State of the Beta - Post #6

Darkaleb wrote:

The fact is that this shows how PoE really turns around temp leagues. Glad to have finally realized this, despite all the efforts they have made to believe otherwise.

What efforts? They have already said they balance this game around temp leagues.

KorgothBG wrote:

There are essentially 2 ways to deal with the very low AoE radius of unarmed cyclone at the moment:
1. Having higher DPS and using HoA + Ele prolif to use the burning effect of HoA as a way to deal with the low AoE
2. Using Carcass Jack and in many cases inc AoE support gem

the first option is absolutely destroyed in the beta and with the said relevant aoe nerfs the not so mandatory inc AoE support gem seems much more needed now ... and using a different chest ( i was hoping that it would be possible ) is no way an option.
I can see a third option - not using conc effect and that way we won't be needing inc AoE ... but there is one problem ... without them we won't need any blue sockets .. and getting the needed colors on Carcass Jack would be impossible ... so we'll need to use a different chest. But that means that we'll loose the huge aoe boost of the Carcass ... and once again we'll face terrible AoE.

I already see a 4th option - not using conc effect, using inc AoE and using a different chest.

PsOfOs wrote:

As others have said,GGG stated in the past that mirrored items will remain strong,encouraging people to craft and others to buy them.
They get nerfed hard now.

Mirrored items do remain strong. They didn't get nerfed.
new mods on items, seems like an item reset is comming up.

very nice you just destroyed the whole std economy xD
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Sure it's a possibility but you loose so much dps that way that it is no longer reasonable to use cyclone at all that way.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
There goes my Whispering Ice build, time to find a new plaything. A bit sad that it got decimated before release, not gonna lie. But such is the Path of Exile. ;_;
KorgothBG wrote:

Are you guys serious ? Crafters are some kind of noble demigods who make mirror worthy gear to share it with the world just because they are good guys and not because they want to make profit?!

Who said they do it for anything other than profit? Making profit is not the same as scaming though. If you hate crafters then hate ggg even more because with new t1 they will need many more ex to craft a better item. And they will craft it.
KorgothBG wrote:
Sure it's a possibility but you loose so much dps that way that it is no longer reasonable to use cyclone at all that way.

well, perhaps the higher tier mods can help or jewels or some new support gems that are coming.
666lol666 wrote:
Qiox wrote:
trav_dawg wrote:
Are you fucking kidding me?

I have now WASTED HUNDREDS OF ETERNALS AND THOUSANDS OF HOURS crafting this since open beta in hopes of making it mirror worthy only for you to make higher mods just before I finish? I cannot express enough anger towards you. Looks like I'm done with PoE

My only regret is giving GGG any money, I wish I could take it all back after this slap in the face. GGG will never see another dime from me.

Thinking that better tiers would never be added was a downright silly thing to do.

There was absolutely no basis for thinking that would be the case.

Sorry but I have to tell the truth. When poe started back in the days ggg told us players that there wouldn't be new tiers because they hated shit becoming worthless in other games themself. But on the other hand...... they told many things in the old days so maybe you are right and today there is absolutely no basis anymore for thinking that they behave in a certain manner. Imo this change has the potencial to break the games spine but hey... we will see! Just to make it clear: I DON'T USE MIRRORED GEAR AND I'M NO REAL CRAFTER TOO!

I don't remember them saying that, what I remember though is the bare facts that they added higher ilvl items over time and that Challenge leagues are what the game is balanced around (not Standard), so any half-clever player knew that will happen at some point. And by the way, what they are doing now is nowhere near what a company like Blizzard do when a big expansion hits. All the god tier mirrored items some players use now will not be worthless in The Awakening (which, for example, is not the case after D3 expansion or any WoW expansion too). Some of them will just be a little bit worse compared to new ones. And for those who really want to have the best gear out there all the time, well that's a new challenge for them.
IGN : @Morgoth
Last edited by Morgoth2356#3009 on Jun 9, 2015, 5:27:02 AM
almostdead wrote:
KorgothBG wrote:
Sure it's a possibility but you loose so much dps that way that it is no longer reasonable to use cyclone at all that way.

well, perhaps the higher tier mods can help or jewels or some new support gems that are coming.

They could but at the moment thats not the case when it comes to jewels. A higher flat phys tier mods on rings and amulet might make things a bit better ... but all i see is the possibility to end up with a character as stronger as it is now at best! And with the ramped up difficulty of the Awakening ... that's not a good thing at all.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Not a good idea to give characters better and better gear as the game develops. Bad idea in fact. It's called "power creep" and it ruins the best of games.
Love how everyone is exaggerating. Feel free to send my your "now completely worthless" mirror gear! Every item will still be top notch even with old affixes... Its just your attitude and not a game breaker. Everyone loves to get a D in school when everyone else has an F. Noone likes a B when everyone else got A's...
IGN: Emwega

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