Both make sense from a programming and merchanics perspective, but they are wildly different in terms of outcome. From what I can tell with ~3 minutes of glancing at what happens when I Swap out items, it works like scenario two.
edit: And to ask another question, when/how would something like increased projectile (phys->cold with bow, for example) or increased elemental damage (cold -> fire) be applied? I know they don't double dip, but it's not quite intuitive how those specific shared modifiers are applied.
Answer for the edit : Increased projectile is applied 1 time for pure physical damage and 1 time for converted physical damage. Same for any other mod which can be applied to damage before/after conversion.
Let's say you have
100 physical damage (done with a projectile)
50% physical->cold
+100% physical
+200% cold
+10% projectile
Physical Damage = 100*(1+100%+10%)*(1-50%)=105
Cold Damage by conversion : 100*(1+100%+200%+10%)*50%=205
Last edited by Kissan#7229 on Feb 27, 2013, 5:12:30 PM
Physical Damage = 100*(1+100%+10%)*(1-50%)=105
Cold Damage by conversion : 100*(1+100%+200%+10%)*50%=205
That's how I initially thought it worked. Thanks.
I have an almost complete dps calculator (or more effectively skill sim, because it can simulate over time periods with configurable number of mobs, uptime, etc, and output proc chances of various things as well as account for shock/burn/etc) that works with both melee and ranged spells. I need to double check quite a few mechanics.
Last edited by Watlok#2219 on Feb 27, 2013, 5:38:01 PM
Physical Damage = 100*(1+100%+10%)*(1-50%)=105
Cold Damage by conversion : 100*(1+100%+200%+10%)*50%=205
That's how I initially thought it worked. Thanks.
I have an almost complete dps calculator (or more effectively skill sim, because it can simulate over time periods with configurable number of mobs, uptime, etc, and output proc chances of various things as well as account for shock/burn/etc) that works with both melee and ranged spells. I need to double check quite a few mechanics.
I see you got an answer already but I posted about this a few pages back so I thought I would bring up my post here for more reference on the question. Mark_GGG also chimed in on this subject so the findings here are conclusive.
I'll quote myself in a spoiler below since it's long and already posted. The spoiler within the spoiler (spoilception...sorry) is the quote of Mark's post on the mechanic.
So here's how modifiers are applied to damage numbers...
Glowyrm wrote:
Zakaluka wrote:
An example: Lightning Strike linked with Weapon Elemental Damage and Melee Physical Damage.
Assume the player is wielding a weapon that does 100 damage every time.
Player has Catalyze, for 50% increased elemental damage with weapons,
And a total of 40% increased physical damage (from strength, passives, and the LS skill bonus)
Assume Weapon Elemental Damage adds "60% more elemental damage with weapons"
Assume Melee Physical Damage add "30% more melee physical damage"
Also assume the player is wearing a ring that adds 4 lightning damage.
There is no "first step" and there is no "last step". The whole calculation happens at once. Each component of the damage goes through this process:
base * (1 + %increase + %increase) * (1 + %more) * (1 + %more)
Once for physical damage, once for cold, once for lit, fire, chaos.
Okay, so on to the example.
1) Physi remaining after the conversion: 100 * 50% * (1 + 40% [IPD]) * (1 + 30% [MPD]) = 91 physi.
2) Lightning converted from physi. All physical bonuses apply as well as all lightning bonuses, because the damage is physi at first but then becomes lit: 100 * 50% * (1 + 40% [IPD] + 50% [catalyze]) * (1 + 30% [MPD]) * (1 + 60% [WED]) = 198 lit
3) Lightning damage from accessories: 4 * (1 + 50% [catalyze]) * (1 + 60% [WED]) = 10 lit
Total damage: 91 phys, 208 lit.
So the thing to take away from this is that all of the mods apply to BASE numbers.
The way I personally was doing before was applying mods to Physical, getting an answer, then doing the conversion. I was ending up with different numbers than you and Mark. I now see that I was wrong.
In reality, what the game does is take the 100 Physical damage, convert 50% of it to Lightning making it 50 Lightning damage.
So now you have 100 and 50 to apply the mods to.
It's very simple when you look at it the way Mark did it in his post here...
Mark_GGG wrote:
I have glacial hammer converting 50% of my physical damage to cold damage, and Cold to Fire converting 50% of my cold damage to fire damage.
Lets say my weapon deals 100 physical damage (in actuality there'll be two numbers, an minimum and a maximum, but we only need to do the maths once for the example, it's applied exactly the same to both).
I have:
10% Increased Physical Damage
20% Increased Elemental Damage
5% Increased Cold Damage
15% Increased Fire Damage
My weapon's base damage is 100 physical.
50% of this will be converted to cold
50% of that (25% of the total) will be converted again to fire.
The physical damage will be affected only by the physical damage increase, for a 10% increase.
The cold damage will be affected by physical, elemental and cold increases, for a total 35% increase (10 + 20 + 5).
The fire damage is affected by physical, elemental, cold and fire increases, for a total 50% increase (10 + 20 + 5 + 15).
50 of the base damage ends up being physical, with a 10% increase applied = 55 Physical Damage
25 of the base damage ends up being cold, with a 35% increase applied = 34 Cold Damage (33.75 rounds up)
25 of the base damage ends up being fire, with a 50% increase applied = 38 Fire Damage (37.5 rounds up)
That shows that he took the 100 Physical, converted 50% of it to Cold (total now 50 Physical / 50 Cold) and then converted 50% of that Cold to Fire (total now 50 Physical / 25 Cold / 25 Fire). He then took the 50/25/25 and applied any applicable mods to those numbers. Conversions are affected by mods that would normally affect them AND the mods that would affect what they were converted from.
I'll break down your example exactly as Mark did it so people can relate the 2 posts and maybe understand it better. The big difference between the examples is that we are working with the "more" type mods in this one as well as a +Integer mod.
Here are the mods from your example:
50% Increased Weapon Elemental Damage
40% Increased Physical Damage
60% More Weapon Elemental Damage (Weapon Elemental Damage Gem)
30% More Physical Damage (Melee Physical Damage Gem)
+4 Lightning Damage Integer
Using a weapon with a base damage of 100 Physical
50% of this will be converted to Lightning via Lightning Strike skill
The Physical Damage will be affected by the Physical Damage increase and Physical Damage Gem, for a 40% * 30% increase (remember 1 is an "increased" mod and the other is a "more" mod, meaning they aren't additive with each other).
The Lightning Damage will be affected by the Physical increase / Physical Gem and Elemental Weapon increase / Elemental Weapon Gem, for a 90% * 60% * 30% increase (2 of the mods are "increased" mods so we add them: 50 + 40 = 90. The last 2 mods applicable here are "more" mods so they are multiplied).
The Lightning Integer will be affected by Elemental Weapon Damage increase and Weapon Elemental Damage Gem, since it adds itself to the weapon being using for the attack skill, for an increase of 50% * 60%
50 of the base damage ends up being Physical (as shown at the start due to the conversion from Lightning Strike), with a 40% * 30% increase applied = 91 Physical Damage (50 * 1.4 * 1.3 = 91)
50 of the base damage ends up being Lightning, with a 90% * 60% * 30% increase applied = 198 Lightning Damage (50 * 1.9 * 1.6 * 1.3 = 197.6)
|____________ G . L . O . W . Y . R . M ____________|
< My PoE career highlight, Being beat by Throzz, hehe >
||||||\\\\\~ ~/////||||||
Last edited by Glowyrm#3324 on Feb 27, 2013, 10:34:34 PM
If an enemy is suffering from a DoT and I modify the amount of damage they take from that DoT (by cursing them to take more damage from DoTs or reducing resistances through Elemental Equilibrium), do I have to re-apply the DoT or is the damage automatically boosted?
Kind of important because I'm considering a Rightous Fire build that uses Leap Slam with added lightning and cold damage with Elemental Equilibrium. The idea is to jump at the enemies, give them -50 fire resists, then melt them with the RF fire aura. Would kind of be lame though if I had to jump at them, jump away, then jump at them again.