows how Faster Casting effects damage relative to time spent channeling. I then used that data to make this chart: ![]() The red line is the important one here, as it shows the amount of Fire resistance an enemy would need to have to make Fire Penetration and Faster Casting tie in terms of damage. As you can see, if you are adopting a "run-and-gun" strategy of casting for 0.5-1 seconds and then stop casting to kite, the amount of Fire resistance enemies would need to justify Fire Penetration is massive, making Faster Casting the better choice (at least outside of Fire Resist maps). On the other hand, if you're routinely stopping at least 1.5 seconds to deal damage and monsters consistently have at least 25% Fire resistance, then Fire Penetration is clearly the winner. Faster Casting is also easier to Eleron down to zero than Fire Penetration is, providing an added benefit. It's also easier to Chrome on Shav's. I haven't done research on the amount of Fire resistance enemies in the game tend to have. However, if anyone is aware, they can combine that information with this to make the best decision on whether Faster Casting is better than Fire Penetration for this build. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Oct 13, 2015, 3:49:47 PM
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Resists in high maps go to +80% also you have EE and red socket is needed for LL swap so FC is pretty bad option IMO. You can get enough cast speed from jewels/wand/gems to deal good damage.
Personally I just ignore fire res and run dagger all the time Last edited by arcadius#6258 on Oct 13, 2015, 3:57:44 PM
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"With Consuming Dark, FC is a slam dunk, since Fire Pen doesn't even matter. Life Leech gem still does, so I guess it's a question of how much reduced cost you'd need to do Life Leech over Iron Will, or if that even works. You have good points about non-"dagger" builds. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Oct 13, 2015, 4:22:01 PM
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" It's an expected thing. I've used 'Anu's' as a kiddie trap for years now (you'll find my Avatar on the Rift Forum is Asha Catari's bottom). That's not to say your better half was caught in the trap and is a kiddie, no, it's expected the odd adult does toilet humour, I do. But those ones that come back time and time again, 'Huh, huh, Anus, huh!' Yeah, they don't realise it but they are caught. Any way, the point of the post. First of all thank you. Now... Just take it as no cold or lightning, Scrotie. The 2 heralds on the first build were pretty much exclusively a 'cuz I can' and there being nothing else that benefited. That build is a stepping stone to the dancer who doesn't run heralds and is 100% fire (unless you have a flat cold/light roll on weapon which would be better as flat fire) other than running ele reflect maps and optionally in resist maps where consuming dark comes in. I personally only swap in CD for reflect as I run so many maps that I'd be constantly swapping, I hate swapping, as I nearly always forget to swap back, be it weapons, gems, flasks. I've ran 80% fire res + EE + Enfeeble 82s with 100% fire damage and penetration. It's weird, actually, normal sea witches in a normal map seem to be so much more of a PITA against cold damage + cold pen than the fire scenario I just mentioned. You'll note in the OPs that a level 19 incinerate is needed to maintain 0 cost, at 20 (and thus 21) 12% reduced cost is needed on jewels. I stuck with a 19 throughout levelling to 100 as they refused to go 21 (they even refused to go 19 so I at least had a 19/20 at hand, I was often stuck using a 19/16 which lost quality from a vaal before 2.0 then was de-levelled to 19 with 2.0 experience re-factor) over 30 20/20 incinerates levelled and GCPd or levelled twice then vaaled without a 21. I couldn't justify the rolls on jewels for lvl 20 incinerate over 19 but could for 21. I'd looked into using faster casting already instead of fire pen for this reason, if the increased damage from a 21 (or even a 20) with the reduced multiplier on FC compared to fire pen would allow 0 cost without rolling the otherwise required 12% reduced cost on 3 jewels and be a better set up all together, let's have it. It was, until we run reflect. With only 1 red gem left to swap in leech with consuming dark, we go from 0 cost to 6, too much to reduce with the 3 rare gems. Even swapping back in the level 19 incinerate we are at 2 cost and need 2 reduced cost gems. The usual swap of weapon and 1 gem for ele reflect became weapon, 2 gems, 2 jewels. As is the case many times, the build is doing what it is supposed to do and trying to improve it just makes it not do what it is supposed to do. Any and all mods with minimal swaps. Currently swapping wand for CD and pen for leech for reflect is the sum total of required swaps. That's not to say it can't be improved, it was a few times from feedback, but we reached a point a while ago where it seems to be 'there' and any proposed modifications in testing have secondary implications that may or may not be acceptable to the individual, in my case, for a while, not. Oh, and FML what just happened Casually casual. Last edited by TheAnuhart#4741 on Oct 13, 2015, 6:20:50 PM
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Few changes
Dropped CD for now and using wand with proj speed. This allows me to switch Fast Proj for Culling Strike and still have good range. Not using Fire Pen anymore - swapped for LL. Instead Fire Pen Im using curses - Ele Weakness gives -45% resists at lv 21. Warlors Mark is for defense and I will be experimenting with Poachers Mark (flasks and frenzy charges) I have 100 free life so I can still cast them (cost about 25 life) and life on kill replenishes them at every pack. With reduced mana I can go to like 6-8 cost (even less with 20/20 RM) but its not even necessary One thing Im missing are lv21 auras but Im gonna buy those at some point. Current stats are 19.6k dps without buffs (26.5k with 3 FC and atz promise) and 7k ES Last edited by arcadius#6258 on Oct 17, 2015, 4:26:34 PM
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