[2.0] Angryaa's SRS Minion Summoner.
" multistrike is better. sire of shards = stronger spectres but weaker srs. you might want to drop srs altogether if you use sire of shards. check angryaa's charachter. |
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I can say that my spectres dies all the time now and they are not worth it. i'm going for evangelists now to protect me before revenants did it by killing before anything had a chance but thats not happening in high level maps. Im not sure but it seems they sneakly nerfed zombies or buffed the monster damage, they die alot easier now then they did before. but it might just have been the enemies in the maps i did that mods. but im fine with zombies dieing you don't care what bodies you use to resummon. But i might drop guardian was close to lose it today a few times and it's a pain to rebuy the items for him. atleast in standard.
But more testing need to be done this is also my 3rd summoner if you count my old pure SRS character so im a complete noob on summoner, but ill probably stick with evangelists if i can figure out what supports to use since i don't need spectres for clear speed my SRS does a fine job at that i want more defense to survive. And to the person that asked if this build is atziri viable it is, maybe even uber. im getting ready to attempt it. my gear for reference
I did atziri easily with my old staff i was just lucky to find this one and fail on 5l it old staff for atziri herself i only use SRS nothing will survive an attack from her. and you don't need anything but SRS. if she wasn't locked to x amount of phase i would kill her in seconds with my old staff. SRS OP! Last edited by Nailroth#3541 on Jul 24, 2015, 5:05:46 PM
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" you have some nice gear there. expecially that 6l staff with lvl 3 empower. that's pretty sick. if you don't run purity of elements you should replace minion life in your helm with minion res so your guardian and zombies get max res. i am pretty sure they are not capped without any of these two and max res definitely helps more than slightly higher life. you should break up the link in your gloves so that vaal haste is not connected to generosity. you need this just as much as your minions but maybe this is intended on your part? your call regardless. just a tip :) if you are having problems keeping your spectres alive try putting minion life/minion res in there. one of those could make the difference. Last edited by kompaniet#2874 on Jul 30, 2015, 7:01:22 AM
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Has anyone looked at using Undying Archivists from the Library? It's seeming to me that their freezing pulse demolishes things... Just require a bit of effort to hunt down the right affix sometimes. http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Undying_Cultist
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Are specters capped on cast speed at all or perhaps limited by the spell itself they cast? I ask because haste gives 22.4% fcr with generosity and I was curious if haste would outperform hatred for my second aura.
I originally didn't use haste but vitality to keep my minions alive but I fixed some issues. Last edited by Therian#3949 on Jul 25, 2015, 4:52:27 AM
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" Yes the gear is quite nice i was so lucky with the staff, was contemplating buying a 6l +2 staff then i found this staff and was extremly lucky to 6l it in 50 fusings. I never considered adding minion resists instead of life for zombies, i'll have to test that one out probably do the same with the spectres but perhaps not they don't do to much for me at all with such lackluster damage. i did 10 maps today 5 with spectre and 5 without and with the spectre i only cleared the map about 30 seconds faster and i didn't gain any real protection with the spectres and in lvl 79 maps white trash hits hard around 2k on my life and completly drains my ES from 2.3k. so i think evengelists are better suited for me. i rather kill slower and never die then kill slightly faster at a higher risk of dieing. I never realized that generosity worked with Vaal haste my old gloves were split up but i had to buy 2 new pair of gloves to use that neck, and never split the links. so thanks for pointing it out. (second pair of gloves i bought was so i didn't need to recolor main gloves every time i do atziri, hatred aura is stronger for SRS and since spectres just die from a single attack from her no use having an aura to increase their damage when they are dead) |
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If you want to keep your damage up try crafting some cobalts with minion damage and ele resis ....it's a pain but I just made my first one today :D
This way you wont have to sack a 5th or 6th slot for resistance. If you get 4 jewels you will have 40% resis + 60% or so damage bump plus 16% resis from talents. *edit* I regaled it and got 8% crit damage....bahaha I was so expecting minion life :P Last edited by Therian#3949 on Jul 26, 2015, 12:38:48 AM
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My progress so far with a Templar (chose him not for effectiveness, just wanted to play one):
Templar Skill Tree (lvl 81) I'm aiming for Evasion/ES gear with good defensive stats and cast speed: (still needs lots of adjustments)
HP ~4300 ES ~1800 Evasion about 2,5k I think, 25% chance Malachi Merc done with lvl 79, one death due to careless stepping on mines. No Generosity to be able to make use of the resistances of Purity of Elements and be more flexible on gear. Bandits are kill all, Alira, kill all (didn't do Oak on normal because I wanted to make another build at the time, will redo once I care enough) Atziri's Step because I wanted some more defensive stats; the spectre boots offer more damage, but so far I don't have any complaints about using only two spectres. I believe it's noteworthy that +2 Fire Gems Staves with 18-22% increased cast speed are very affordable for new players. My main Problem is that I have to waste Jewel Slot on Careful Planning to get about 60+ dex for Haste Aura. Just a general question for once I get my staff 5linked: " Splash makes no sense to me since it reduces damage and has a very small area of effect. Why not just take multistrike instead? Also, if you use 5l, what would do more damage on a +1 all / +1 fire staff with SRS - Echo - Minion DMG - Multistrike: Empower or Melee Physical? Last edited by Langbogen#4952 on Jul 26, 2015, 4:04:04 AM
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What is the purpose of Spell Echo linked to Raise Spectre? Does it actually affect Revenant's casting time or something, and also echo's their ability?
Sorry for the noob question. Just seeing what to cut for my 4L because I'm still making my way through Cruel Tempest. |
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" I have the same question as I'm still leveling and also the melee splash damage numbers as i'm a little lost on that. Hopefully somebody can clarify for me. Awesome build though. So much fun since I came back. |
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