Path of Exile Community Designed Unique - Part 1 - Select the Base Item!

What item type should the community designed unique be on?

Poll closed
To be honest i'd really love a physical bow with a "thicket bow" as base. the only phys bow viable for "end game" is lioneyes and we all know what happens when you use it <.< ... but with the options we have, id chose a ammy or a flask, a ES flask would be damn nice, idk why people want another belt Ziggy already said that there are 1-2 rustic sash uniques coming up in patches soon., so theres no point to make another one..
Last edited by Kageyosh1#3433 on Nov 20, 2014, 11:46:59 PM
item type = belt - not even close
belt type = rustic - duurrrrrr

now skip to the week 3 poll
sesquipedalias wrote:
MortalKombat3 wrote:
Yeah, it should be a unique like:
X% more armour (probably 500-1000%)
Armour protect against any damage
Resistances become zero

Isn't this like saying "100% of all other damage types is converted to physical damage"?

Not quite. Elemental damage converted to physical couldn't inflict status effects.

edit: also, converting chaos damage to physical would make it no longer bypass ES
Last edited by tomal79#4728 on Nov 21, 2014, 12:03:36 AM
gloves <3

right now there are like 0 useable unique gloves which is kinda sad imo (except maligaros and acuity)
Ornstein wrote:
gloves <3

right now there are like 0 useable unique gloves which is kinda sad imo (except maligaros and acuity)

either a summoner belt or summoner gloves
Vote flask guys we need a ruby flask called Kaom's Draught that sets you on fire.
Kaom had a healthy appetite
Which he quenched with a fiery draught

Don't be caught up in bling hypu.
I vote for a amu, but it looks like only belt have a chance :-))

New MF Amu:
10% chance a legacy unique drops (when uniqur drop)
If Legacy unique drop, one unique will be removed randomly from your stash

(and than we hope that a crap unique is removed :-)) )
One MF belt/amu would be good

-10% Item Rarity
-10% Item Quantity
-5% More Currency Item Drop
-5% lesser chance to drop gems

Vote rustic sash belt 2014
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.

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