[1.2] KuteKitteh’s Tanky Arcer, 20k+ Effective DPS, Atziri/HC-viable. Poor-man’s BM Arc included
Hey, I've been running the same build and I'm enjoying it however, I do think my sheet dps is low too. You say that it should be 9-10kish, is that sheet dps or after the ele weakness etc?
Im still level 73, still yet to get the last two block nodes (2% and 4%) and the remaining hp/unwavering. I also understand that my gems arent max level nor is empower level 1 or 2; yet my sheet dps is like 4.7k:
![]() Here is a list of my gear
I was doing some 70 maps and my dps just felt.. weak. Clearly my gear set etc is a work in progress, but am I really half your suggested dps? What can I do to become more pr0 at pew pewing. Do let me know if im missing anything in the post you might need to further investigate etc. |
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So I managed to come across this:
Do you think it is viable to work into the build? How would you do it? Is it worth it? I'm in a hardcore league so this kind of survivability would be incredible, but obviously challenging to manage with resistance requirements. |
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Did I hear you correct when you said we should have 1000-1500 unreserved mana? With clarity, tempest shield, and haste running I'm at 650. With discipline I'm at 810. How the heck? Here is my gear...
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Level 78 at 4.3k sheet dps with 4L level 17+1 gems using all damage node on your tree. 3.8k life with 138% max life nodes.
Detailed stats
![]() Will have to go to the full image to see sheet dps and skill choices.
Pretty sure I can get much better non-unique gear except for the belt for cheap, but I've been lazy.
Loot Filter -- https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1490867 Filter Parser -- https://github.com/ffhighwind/Path-of-Exile-Filter-Parser Last edited by ffhighwind#6187 on Sep 1, 2014, 12:08:58 AM
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A slight variation that's been working really well for me:
I dropped Immortal Call from my CWDT setup, and in its place, put Cold Snap instead. This skill REALLY shines with the lvl 20 Elemental Proliferation from the Doryani's Catalyst, often chilling or freezing entire segments of the battlefield at once. The Endurance charges can then be kept for smoothing out physical damage spikes, which is one of the bigger dangers to this build that I've found. Since the Doryani's Catalyst is so good anyway, it may as well be used to its fullest potential. Also, that flash from Immortal Call popping up all the time is really, really annoying. >.> Last edited by Myrkabah#6402 on Aug 31, 2014, 10:26:10 PM
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" Interesting...be cool to here so more thoughts and ideas on using this item to its full potential. I just got one of these too! |
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Sweet thing to do is use Poacher's Mark when farming lower level places for quick and easy 1-2k DPS increase with frenzy charges :) Pretty fun.
Not really viable.. but it's fun and could be a potential skill in the future with some theocrafting. "Good thing they nerfed the carto, it wasn't fun to find one in every map." - Haborym
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Level 80 with the build now, having a blast.
I'm working on picking up more life and Unwavering Stance, but I'm also eyeing the Sovereignty aura cluster. Have you tried it out? What are your thoughts on it? Rough calculations have me gaining 350 additional unreserved mana from my pool of 3200 (from 770 up to 1100), so its been really tempting. Standard: ArcingTalon
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Hey guys, sorry about the delay. I've been moving back into my dorm so there's been a bit of hassle and time drain there. I won't be able to respond as promptly with schoolwork but I'll try my best.
"Put arc on a 5L, try to use added lightning damage or empower level 3 if those exist yet. "One, use dual-curse. Please use it. Two, it's all in the gem levels and gem quality. Also in the fact that my gear is decent enough for me to take additional damage nodes. "Oh trust me, I've tried theorycrafting a MoM + EB + AA + LC + Block build. Lightning coil murders options: 1. You have to use PoL (less unreserved mana!) 2. You can't use an ES chest (even less unreserved mana!) 3. You can't run a 5L arc. 4L arc on Geo/vertex with lpen + fc + se gives about 8-10% less DPS than the 5L setup. 4. You have to use a geofri/vertex (no HP helmet) Lightning Coil really tightens the build and murders options while decreasing overall sustainability and DPS. I like to keep my builds flexible, hence why this is doable with an average-roll rathpith and without a cloak of defiance. "The level of your RM gems will help a ton. Anyways, the deal is: if you're feeling like you'll take big hits or lots of DPS, don't run either haste or disc. If you're feeling like that extra sustainability will help and that you won't be taking hard hits, run disc. If you're in non-hazardous situations, just do Haste. I say 1000-1500, but with Haste I have like 800-900 unreserved depending on my gear and that's fine for most non-hazardous situations. "I would drop the prismatic for a doedre's. That prismatic isn't doing much for you, and you can get the res from your boots which have a lot of room for improvement. "I've run EP-CS before and it's nice. The problem with cold snap is that due to the nature of freeze mechanics, it's pretty much impossible for your cold snap to effectively freeze high-HP targets, and otherwise it will freeze them for an insignificant amount of time unless you've got a high-level CS, in which case the CWDT would have to be high-level too. IC is necessary for survival, that combo's saved my butt a billion times. The build doesn't rely on crowd control for defense because CC will fail. "Resistances. EWing that resist multiplier will be way better than the frenzy's cast speed. "If you want it, go for it. I just find no interest in auras for this build because it's very arbitrary, and when I need unreserved mana (e.g. dom smash or other super hard hits) I just toggle off haste/disc. [2.2] KuteKitteh's CI EA Regen Tank - Durable w/10k ES, instant clear, EZ-Atziri, affordable!: /1625757
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nvm keep up the good work :D
Last edited by Zippaca#7618 on Sep 1, 2014, 3:10:41 AM
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