A potential change I'm keen to hear your thoughts on
Btw, By seperating ES and Mana and making them 2 separate entities, A few uniques/passives will have interesting changes regarding this.
- Infernal Mantle : Able to reserve enough mana and still have the ES buffer(MoM) - Shavvrone's Revelation: 3-4% of ES regen compared to base 1.75% for mana. - Voidbringer: ES gained on Kill. - Aegis Aurora: ES gained on Block. Coupled with MoM. - Voll's Protector: Mana reduction doesn't affect ES. - Ghost Reaver: Essentially leeching mana?? - Zealot's Oath: Makes for more % ES regen. - Vaal Pact: Combined with GR, instant Mana leech. - Blood Magic: With MoM and Reaver/VP/Zealots make for possible dmg buffer. - Righteous Fire: Possible to run RF with ES dmg while maintaining Dmg buffer(MoM). Just putting this out in case anyone misses it. Build:
- DzSz's Pillar : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2524656 |
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EB is fine as is, and plenty of people have given in-depth thoughts on it already. Personally I can only see it affecting my characters negatively, and it's just adding unnecessary complexity to something that should be kept simple: more mana.
If you want to turn the game into something that involves severe micromanagement--cooldowns, warcries, immortal call, mana management, curse casting--I seriously think you will turn off a large part of your audience, that like the game due to its fast-paced feel. Nerfs to crit, nerfs to different types of dot damage, nerfs to items day in and out--it's like you want to slow the game down when that is not the type of gameplay people enjoy. I'm more wary of the new act than excited, considering there's a beta needed. We'll see how it goes, but the last two patches managed to further distance me from the game, and I have a feeling this one will do the same. Keep in mind I'm a long-term standard player and I don't give a shit about starting over every four months, I just want things to not be turned upside down every time I've settled into a build. |
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I imagine this change will come with Mana woes for many builds. Spells end up costing arms and legs to cost mid-late game, and EB is almost a must just to have regen to keep up with
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" Yep. How anyone could think this change was a good idea, let alone a game developer is beyond me. It makes EB worthless, and no Zealots Oath or Ghost Reaver are not viable. Why the hell do these keystones keep getting brought up? EB / MoM / AA require life leech AND life regen affecting life to survive. Keep PoE2 Difficult. Last edited by Fluffy_Puppies#3904 on Apr 18, 2015, 8:38:32 AM
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Of course theres numerous balance and viability risks with this, but i'd say its worth it from an aesthetic perspective. When this change gets iterated carefully i'm all for it in the long run!
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" "Aesthetic perspective" if that is the best non-reason you have for wanting this objectively horrible change just come out and say you have no reason for liking it and are just being a fan boy. Keep PoE2 Difficult.
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So you are about to ruin yet another character of mine... It amazes me, It truly does. What is the point of perfect balance if there will be no one left to play the game? With each daft change you loose players.
Last edited by Bjarmfark#0724 on Apr 18, 2015, 8:56:45 AM
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This change probably balances the amount of investments into the EB AA MOM combo.
As of now, wearing a CoD and getting EB is minimally enough to sustain a decent level AA. That alone coupled with the fact that EB is near mana regeneration nodes make it efficient as fuck. Adding in the CoD innate MoM makes all the more worthwhile with all the points saved. This update however twists some changes, players now have to invest into raw mana nodes to sustain AA. You get to reserve almost all your mana, while leaving like a couple of mana to leave AA running. You get your ES pool as damage buffer. Technically, if done right, you can add a couple of auras, maintain ES buffer for MoM/Skills with Shav's Ring. Build:
- DzSz's Pillar : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2524656 |
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" exactly, how does this change anything? All this really does is mean the only way to get survivability from EB is to use cloak of defiance or spec mom keystone. Right now you can go eb and get AA survivability from it without having to use a cloak. Like what meta does this change us to? whats the new thing this opens up? Nothing, theres nothing there, if there was something there then we wouldnt have such a pervasive meta to begin with, and if they add something new then that changes the meta already without adding this change to it surely? " lol. I love zeno man, I think hes probably the ebst streamer this game has and I think if more people watched his stream then the community as a whole would be far more informed. Im with him totally that COD is way overused. It feels like 70% of the games population want to roll caster early league because of how easily spells scale and 95% of those people want a COD. I dunno actual numbers but thats how it feels as an observer. Hes right man that item is just wayyyyyy too used. But why is that? Why dont people use a hybrid 109 life + 550 energy shield chest with resists and just spec MoM? Because its so far away. Move MoM into the caster part of the tree and make it easy to get then people will stop feeling like they HAVE to have the chest. If the thinking is the node is too much mitigation (I really dont feel it is but ok...) then edit the node, and nerfing the node is also nerfing the chest as the chest is just the node. That would actually shift things away from the chest. Does this shift away from the chest? No, because the chest is now even more essential to getting survivability from eb. Eb users are also going to need a shit ton more mana regen to fuel AA, well guess what, the chest gives mana regen, so more than ever you want that chest rather than the node because you want regen EVERYWHERE and youre not going to get that from a rare es chest the way the es = mana = mana regen currently. I dunno man, I slept on it, woke up and my feeling are please dont destroy a massive part of your game by adding this needless overburdened and complex change that will just obliterate a lot of caster specs without really adding anything worth talking about. It honestly feels like tinkering for the sake of tinkering, I dont see that it solves any problems, I see it creating a lot of problems. If you want to shift the meta then put your brains to work thinking of an alternative to the current meta of EB MoM AA that will not stack with those mechanics. Work out a way to make CI and hybrid Life + ES more appealing, anything but this. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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A few energy shield regen nodes in the witch area might make this change seem much more attractive, then again it's still a mystery how the new skill tree looks like.
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