Mechanics thread

Thanks, Vipermagi!!

OMG, it MUST be my resistances... I feel like I have an entirely new understanding of the game! :)
My understanding is like this:
1. Armor, Evasion, Energy Shield Bonuses from the Passives stack multiplicative to what armor/Ev/ES you're wearing.

you wear 100 armor on items and 50% Armor bonus => 150 armor
you wear 0 armor on items and 50% Armor bonus => 0 armor

2. Block chance, Resists even though they are lists with "%" they stack additively:

15% all elemental resists means +15% to all resists.

Block chance works the same way, a 2% block chance passive gives you +2% chance to block.
I assume that you cannot block if you don't have a shield or DW, since you don't any means to block with. This feels quite natural.
nebunelux wrote:
My understanding is like this:
1. Armor, Evasion, Energy Shield Bonuses from the Passives stack multiplicative to what armor/Ev/ES you're wearing.

you wear 100 armor on items and 50% Armor bonus => 150 armor
you wear 0 armor on items and 50% Armor bonus => 0 armor

2. Block chance, Resists even though they are lists with "%" they stack additively:

15% all elemental resists means +15% to all resists.

Block chance works the same way, a 2% block chance passive gives you +2% chance to block.
I assume that you cannot block if you don't have a shield or DW, since you don't any means to block with. This feels quite natural.

You can block with staffs too :D
“Demons run when a good man goes to war"

if you leech a large amount of life during a battle, you may find that the life gain continues long after the battle is over. Similar to flasks, the life gain from leech will end if you reach maximum life.

The same is true for mana leech, although the rate is 12.5% of maximum mana per second.

Any way to increase that percent limit in any way?
Ionisk wrote:
Any way to increase that percent limit in any way?

Leech Gems with quality.
MackBesmirch wrote:

Percentage Changes:
Increased and Reduced are added together then applied.
All More and Less are applied individually.

Static Changes:
Anything with to, additional or starts with + are added as is.


1% additional Block Chance

Since it says additional you just add it as is to your current block chance.
Brutus. Do you even sync?
I am really lost....

I need to get calculation for base weapon damage and really cant get it...

Let say that I have a lion sword
base damage 60 - 100
quallity 20
added damage 14 - 28
incresed physical damage 128

I should get 186 - 322 (but I still have something around and not this exact value)

EDIT: The closeses where I get is (Base damage + added damage) * (increased physical damage + quallity)

so (74 to 128) * (1 + 1.28 + 0.2) = 183,52 to 317,44
Last edited by antarian#2011 on Mar 13, 2013, 11:41:23 AM
AnnanFay wrote:
MackBesmirch wrote:

Percentage Changes:
Increased and Reduced are added together then applied.
All More and Less are applied individually.

Static Changes:
Anything with to, additional or starts with + are added as is.


1% additional Block Chance

Since it says additional you just add it as is to your current block chance.

He was wondering if you get block chance from passives without have any block chance from sheild / DW / Staves.

I don't have a character to test this on right now, but I believe you don't get the additional block chance without any block chance from the above mentioned sources. It wouldn't make much sense.
antarian wrote:
I am really lost....

I need to get calculation for base weapon damage and really cant get it...

Let say that I have a lion sword
base damage 60 - 100
quallity 20
added damage 14 - 28
incresed physical damage 128

I should get 186 - 322 (but I still have something around and not this exact value)

EDIT: The closeses where I get is (Base damage + added damage) * (increased physical damage + quallity)

so (74 to 128) * (1 + 1.28 + 0.2) = 183,52 to 317,44

Base damage of Lion Sword is 61 to 102.
If I were to take Eldritch Battery then Acrobatics, would I still get mana from Eldritch Battery?

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