Mechanics thread
Is it better to have gear that gives you +40% quantity and +50% rarity, or just +90% Rarity?
i'm assuming +quantity resolves first then +Rarity? Last edited by Pi314#5955 on Mar 2, 2013, 11:18:26 AM
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" Yes. Also some items like currency or gems don't have different steps of rarity (they are always "normal") and are not affected by item rarity, but only by item quantity. |
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I'm currently working on converting my DPS spreadsheet for Headhorr's Skilltree Calculator and I still have a pesky off-by 0.1 error for some DPS calculations. Maybe some of you have an idea what's going wrong.
The game shows 156.6 DPS, the following calculation gives 156.5: min = 72 max = 129 avg = (72 + 129) / 2 = 100.5 critDmgMod = 1.5 avgCrit = avg * critDmgMod = 150.75 critChance = 0.05 totalWithCrit = critChance * avgCrit + (1 - critChance) * avg = 103.0125 attackSpeed = 1.67 dpsWithSpeed = totalWithCrit * attackSpeed = 172.030869 chanceToHit = 0.91 dpsWithChanceToHit = dpsWithSpeed * chanceToHit = 156.5481 If that value was larger by 0.0019, it would yield the correct result after rounding. There are not many values that can be off in this calculation. Damage values are correct as shown in the character screen. Crit chance and multiplier have no modifiers whatsoever. That leaves attack speed and chance to hit. I first thought I'd have to use attack speed before rounding. If I had 1.671 speed for example, the result would be correct. But the attack speed calculation yields 1.674 before rounding and that would throw the end result off even more. So I assume 1.67 (as shown on character) is the correct value to use. If chance to hit is not exactly 91% as shown in the character screen, I'm screwed since I can't know about that. So I guess I have some basic error in my calculation although I have no clue what the game could do differently there. As far as I know, hits by the player are not affected by crit evasion so they are not reflected here. Does anyone have an idea? Any help is greatly appreciated. |
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" Maybe it is related to this bug that I discovered: IGN: ZapMcZapper
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It's not related as I posted in your thread
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Chance to Hit is an Accuracy versus Evasion check (and since we don't know monster Evasion values, it is just an estimate). While I can't be certain, my money's on that being the choke as well; the game using a non-rounded value whereas the character sheet does round.
The DPS display is fabrication anyways (so many unknown values that are ignored), I wouldn't worry about it being off by a fraction so tiny :) Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Mar 3, 2013, 12:24:51 AM
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" I take a look at your spreadsheet. Perhaps i have misunderstand yours formulas, but it seems that you don't use the 2nd roll of evasion when an attack makes a critic. |
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" In principle you're right but it's still nagging me :) Since that ingame display is my only reference, I now have to write unit tests that account for such a deviation which just doesn't feel right. But it's probably really that chance to hit so I guess nothing can be done about that... " You're right, I don't. Initially I made that second roll for crit evasion but I saw that results were always off when doing it that way. It's my guess that the game does either not roll for crit evasion when attacks are made by the player or the DPS displayed on the character sheet does not reflect it. In either case, rolling for crit evasion would always slightly reduce the DPS whereas in this case my calculated DPS is actually too low so it's unlikely to be the issue. Most of the time my calculations are spot-on without crit evasion rolls (the C# version), there's just some times where that DPS value is off by 0.1. Last edited by Wyverex42#1509 on Mar 3, 2013, 5:06:17 AM
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The DPS display hasn't change with this mechanism, but i believe that monsters use the same mechanisms than the players.
By the way i prefer a result too low instead of a result too high ;). |
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(Merciless Act1)
i want to upgrade my bow. How do i calculate it's base DPS so i can compare it to other bows? Last edited by Pi314#5955 on Mar 3, 2013, 8:05:42 PM
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