Poe Price Check – Check Single Item and Stash Tab Items with Ease

@SlugPranker Looks like Kyusung, the lead dev of PoE Overlay found a work around when parsing the info to your API in the mean time!

Cheers, thanks fo your time!
MalakaJones wrote:
@SlugPranker Looks like Kyusung, the lead dev of PoE Overlay found a work around when parsing the info to your API in the mean time!

Cheers, thanks fo your time!

Right. I am in touch with Kyusung. Thanks!
Hey, I don't know how you'd be able to solve this one but what if I wanted to pricecheck this?
Item Class: Amulets
Rarity: Rare
Plague Clasp
Astrolabe Amulet
Level: 69
Item Level: 84
Implicit Modifiers Cannot Be Changed (implicit)
Has Elder, Shaper and all Conqueror Influences (implicit)
Grants Level 22 Determination Skill
+13% to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier
+44 to maximum Energy Shield
11% increased Area of Effect
Zealotry has 23% reduced Reservation
20% increased maximum Energy Shield (crafted)
Shaper Item
Elder Item
Crusader Item
Redeemer Item
Hunter Item
Warlord Item
Hey, it has been a while. Thanks for reporting it.

Edit: try hit the "price me" button again first.

A quick debug found that the implicit mods are not recognized. As a temp solution, maybe try unchecking both the implicit mods. Working on a solution on the backend.

World_Destructor wrote:
Hey, I don't know how you'd be able to solve this one but what if I wanted to pricecheck this?
Item Class: Amulets
Rarity: Rare
Plague Clasp
Astrolabe Amulet
Level: 69
Item Level: 84
Implicit Modifiers Cannot Be Changed (implicit)
Has Elder, Shaper and all Conqueror Influences (implicit)
Grants Level 22 Determination Skill
+13% to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier
+44 to maximum Energy Shield
11% increased Area of Effect
Zealotry has 23% reduced Reservation
20% increased maximum Energy Shield (crafted)
Shaper Item
Elder Item
Crusader Item
Redeemer Item
Hunter Item
Warlord Item
Last edited by SlugPranker#0812 on May 24, 2021, 11:24:50 PM
None of my stashes are showing any prices on anything, today. Is there a known issues with this?
Hey, it seems working the time I tested it. Please PM me if the issue is persistent.
Eleaya wrote:
None of my stashes are showing any prices on anything, today. Is there a known issues with this?
### Please post this log file below to https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1216141/.
### Try not to "spam" their thread if a few other reports with the same error description were posted in the last hours.

Request and response:
"added": {
"browserUrl": "https://www.poeprices.info/api?l=Standard&i=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&w=1",
"encodingError": "",
"league": "Standard",
"requestUrl": "https://www.poeprices.info/api?l=Standard&i=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",
"retHeader": "502",
"timeoutParam": 25
Hello, for last few days predicted price is showing less then 1 chaos for items which costs exalts. At league start is was all fine. Can you fix this?
I am using Awakened PoE trade, Expedition league SC.
@AskeQQ would you please share a few examples so that I can make sure everything is fine? My guess is the new ward feature may have introduced some uncertainty in the modeling. Not 100% sure but will monitor when more data comes in.

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