WexQuasWex wrote:
Looks like you need to have a high level character, sad i deleted my characters yesterday :(
You definitely do not there were two accounts back to back created 18 and 21st April that have no characters whatsoever. I'd wager your chances are better if you have none.
Unscopedninja wrote:
One would think that playing since the original Beta might give you a chance to get into this one. Dont really want to sit up for 20 hours of the day I took off for nothing and am now wondering if I took the day off for nothing. This is worse than a bloody lottery ticket. Off to play another game before I get angrier and delete this game permanently.
This is garbage
You took a day off to play a beta that you don't have access to, and that you have no guarentee of getting access to anytime soon...
Yes, you took the day off for nothing. I don't feel sorry for you. If you had read the release about 2.0 and how beta testers would be selected you wouldn't have this problem.
Posted byPfeifDiesel#1952on Apr 21, 2015, 8:43:16 AM
zhirek wrote:
why not give away beta keys every few minutes completely random and every 1 hour random to long time supporters, or people with 1000 hours of playing time, or something like that.
You will get more and better feedback this way.
It was stated in the release that as the beta goes on, the timer will shorten and keys would be given away more frequently. Supporter level and number of hours have no bearing on who gets selected. That's the point, they want raw, varied, unbiased data.
Posted byPfeifDiesel#1952on Apr 21, 2015, 8:45:37 AM
I dont like the standard server, at all.
Anyone have a suggestion for an other game, that is not just for streamers?
Posted bysmellybad#2831on Apr 21, 2015, 8:46:34 AM
zhirek wrote:
why not give away beta keys every few minutes completely random and every 1 hour random to long time supporters, or people with 1000 hours of playing time, or something like that.
You will get more and better feedback this way.
It was stated in the release that as the beta goes on, the timer will shorten and keys would be given away more frequently. Supporter level and number of hours have no bearing on who gets selected. That's the point, they want raw, varied, unbiased data.
They want people with loads of accounts? Instead of active players?
Posted bysmellybad#2831on Apr 21, 2015, 8:48:54 AM
Smokingnoob wrote:
ElChivoDiablo wrote:
I still feel like original closed beta and open beta supporters should have been the first into the new CB, aside from Alpha testers and certain streamers. I can't help but feel a little salty, but I guess I'll have to wait until June to play if I don't get in CB. Oh well, maybe it's time to work on my music some more.
I was in d3 beta, and it thought me that d3 is a piece of shat.
They want limited beta entrants while they fix bugs and balance.
I think it will be alot easier to get into beta in the coming weeks. Like several news sites will give out beta keys in an old fashion game of soggy witbix.
how do we get in?
Posted byNighus#7877on Apr 21, 2015, 8:54:49 AM
Nighus wrote:
You create a new account :>
Posted byObso1337#4864on Apr 21, 2015, 8:56:09 AM
Nighus wrote:
Theoretically you sign up at pathofexile.com/theawakening. However, in reality you don't get in.
Last edited by MysteriousVisage#2696 on Apr 21, 2015, 8:58:01 AM
oh man.. i thought closed beta supporters wouldn't have to wait... :(
Posted byNighus#7877on Apr 21, 2015, 8:57:38 AM