What is your opinion about new globes?
" You may have noticed that the pro globe girls crowd is also largely pro-choice. All we need is for GGG to sanction the use of the user-made mod so people can enjoy the old UI without risking their account. Everyone else can have their lion and skull. " Blizzard's own WoW had (has?) the most customizable UI I have ever seen in a game with a thriving modding community that catered to every need. It was glorious. Shop closed until further notice. Check out my Dominus musical tribute instead: https://soundcloud.com/hackproducer0815/dominus Last edited by MadEFact#6481 on Sep 18, 2015, 2:48:32 AM
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" one female statue, one male, perky buns for all You have to be realistic about these things.
Logen Ninefingers | |
" I have noticed that almost everyone is pro-choice, not just the pro-girls people. The choice of changing the UI has already been made. It would be a very unwise to simply go back to the old UI (GGG would be accused of bending to a bunch of pervy kids, and this time the accusation would be justified). They have already stated they'd be thinking about giving the choice between UIs. The constant complains just give GGG more reasons to postpone that decision, so please give them a few more months before complaining again. |
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" hue hue hue You have to be realistic about these things.
Logen Ninefingers | |
" Well, the problem is that if we do not keep the thread going, GGG will think that people have lost interest in wanting the old globes restored and have accepted the change. That will lead to more delays in implementing the UI option. We gotta be the squeeky wheel to get our way. After all, that is how the people whom were against the old globes were able to convince GGG to change them in the first place. Join the "Restore Old Globes movement". " You make that sound like a bad thing XD Last edited by Eldyrus#3182 on Sep 18, 2015, 12:29:44 PM
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" Woot! ![]() |
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" End the discussion by making a decision then. That way you also don't have to dismiss your whole community anymore just because this thread annoys you. " *facepalm* " *double facepalm* Honestly, this thread is months old and i would've been glad if GGG had at least considered leaving the choice between the old UI and the new one to the player. Instead of that, the people who care get snarky remarks and accusations of being just interested in pixelboobs. At this point i would be glad if i could look at something else than a lion and a skull. I would even consider paying for it. Why not make the old UI a purchasable mtx? GGG could even go wild and make some really badass completely new UI based on Malachai's design (One of the most well designed act bosses). I don't get why this still is an issue. The darkness looms forebodingly... Last edited by Corpseshock#1271 on Sep 18, 2015, 1:57:13 PM
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How interesting to see this thread up again. Tbh i liked the old globes better. The new globes look kinda shitty in a boring, generic way. But I guess I just like PoE too much, even with globes that look less cool. So I don't mind.
Yeah I guess you could interpret the change as some sort of pussy move to appease the PC crowd. Actually, you could start all sorts of debates on political correctness, feminism and what not around topics like this. I gotta admit there once was a time when all the hypocrisy surrounding the topics of politcal correctness, gender equity and so on really did upset me. But once I started experiencing all the dirty and messed-up stuff that members of the opposite sex enjoyed having done to them during certain intimate encounters with me, I genuinely stopped caring about feminism, gender equity, political correctness and all those things that I used to feel so strongly about. So yeah, I liked the old globes better, but I'm cool with the new ones, too. Last edited by Invisible_Frog#6445 on Sep 18, 2015, 2:48:31 PM
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" My guess is that GGG simply wanted a design that fits with the new content. With the Lion for Lioneye and the skull for ... maybe Malachai? I wouldnt say this is a P.C. issue but merely two sides being forced to take position. On one side is GGG defending their work (which is perfectly understandable). And on the other side you have the people prefering the old design because it had more meaningfulness (If you let the "Fits better to the dark atmosphere of PoE" argument count) Yeah, lots of ifs and whens. I mean, i really don't want to sound entitled but i play this game for so long now ... the globes were a noticeable change for me. And now with this thread here and seeing that other people agree ... it just bugs me. The darkness looms forebodingly...
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it's a game designed by people who have invested their career into this. im happy with any decisions they make because I know the changes have come with a lot of consideration. also, I love the lions; boobs don't make sense.
POE is life. POE is ♥. Last edited by KonaLuvsPOE#3058 on Sep 18, 2015, 3:29:15 PM
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