Item Development - Information

What is this skill on middle mouse button on screen showing Ice Storm skill?
Arcis wrote:
Raghin wrote:
Better idea. Just reference the already existing wikia page rather than doing more work.

the wiki is frequently out of date or just wrong. also, if the game had a database, you could look something up by just clicking on it, and it would take you directly to information only about that specific item (such as what tier mods it has, what tier mods it can possibly have, the ranges a divine could roll, etc)

all that stuff is extremely annoying to look up with any of the existing methods, and the information you find on those third party sources is inaccurate and incomplete. it would be MUCH better, in many ways, to have an official source inside the game.

This is a great idea, but keep on dreaming. The thing that makes GGG most turgid is withholding information from us.
with 600 int = x60 multipler Ice storm will do :
60-180 dps ?

That seems pretty low if fire storm does 122–183 on lvl 20 with 0 investment :S ?
IGN: PojzonAbyss
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eragon1111 wrote:
with 600 int = x60 multipler Ice storm will do :
60-180 dps ?

That seems pretty low if fire storm does 122–183 on lvl 20 with 0 investment :S ?

i supose is low level
Last edited by cuakman#6740 on Apr 8, 2015, 11:07:40 AM
I just want to know what lvl 4 empower and enhance will give this spell.

You can easily get 900 int, ~350 from tree, another 300 from gear and then the multipliers. Thats avarage of 180 damage per hit, this equals a lvl 22 firestorm. If Empower increases the base damage even to 2-4 with the levels, you will be at 270 base damage per hit. If a lvl 4 empower with the +1 from staff would give you lvl 5 Icestorm, you might even get 3-5 damage per 10 int. This would be 360 base damage per hit. You also get like 90% spell damage from the staff, +166% cold damage , 70% elemental damage and 85% spell damage. You are looking at 1800 damage per hit, add conc. and you are at 3100 damage per hit. Add crit, inc dura and so on and you will be doing like 50k dps with it.
Altha wrote:
I just want to know what lvl 4 empower and enhance will give this spell.

empower and enhance will not work with this skill. they only support skill gems socketed into linked sockets. also, the +gem level in this staff is for support gems.
here's what i think people don't get about the purpose of the unique staff. i see it as an equalizer. it would be fairly easy to create a build using this skill without much investment. the obvious items that support the build are not that rare or expensive. it gives you 6 support gems to play with. people will probably be using IIR as one of them, to help fund other builds. it's not going to be the most powerful build in the game, but it doesn't have to be the most powerful build in the game in order to have a purpose.
This staff has led to a huge amount of internal debate about how information is given to players. Where opinions split is when it comes to how players will assess this item as it is above.

Icestorm is only available through The Whispering Ice, and there's currently no point of reference for what Icestorm does. The closest thing is Firestorm, and handily that's the skill Icestorm is based on. An average player may assume that Icestorm is functionally identical to Firestorm, except much cooler (pun intended). Level 1 Firestorm isn't such an attractive prospect at level 33, but Icestorm, on a caster at that level, should tear everything apart thanks to the unique scaling mechanism of the skill.

dont include lvl information,just say: "grants Icestorm skill"

people will find it different than usual and will go figure on wiki or forums how does it actually work. And players who drop randomly would have the reason to test it

or can the level be increased via empower gem? (e:aparently not)
IGN: Eric_Lindros
CET: Timezone
Last edited by Ludvator#6587 on Apr 8, 2015, 11:51:17 AM
yotmato wrote:

I can clear 78s with a Lifesprig, whats your point?

I dont have to earn anything, your attitude is extremely irritating, just because you dumped several thousand dollars in this game, doesnt make your opinion more important than any other player, i'm stopping here cause we are derailing the thread and it doesnt add anything to the discussion.

Have a good day

I have no intention of getting in the middle an argument on the interwebs but I did want to respond specifically to the underlined part. I don't think you should be getting irritated by what Charan is writing because his perspective is fairly unique (no pun intended) and he has an insight into the creation process of unique items that GGG's devs partially shared with him.

In this regard, he has literally earned the right to express his opinion because it is logically more qualified than your own or my own or that of most players. I get that it can sound 'elitist' or 'snotty' or whatever, but don't get caught up in semantics and miss the bigger picture: there are some concerns being expressed about the apparent new direction unique items are taking the game, places it has not been before and (apparently) were not allowed to go. Is this good or bad? Ultimately only time will tell, but there are some of us who have past experiences which give them a deeper insight into what this means than average folks (myself included). Why get irritated over this?

To bring myself on-topic, the new item itself is definitely cool *ahem*. It rewards investment into a particular kind of build (similar to
Doon Cuebiyari, something I might add is supporter-created), something I think most uniques should do by forcing players to not just spam the most powerful components of PoE together in a pot (ie "crit + atk speed + leech + random unique wep X = WIN") but go down a very specific road that hopefully lets the build eventually compete with others at the end of it. This is the point of all/most builds in PoE is it not? To take different roads toward the same end objective (good enough dps and clear speed and safety).

Obviously people will wonder if it'll be the next super-wep for endgame and that speculation is well and good. We need something to do to count down the days until Act4 I suppose.
For POE Devs:
Died like this in HC before:

ice storm + faster casting + increased duration + cold penetration + spell echo + added cold damage

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