A potential change I'm keen to hear your thoughts on

Wait a minute people,are you discussing here if you will like the change or not based upon your current builds?

Please,dont comment if it is this way,we need to figure exactly what the purpose of all this would be,cant be just mana regen,which i think after patch will be more than enough.

Just cant tell if people are whining on potential "nerfs" or mechanic wise.
Bye bye desync!
Rory wrote:
Boem wrote:
Ha if this is EB being reworked it could be disastrous.

I like it lol.

Can we get another clue Rory? Is it a mechanical change to EB and how it operates, or is it purely a visual change and everything stays as it is on a mechanical level?

(% mana regeneration effect comes to mind, flat mana regen gain per mana amount etc)



All the usual effects on Energy Shield will still apply to this ES - Recovery delay, Ghost Reaver, Zealot's Oath, etc. You'll not have any more base mana than you would have had prior to taking the keystone, though. Damage won't interrupt ES recovery any more, only losing mana or ES will. Imagine it as just how Energy Shield operates over life, except applied to mana.

i dont really like this...i fear it might kill most of my characters
and if that happens i dont think i will be able to work around it.
i hope this doesent happen
Last edited by v1r1e#5159 on Apr 18, 2015, 7:59:39 AM
DeathzStalkerz wrote:

As of now, wearing a CoD and getting EB is minimally enough to sustain a decent level AA.

but when AA is such a shit defense than even a lvl25 AA + inner force that takes a massive investment to sustain isnt even as good as wearing 5k armour which is considered absolutely awful what exactly is the problem with being able to run AA? You say that like its a bad thing.

People talk about AA like its actually good, its terrible, its so widely used because its literally the only thing most casters have open to them.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
I do not like the idea at all. It seems really counterintuitive. Some things are applied to converted ES, some to regular mana etc. Also most mana nodes would likely become obsolete as almost everyone would opt for zealots oath for super easy endless mana.

However i like the idea of making the EB effect visible. I would imagine giving the portion of you mana pool that is generated by EB a different hue would do the job just fine. Probably something shimmering and glittery similar to the ES indicator.

Keep the game simple. It is complex enough as it is!
I mean my opinion is bias and everything, but this change is plain stupid. a) es will never recover since we ALWAYS are using mana, whether for dmg or movement abilities, that means at high level of play whether end game mapping or atziri runs, your es will literally never recover since you'r constantly using mana, which makes it entirely obsolete b) 21AA+empower will become unsustainable unless you spend like 90 points worth into mana + mana regen nodes and have insanely rolled mana gear, which again will just throw away the mechanic out of the window.

It's one thing you "want" to "balance" something, but throwing it out of the window is not a way to balance something, sure you didn't provide any actual details yet, you just said this few points that on first glance look like a major wipe of a whole bunch of builds rellying on mom/aa, but but that's not balancing, it's equal to you just saying, we are deleting cloak of defiance from the loot table #deal with it.

And please don't forget that to any build hanging around top of the tree, there is no armour to pick up? We don't use armour item pieces? How are we supposed to defensively counter phys damage, if immortal call cwdt enduring cry is going away, and now mom+aa too, who the fuck will actually play casters at all other than glass cannon fodder with coc barrage? I mean seriously how will someone be able to reliably play a caster build in hc could you explain it to me Rory please?

I really hope this random "idea" doesn't actually get implemented the way you have described it, because to me this just looks raw as shit and entirely not ready for real implementation. I don't mind the change to the mechanic it is indeed very strong, but what you'r doing is entirely the opposite, making it VERY weak and pointless to pick up.

Last edited by Ashkatar#5072 on Apr 18, 2015, 8:14:46 AM
Snorkle_uk wrote:
DeathzStalkerz wrote:

As of now, wearing a CoD and getting EB is minimally enough to sustain a decent level AA.

but when AA is such a shit defense than even a lvl25 AA + inner force that takes a massive investment to sustain isnt even as good as wearing 5k armour which is considered absolutely awful what exactly is the problem with being able to run AA? You say that like its a bad thing.

People talk about AA like its actually good, its terrible, its so widely used because its literally the only thing most casters have open to them.

True, but what makes AA really shine is if you couple it with dmg conversion or just a flat bit of armour. Taste of Hate, Cloak of Flame,Coil,CoD. Whichever.

People dont normally use AA on it's own. AA however still has cons, big hits, as do armour.
Don't forget the investments into AA also benefits the mana sustain of the player.
- DzSz's Pillar : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2524656
Last edited by DeathzStalkerz#2474 on Apr 18, 2015, 8:07:41 AM
v1r1e wrote:
Rory wrote:
Boem wrote:
Ha if this is EB being reworked it could be disastrous.

I like it lol.

Can we get another clue Rory? Is it a mechanical change to EB and how it operates, or is it purely a visual change and everything stays as it is on a mechanical level?

(% mana regeneration effect comes to mind, flat mana regen gain per mana amount etc)



All the usual effects on Energy Shield will still apply to this ES - Recovery delay, Ghost Reaver, Zealot's Oath, etc. You'll not have any more base mana than you would have had prior to taking the keystone, though. Damage won't interrupt ES recovery any more, only losing mana or ES will. Imagine it as just how Energy Shield operates over life, except applied to mana.

from what i understand this would rip half 2 of my 3 characters...
my builds are threatened enough already if this is implemented i might be forced to quit most of my chars if not the game....

Yes, this will break all characters that use EB and MoM of any kind.

1. ES Component will not be regenerating on its own, so MoM defense will not work any more, since you taking hits will disrupt the ES regen.

2. You will for sure not be able to sustain all your current auras.

3. You will for sure not be able to rely on your mana regeneration to regenerate enought for both your damaging skill and AA.

4. There will be no Point of eldritch battery in combo with MoM since you can just leave the es on your Life and get the same defensive effect.

I'm sure there is more.
Snorkle_uk wrote:
DeathzStalkerz wrote:

As of now, wearing a CoD and getting EB is minimally enough to sustain a decent level AA.

but when AA is such a shit defense than even a lvl25 AA + inner force that takes a massive investment to sustain isnt even as good as wearing 5k armour which is considered absolutely awful what exactly is the problem with being able to run AA? You say that like its a bad thing.

People talk about AA like its actually good, its terrible, its so widely used because its literally the only thing most casters have open to them.

Are you serious?Its not just aa,its the most likely COD that comes with it,that is above all current defences currently.In that way,yes it needs a change.

But again,are people annoyed cause their current meta wont work,or they dont like it mechanicly?I am more keen to my first opinion.

Though one thing is for sure,we cant know until we try
Bye bye desync!
Weeping, all I see is people crying because of a change they cannot fully comprehend yet due to the fact that they have not enough informations about the new passive tree and other mechanical changes.

But even if GGG decides that casters are played too often and therefore nerf the casters nly defense then whe have to accept that and adopt to the new meta.

And for those who still intent on playing casters there is still one last but still powerful defense mechanic called "self cast enduring cry and immortal call 40 times per map".

With best regards

While the intent might not be to butcher any builds, this is definitely going to shit all over my current build. Good thing I haven't sold any of my race rewards so I can afford to re-gear... :(
A long time ago, on a Wraeclast far, far away...

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