Path of Exile Community Designed Unique - Part 1 - Select the Base Item!

What item type should the community designed unique be on?

Poll closed
if this is a comunity unique belt
the best way to do it is too make something that every build / caracters can use
make it the more polyvalent it can be

somthing that every one needs like

+ x% lightning res by power charge
+ x% fire res by endurance charge
+ x% cold res by frenzy charge
you can't have more than X charges at the same time


+ X to lvl of gems on this item
+ x to quality of gem on this item

you can't use item that have more than X linked socket ( 4 link BOR is considered 7 linked )
have one socket ( or 2 linked socket )
all equiped socket is link with gems on this item
you can't change the socket color


this item is always corrupted
you can't use item that have more than X linked socket
this item grant you lvl 20,20% xx ( xx is a gems chose randomly in the gems pool )
all equiped socket is link with this gems

/IGN OeilDeNuits /

Warband shop :
Last edited by OeilDeNuit#4453 on Nov 26, 2014, 9:45:15 AM

chastity belt
have one socket
can't place any gems on this item
+ 500 armor
red socket grant you bloody footprint

blue socket grant you reflect x % of melée physical attackers

/IGN OeilDeNuits /

Warband shop :
Last edited by OeilDeNuit#4453 on Nov 26, 2014, 3:53:36 PM
So what's the plan now? Where's the second phase of the poll?
"What's do you what?" - Kira of the Maraketh
would be cool to see some flat elemental damage on a unique belt and make it a %stun duration belt so its a good candidate for corrupting
Unique Rustic Sash
Cannot be chilled or frozen
Cannot be shocked
Cannot be burned
Immune to bleeding or corrupting blood
25% all resist

Nuff said, we need a belt like this one!! Who agrees? =)
Standard IGN: LaHhRip
I have an idea I would personally love to see. Whilst I haven't read over the previous comments, I have a vague idea of balancing idea! Basically I play a "full" aura support self designed build and I have found a few things. 1) I barely ever see players in parties with over 5 aura's. 2) There are no current patch build guides. 3)Only one guide I have seen could solo atziri. 4)The aura tank's I have seen nearly all used IIR/IIQ culling strikes for increased unique drop chance etc. here's my idea:

Cloth Belt : (15 to 25)% increased Block and Stun Recovery

Potential other mods:
*Self applied modifiers
1. 5%+ increased movement speed, [not necessarily global, as I find my character speed is very important.] (Or I would not be able to survive or weave in between members to offer support with my rejuvenation + decoy totems.)
2.+10 to all attributes, [or another attribute modifier of ideally strength or, evasion.] (This would allow a slight ease in gear requirements levelling up, and would save 2 or 3 skill points to allow slightly more diversity in the passive tree.)
3. +6% - 12% elemental resistances, [Again to ease your equipment requirements. ]
4. +%? to chaos resistance - [This would be great as it's considerably hard to passive spec. chaos resistance into my build until after level 70!]
5. Increased aura radius/ Increased aura effect. ] (self explanatory!)
6. 1-3% less mana reserved [even 1% on the current tree would allow me to far more freely cast. It would also enable a top level arctic armour! Hopefully after the patch there will be about 2% life unreserved, if not this would be a tremendous help.]

The elements I would prioritise the most however are those that aid the party. E.g.
7. Pretty much any positive multiplier to totems, as with so many resources reserved it is the only way to repeatedly cast.
8. Potentially a new idea, 1-3% increased global experience gain
9. I can imagine this might have balancing issues. But, potentially add 1-3% quality to global equipment.gems/???
10. A high mana regeneration mod would be very good for party play, but the self sacrifice of being irrelevant.
11.*Or like +1-3% to global maximum mana
12. Global Defence... E.g. Global speed / block defences / dodge / evasion / armour / ES. any positive mod! :)
13. Maybe even +1-3% maximum global elemental resistance
14. As is already often found on belts, 10% increased Global Flask effect duration / flask effects - but as a smaller scale global version.
15. For example, 15% global critical multiplier or a small global example of any popular crit. modifiers.
So obviously, we would have far more modifiers here than one unique belt. Yet to consider the level of the belt, what are we sacrificing for gain, how many mods is reasonable? Remembering my main priority as an aura tank is my party.
E.G. I run 20/20 Generosity & 20/20 Clarity, as I think it's one of the most helpful uses of an aura tank, especially with no mana pool!
E.G. 2 I also have to acquire all the mana & buff related nodes, so there is very little room left for other skills. Grabbing my other notable passives until level 90 I wouldn't be able to invest in totem passive notables. But it would be incredibly useful for cast speed & effect...

So potential ideas for one belt are:

(15 to 25)% increased Block and Stun Recovery)
1. 5% [or more] move-speed, small yet very useful!
3./4. Either some chaos resistance or some elemental resistance.
5. E.g. 5-10% increased effect of auras you cast, or radius. Again useful.
----> OR 7. +6% totem cast speed & +4% totem effect
14. +5% increased Global Flask effect duration
15. -5% global flask charges consumed?

Issues I thought about here is that, what level would the item be? For instance here you would be receiving a little speed, resistances, aura boost, and more flasks. Though the percentages aren't very high many people could choose this as a levelling item? I would like it more directed at the benefits of the party without being biased/unbalanced...

More rational design, and would still be great for functionality.

(15 to 25)% increased Block and Stun Recovery)
1. (2 to 6)% global increased movement speed
2. (3 to 7)% increased effect of auras you cast [ Is it effect? I don't want the mana reserved to increase... ]
3. (5 to 10)% increased radius of auras you cast
4. +(5 to 15) to all attributes
5. Players recover mana 40% - 65% slower?

For this belt I have the idea it would be around level 40 - 45. By this point you will have your totems, and all gear until level 68 equipped. In this particular belt there are two features to note. Namely there is no resistances, for an average player this will be difficult to handle - but for an aura tank it should be no issue. This for me is a pleasant factor as if you are using the unique as theorised you would not have the re-percussion. [Although I would not deny additional resistance!] Secondly, the 40%-65% slower mana regeneration though I am not *exactly* sure on a balanced amount. The idea however is that it's enough to slow a player's mana regeneration down by a third to half speed. Therefore only characters reserving most their mana on 3+ auras, and using totems will not be dissuaded from using the belt. I like the sound of this setup, as it does emphasise how particularly levelling from 45 - 66 you do require party play. It would only be in a party the true effects of this belt would be felt! The flavour text could be so cool...

I have an idea I would personally love to see. Whilst I haven't read over the previous comments, I have a vague idea of balancing and an idea! Basically I play a "full" aura support self designed build with much inspiration

1) I barely ever see players in parties with over 5 aura's.
2) There are no current patch build guides.
3)Only one guide I have seen could solo atziri.
4)The aura tank's I have seen nearly all used IIR/IIQ culling strikes for increased unique drop chance etc. here's my idea:

I forget what they call the items that level with you but this is an example.
Level 45 unique cloth belt:
(15 to 25)% increased Block and Stun Recovery)
+(5 - 15) to all attributes

+(2 - 4)% chaos resistance OR** another useful mod like flask recovery rate/reduced charges used... This mod is changeable/not necessary but desirable.

0.35% [Global if possible] increased movement speed per 5 levels.
..........[+3% at lvl. 45... 4% at lvl.60 ... 5% at level 75 ... 6% at level 90 & 7% at level 100.]

0.45% increased effect of auras you cast per 5 levels.
..........[+3% at lvl.40, 4% at lvl.45, 5% at lvl.60, 6% at lvl.70, 7% at lvl.80, 8% at lvl.90 & 9% at lvl.100.]

0.45% increased radius of auras you cast per 5 levels.
..........[+3% at lvl.40, 4% at lvl.45, 5% at lvl.60, 6% at lvl.70, 7% at lvl.80, 8% at lvl.90 & 9% at lvl.100.]

Players recover mana (30 - 50) % slower.

Yeah! There are no resistances, but because as an aura tank you should have good resists it should not be an issue. Whilst it would deter some players, mostly melee, it is a given down side for specific bonuses. [ 3 x purities & buffs and rare + resists wand, boots, amulet & 1 ring should get good resistances.]
Thankfully the 15 - 45 attribute points freed up allow a few more passive spec points, for instance to reach a totem notable cluster.
Finally, the mana regeneration is added as the flip side to this unique. Characters who aren't full aura support casting totems will struggle for not sufficient benefits. But for an aura build, by level 68 you will either be reserving most mana and casting with blood magic, or have no mana and casting on life... So I think that unique factor would make it a great choice to expand some more out of the traditional box!
How about something like:

Unique chain belt
-No ES recharge delay
-ES only recharges when standing still and not attacking

Think I got the idea from a spy dagger in TF2
Last edited by shaokim#6144 on Dec 2, 2014, 7:32:09 AM
Movement skills do 50% more damage against monsters (might be an issue in pvp)

No other way to fix them to actually do damage.
50% more damage on movement skills?

Do you want to make flicker strike even more damagy ?

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