More Content Update 1.2.2 Information

Vankesidi wrote:
Levels of daily missions - cool. I'm playing with mara'58 and the dailies is 41-42, that's silly.
Cast on Melee Kill Support Gem - Rampage for everyone outside of the league :)

Ya no kidding. I'm level 75 and Masters that are barely into level 5 the Daily Missions are 36-38. To do Vociri (sp) missions I literally have to remove my supports to get back to a 2-link to not wipe the screen, unless I get lucky and get "kill everything".
what about a 24h changing sale on skill effects :)?
Fhedaykin wrote:
Masters can sell decorations to you while they're in towns.

sorry to say, but: MOST IMPORTANT CHANGE :-)

Fhedaykin wrote:
Masters can sell decorations to you while they're in towns.

sorry to say, but: MOST IMPORTANT CHANGE :-)

"Man, it's like we're fighting housewives and their equipment." - Millennium
Thank you so much for decoration purchases outside of hideouts thank you thank you thank you :D
Some sweet love for Cast on kill, gotta love all these awesome updates keep the good works! :)
Chris wrote:
Masters can sell decorations to you while they're in towns.

Praise the Lord, Chris! :O

No longer do I have to sacrifice 5-20k Reputation JUST to buy ONE Tree! :'(
A great day...
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Cool stuff, but seriously, bow movement skill gem when?
This is shaping up to be my bpe (best patch ever).

Pets in hideout
More xp per mission
Decorations from town

me likey!
So...I see some Quality of life improvements to the new content that was just released; how about some love for the long neglected stuff?

Such as:

1. Add Item Level to items. (Dozens of ways this can be accomplished)(hover pointer + alt?)

2. Right click orb, Shift click on Lock Boxes to craft them in our inventory.


Games great, still waiting for amazing :)
At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul...

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