A potential change I'm keen to hear your thoughts on
To me, it makes the combo EB+MoM stronger than before for some builds. You'll have a bit less mana/es to protect your life, but the amount reserved will be a lot less (halved for most build), so in the end it's more ES/mana to protect life. You'll need another way to regen ES, but ES and mana will be able to both regen at the same time.
The question is whether it's simply better to use the classic ES over life as a defense. Anyways I already have a MoM build that doesn't use EB or AA, so I won't say MoM is dead. As for AA, I'd say it's a huge nerf, I've many character who can use AA only thanks to EB at a rather low cost. But they said AA might be tweaked along with this change, so I'm not too worried. And if AA isn't as cheap as before, I'll use another type of defense, I can reinvest all my passives and gear spend on mana/regen into another defense. And clarity isn't dead at all, many builds use clarity for mana regen, even without AA. And clarity is flat so it's actually not nerfed by this EB change. What's nerfed is mana regen passives overall, they could buff them again since they were nerfed because of EB. Such a buff would resolve all the whine around AA in this thread while keeping the investment needed to run it. Other remarks : BM + MoM + EB looks fun, I don't know if it's actually useful. It doesn't look better than classic BM with ES, except you're able to regen both at the same time. Vaal discipline + EB will be somewhat like Vaal clarity. I don't know if anyone has ever used vaal clarity. Vaal clarity could in fact become more useful with the new EB, it makes you able to cast stuff without preventing ES to regen. A simple way to use ES regen effectively with the new EB would be using too offensive skills, one with BM and one without BM. So you only have to use the BM one a few time to let ES recharge. Build of the week #2 : http://tinyurl.com/ce75gf4 Last edited by zriL#4590 on Apr 18, 2015, 7:30:01 AM
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" While I won't get into the debate of whether frequent, forced meta changes are good or bad (which is more of a debate of frequency in itself than the actual meta shifting): Declaring any change good simply because it changes the meta, is frankly ridiculous. It's also worth noting SnorkleUK's many posts ITT that show it isn't really much of a meta shift than the nerfing (and seemingly needless complexity) of life casters who are intended to still use the same meta but be worse off. What was that recent GGG post? Oh yes.... " Casually casual. Last edited by TheAnuhart#4741 on Apr 18, 2015, 7:37:59 AM
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I have to admit, I went and slept on this change and thought about it, and I've come to some conclusions:
1) This change does not help existing builds that run EB. 2) Without new ways to recharge our energy sheild in order to make for a more efficient faux mana pool, this isn't going to make very many new builds viable either. 3) This change would be interesting for builds that already have mana problems and run BM to solve that - but would have an energy sheild lying around (melee templars for example) - but EB is too far away from that sort of build path to benefit them. It comes down to the fact that EB is currently situated in the heart of mana-regen central, and on the periferal of Energy Shield station. This needs to be flipped in order for this new EB to make sense. If new EB was where Conduit or EE is, I could use it on some new and bizzare builds. But as it stands - the builds that most need new EB are the builds that can't afford to take EB currently - so it's giving a drowning man a glass of water.
This is all done in a vaccuum. Maybe we're getting changes to Energy sheild regeneration alongside this. That new life regen ammy would be pretty sexy for this...
"If you’re incompetent, you can’t know you’re incompetent. […] the skills you need to produce a right answer are exactly the skills you need to recognize what a right answer is." ~David Dunning
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" Yeah, I'm not sure what Rory was thinking there. The upcoming rebalance will not have any accompanying patch notes (which is very understandable) and simply plonking down an image like that and saying "get to it" gives the impression that GGG might be somewhat underestimating the time required to properly process information like this. People will probably spend the first week or two figuring how the "whole new game" (paraphrasing Chris) works, let alone give feedback that isn't knee-jerk. I'm also slightly concerned that a fundamentally game-altering change like this is referred to as "potential". I hope for GGG's sake that it's only a matter of wording and not that the idea came up literally a few days ago or something like that. I'd like to think that GGG has been less ad-hoc and seat-of-the-pants with respect to the rebalance. Have you made a cool build using The Coming Calamity? Let me know!
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" Zeno - Worst Streamer NA |
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looks horrible to i am a big fan od eb,ohh plz dont make these changes. seem stupid and unnecassary to me. eb is logic and intuitiv as is. if thats all cuz of cod just nerf the dsmn chest again.
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" Please don't make suggestions again. Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn Sahl djahs afah Mah morn narr |
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hype died a little in fear of nerfnerfnerf.
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We can all (hopefully) agree that the combination of EM+MoM+AA was a bit OP. But it seems this change is changing way more than it has too. I small fix could have been
"EB: Energy Shield becomes mana. Mana regeneration is at 50% effectiveness". Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
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Sleeping on it further, the fact that using movement skills such as
Leap Slam Lightning Warp Whirling Blades then you'd constantly use mana out of combat, in combat you obviously use mana, this means that your EB will __NEVER__ recharge making this completly useless |
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