Vaal Fragment Changes in 1.2.4d

I can understand not wanting to RIP bazaars/courtyards as much as not ripping Museums. But you missed the entire point. The point was that this would be a cheap and easy way to farm fragments. For the low cost of 3 transmutes (negligible), 30-40 alts(3-4 chaos), and 3 vaal orbs(5-6ish chaos and probably rising) you can potentially make 4 complete sacrifice sets. That's less than what one full set currently sells for. Is it a profitable juncture? Well depends on how the market reacts to the change.

Did you consider the fact, that Vaal orbs do more with maps that just corrupting it and leaving it untouched otherwise? Sure, it might get unIDd, then again, it might aswell get 8 mods (and possibly make it unplayable for some specs? say blood magic for CI?), cutting your possible fragments in half or just change the map level u por down, cutting you possible fragments by two thirds...

seems to me like the change isnt gonna do much, docks will still be faster, more reliable and not currency dependant way of farming fragments.
More often than not, corruptions do absolutely nothing. Did I consider that you might lose a vaal orb or two? Absolutely. Did I say that it was cheaper than farming docks? Absolutely not. But it is more efficient. As part of my preparation for the change, I actually rolled out about 11 museum maps. Five of them were unchanged, two went unidentified, and the rest went yellow. The worst possible scenarios didn't happen, which in this case would be either gaining a level (turning it into a single boss map) or becoming unplayable by my character (I can play almost all map mods, so an unidentified blue map doesn't spook me). So even if I do miss the occasional time, I didn't miss in 11 consecutive tries. That's a pretty low margin for failure any way you slice it.

But you're still missing the point. I'm suggesting that this is a viable option and I have proven it. If you don't like it, or do not wish to tread that path I'm not going to bang you over the head and force you to. Neither was that my intention. My intention was to prove the changes viability since people seem to think that this change offers nothing for your investment.
Last edited by ghoulavenger#0583 on Nov 12, 2014, 2:28:59 AM
ghoulavenger wrote:
I did. I showed proof too. And I'm dirt poor for a level 93 character.

youve just spent MORE on these maps than cost of buying entire set.

this change is not live yet. noone knows how 'rare' these frags are going to be. it might be 90% chance or it might be GGG% chance (around 5%). investing 5 vaal orbs and tons of lesser currency (that ADDS UP! just check how much you spend rolling maps and quickly compute how many % of guaranteed 6Link that is) for an unknown chance at getting something that can CURRENTLY be bought cheaper is.. not the most effective use of resources

but - vaaling cartho makes sense.

anyway, it is all pointless as people (bots..) will still farm low lvl areas using hacks and sell frags en masse. this change is a no-change
Yes I did. And no I don't feel guilty about it. And even if it doesn't pay off like I expect it to (which it very well should, with just those 5 maps that didn't get changed alone) those maps can still be run for their normal currency drops (because you don't get currency penalties in end game content), which I'm currently debating. So all in all, I don't think I really lost anything so long as I keep to my investment.

The only way I'm going to end up boned out of this deal, is if the chance to drop sacrifice pieces is insignificant. If that's the case though, then GGG is wasting everyone's time with this change. I'm willing to gamble a bit to think that GGG has better sense than that.

And you're also absolutely right, I don't think it'll stop bot farmers, or people that actually enjoy being exploitive to stop. But on the plus side, it does make it easier for me to mass frags if I want to.

Oh, and speaking of 6Ls, I already have two.
My Staves

Last edited by ghoulavenger#0583 on Nov 12, 2014, 2:30:45 AM
The lolz . Did GGG hire J.Willson or something , this is ridiculous .
R.I.P 4.B.
Last edited by tryhardgg#7333 on Nov 12, 2014, 2:32:38 AM
Chaos156 wrote:
I don't like this change, but for a different reason than most of the players here.
I really liked the design decision GGG made and had hoped that they stand by it.

Maps are already a "do only one thing and get multiple benefits"-thing. By running maps you get:

1) Access to more maps
2) Experience
3) Items/Currency

Ahaha oh boy
If I dont reply to you - I dont give a flying duck about your opinion

If you dont reply to me - I dont care either because I dont come back to see who replied to me
p0t wrote:
This is simply a buff to people that can afford to run high quant, vaaled maps already. Nobody is gonna alt spam a map for double boss, then Vaal it for a chance at items worth 1 chaos.

I will spam for twinned & vaal every Bazaar from now on. For the chance of 6 items worth more than a chaos.

also cartobox:

I also have arond 90+ vaal orbs piled up in two leagues, as I dont use them in the way other players do (hate the irreversible gambling on gems, so I seldom use them, mostly just to vaal certain boxes)

This activities will get me an Atziri run now and then. When ill actually want to chain Apex runs, ill still buy frags from lower players / farmers (as I've been doing in the past days)
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
Last edited by morbo#1824 on Nov 12, 2014, 3:16:29 AM
lethal_papercut wrote:

says hi.

It's still a ~350dps bow. Doesn't make it less powerful now that better alternatives are more feasible. Plus it's super cheap now.
Shop closed until further notice. Check out my Dominus musical tribute instead:
Clever and Nice change!!!
Give us more vaal orbs pls, i love vaal orb :)

IM not against trading at all, and in fact love the concept of trade economies. However in POE, i only trade for what i absolutely must, because its crazy sad how much it currently sucks.[/quote]

Trading sucks indeed but only when it comes to items. Orb trading is easy. Ratios are pretty much set so there's not much tedium in it. I really don't get all this crying for Vaal drops...Just trade the damn things..
Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy.


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