[2.1] Anu's 11 Reserve Sillincinerate and 10 Reserve Sillidancer.
The ability of beein able to run a Headhunter turns the silliness even in ridicoulusness (is that a word?! :D)
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ggg is so gooooood at balancing alpha's howl, auras and prism guardian
another 10+ aura shav build yet in another patch kids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbFE90QKJIw
vs adults https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzysxHGZCAU 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 business a-blazing but no more t-shirts |
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" Soo... What? Looking at your profile, you're running the typical Flame-Totem-Cheese. If you really want to complain about build-balance, start with Crit-Flame-Totems. Thanks in advance. Regarding the build: It's so silly you gotta love it. |
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" :D Casually casual.
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Got hyped. Got quite into fiddling around with some changes to that build for other silly stuff. Am I allowed to call it Sillincineraegisate?
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwMAAecDHgYjDXwOPA5IDlwPqxEPES8RUBGWFHEWvxcvGYoajxslHRQdTx2qH0EhYCSLJbwnCymlKjgrCi0fL281uTboOlI7DUCgRX5GcUuuTLNV1lnzXGtcil3yXhNfamFSZOdmnmr6bRlwu3IPcql08XvXf8aApIMJg7aESIZghtGMdo9Gj_qTJ5UglwaZmpuhn8uhL6KjpyunMKyYrKq0DLVItve3Mb6KwcXB88M6w23EosrT0B_Q0NkT2VvbT9-K37_gw-GI6QLqGOq662PsGO9O7-v22vcy99f46_rS-wn-SQ==?accountName=Toartmock&characterName=Audrey_Prolifburn Tree for reference. Gear for reference. Not an ideal setup at all, didn't have enough chromatics to savely RRRGBB the Shavs. No CWDT since I got exactly 0 Chromatics left on standard. No Movementskill or similar. Reasons for the changes: I personally don't like relying on Curses to Leech. It's slower and you can't leech from Curseimmunes. Faster Proj on the other hand is a pretty alright support-gem damagewise, but you don't need it for good coverage if you take the nodes at Shadow & Ranger and get some Proj-Speed on your Wand. With the addition of Reduced Mana (preferably 20/20, but who got those pre 2.0) into the link, we're able to No-Mana-Cast Skill with up to 26.22 Manacost. Sadly, for lvl19-Incinerate-FirePen-LMP-LL-Echo this isn't enough even with Reduced Mana, and we need an Reduced-Mana-Gem. But why would you give up a link, just to free up a Slot from Elreon-Jewellery? Answer should be pretty clear already, hint: It's Aegis-Block. Without the Lahzwar's Necklace it's impossible to get to 75/75 under Rumi's. Yes, your ES takes a hit if you choose to route as I did and can't use Rare-Boots. But gaining 300+ ES without even a Legacy-Aegis... That's simply stupidly good. Tooltip is just above 10k though, so not quite as Whambam as other builds. But does the job. |
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" hey hey hey please, i have phase acrobatic on both of my noob totemer characters - not completely copying the BM cheese-build; i like anu's build - its just ridiculous and almost annoying to see GGG not be able to balance auras yet again kids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbFE90QKJIw
vs adults https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzysxHGZCAU 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 business a-blazing but no more t-shirts |
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Malformation Map facetanking the boss: Youtube Twitch
Malformation Boss fight (not facetank^^): Youtube Twitch Contact support@grindinggear.com to report issues relating to the game or forum. Thanks!
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I get one passive more, still got a powercharge from a build before, but I'm broke atm. :D Plus I need to recolor my shavs, when I get more chromes to try. I have a manacost of 8 atm. but vitality carrys that. I feel that I don't need VP, maybe if I get a "non bugged" sceptre. Sadly the leech doesn't seem to work on this one. One thing: mantra of flames might be opieop with this build, since we have 11 buffs on us alone AND when using headhunter you get even more. When I get EX to buy a decent one I'll post feedback. And I need to craft %ES...but well as I said I'm broke atm.^^ Thanks Anu and Doe for showing this build. Its fun. PS: I dropped herald of thunder for Vitality. It doesnt add that much dmg. tbh and I can use a Shavs Ring this way, which gives ESregen and good ES/Int. EXALTS>EXAMS Last edited by skieZ#5211 on Aug 10, 2015, 5:34:35 PM
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i love being silly, thanks for sharing <3
Did anyone try to drop heralds+AA, and use a rare spelldmg shield instead? Should be fairly equal dps, just a lot more ES. €: i bought a cheap spell dmg shield and results are awesome. as expected i hardly loose any dps (could be even better with a good shield) but gain 1.3k es and most important i free up 3 gem slots. You either can drop unset rings (which are pain in the ass to get) for amethysts or in my setup i gain a cwdt+immo+duration which more than neglects AA.
only downside is we are not being silly anymore €€: dropped cwdt again since its kinda useless with 90% phys red. anyways and linked purities and haste+grace+deter to enlighten. that way i can use AA again with the downside of loosing 1 level on grace+deter and disci. worth it!
Almost nobody dances sober, unless they happen to be insane. Last edited by kalktresor#4124 on Aug 15, 2015, 9:22:36 AM
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Interesting stuff, guys.
Yeah I'm aware heralds add very little other than silliness, but they do add a bit. I've been playing my mara cycloner with the plan of collecting exalts, levelling/corrupting gems, crafting GG jewels and finishing crafting silly gear, while running normal Atziri here and there on silly scion as I get frags with the goal of doing an uber run (or two) eventually and levelling silly witch to 100. Ergo, I'm focussed on levelling mara to 100 as the main pastime then silliness on witch and scion afterwards. I might take some of these ideas on board, keep them coming. As for CwDT and AA, I really value them both, tbh. @skieZ, re 'broken' leech. Mark_GGG swears it is now only a cosmetic bug in the character panel and that it does work. Casually casual. Last edited by TheAnuhart#4741 on Aug 15, 2015, 8:19:09 PM
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